9th. I'm kinda suprised that I haven't seen anyone try this scene yet. I know that everyone's doing the kiss scenario. But this scene caught my attention.

So here it is; it's gonna be both Castle and Beckett's point of view, on the moment in THAT PROMO, when she slams the guy into the glass. If you haven't seen it, you really need to check that out.

Did I say *SPOILER ALERT* already, oops, my bad.

Disclaimer: Duh, I'm 17 and don't even have the money to fix my own car.

Is it January 24th yet?

Castle's Point of View

"She was pretty tasty."

Castle was fairly certain those two seconds were the longest and scariest seconds of his life. Though for the longest seconds of his life; he wasn't quite sure as to how they seemed to go by so fast. He didn't have a moment to give it another thought, because in the third second he was on his feet; his body reacting before his mind even comprehended what was going on.

In his haste to reach Beckett, he almost flipped over the interrogation table along with the chairs that were already turned upside down. He paused, only for a moment, trying to calculate the best way to pull Beckett off of Vulcan. Before he could act, Ryan and Esposito barged in and jumped between the two, while Rick threw caution to the wind and wrapped his arms around Beckett's waist.

But Kate Beckett was not one to be restrained as she lunged once more for the man Ryan and Esposito currently had by the shoulders. Rick would have lost his grip if Captain Montgomery had not decided to run in right at that moment and help him wrestle Beckett out of the room; her screaming profanities all the way out.

Once they managed to maneuver her into the elevator, and the Captain was certain Rick could keep her under control; he turned on his heel and walked back towards interrogation to help clean up the mess. He was also playing with the thought of finishing the job that Beckett has started; it's what a guy like that deserves.

Rick turned to look at her only once on the ride down, and saw how close she was to losing it. He knew she couldn't break down here in front of everyone, so he respected her space.

"Keys," he stated simply once they had reached the car outside, and was less than surprised when she surrendered them without argument.

Once inside the car, the walls she had built up specifically for this purpose came crashing down; Rick reached over and place a hand on her thigh helplessly. She intertwined their fingers, thankful for the support as gut wrenching sobs overtook her body. Rick threw the car in gear with one destination in mind; and texted Esposito for the address, removing his hand from Kate's just for a moment to do so.

"147, S. 3rd St, Brklyn. Hows she hldn up?" was the response he received no more than a minute later.

He quickly texted back, with after years of experience, he could do without taking his eyes of the road. "Thanks, and as good as can be expected. I'm hoping this will help a little."

"Aight tk care of her bro."

"Always, and deck that guy once for me."

He didn't receive a response after that. Hoping that Esposito took his request seriously and was fulfilling it, he slid the phone back into his pocket and snuck a glance over to Beckett to find her drifting off to sleep. Thankful that she could at least get a quick nap he turned up the radio just a tad, slipped his hand back into hers and rode the rest of the way in quiet contemplation.

"Beckett," he called once they had reached their destination. "Kate," He tried again gently squeezing her knee with the hand that she still had a hold of, even in her unconscious state. She sat up somewhat startled, before the events of the day dawned on her, and she slumped back in her seat a little. She looked out the window to take in her surroundings, and turned back to look at Castle; confusion gracing her features.

"Don't worry I called ahead."

"How did you.." she croaked, but he cut her off.



"Because I know if something like this happened with Alexis that I would want her to come to me first, and I secretly hope that she would be in need of the comfort only a dad can provide."

All Kate could do was give a small smile at his thoughtfulness. She peered over Castle's shoulder, out the window; to where her dad was walking down the front porch steps.

She leaned over and gave Castle a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before she threw the door open and stepped out. With Castle no more than a few inches behind her, and his hand encouragingly on the small of her back; she walked into her dad's waiting arms.


On a side note: I don't know how far away her dad lives, I just kinda guessed.

Thanks for reading kids,

Much Love

-Anna Lee