OMG! Castle in one freaking hour! I had to get this up for you all, because this will 99.9% likely be my last chapter, hence Knockdown is on in less than ONE HOUR! So speculation after that would probably prove no point. Unless I do a follow up or something, we'll see.

Anyways here it is. Esposito and Ryan's (and kind of Montgomery's) P.O.V. I'm not really happy with this, so I might make adjustments later. Just keep a heads up for it.

Disclaimer: If I owned, why would I be freaking out over this episode right now? I would have already seen it, there would be no need for this story and... you know what. Nope it's not mine.

If it had been anyone else looking through the mirror of the observation room, they would have described the scene as just another routine interrogation. But these two knew it was anything but that, in fact it was probably the farthest thing from it. They knew how much this one meant, and that Beckett wanted this one with a vengeance. That's why they were in the room to begin with; to act as moral support for their, for all intents and purposes, sister; and to make sure it went off without a hitch.

However, even the two trained detectives, couldn't catch the warning signs fast enough. The impact of a body into the glass had the duo jumping to the back of the room, in fear of being hit by shattered glass. When they felt no shards hitting their skin, they looked up to find the window still somewhat intact, just looking a little worse for wear. Deciding to jump in before the whole window fell through, the two turned their attention to each other, contemplating their next move, only for a moment before sprinting the short distance to put a stop to the ordeal.

"Castle, grab her would you?" Esposito shouted as they busted through the door. Knowing that he was probably the only one she would forgive for physically trying to stop her. Seeing Castle struggle with tying to find the right approach, he nodded to Ryan to take initiative. The duo got a hold of Vulcan rather easily; he wasn't putting up much of a fight, knowing that he would risk more charges if he did, but it was probably in his best interest that they were in between him and Beckett.

Ryan stumbled forward slightly as he took a blow to his right shoulder. "Damn, I forgot Beckett can pack a punch, that one's gonna bruise."

Montgomery had picked the right time to look up from his phone call to the Mayor's office. Seeing Beckett slam him into the glass had him up and out of his chair, forgetting all about the Mayor or the fact that he hadn't hung up. He rushed in to see Beckett land two punches, only one however hitting its mark. Seeing Castle almost lose his grip, he grabbed her by the shoulders and helped Castle escort her to the elevator.

Ryan and Esposito sat Vulcan back down and stuck their heads out of the door, catching the last glimpse of Castle and Beckett before the elevator doors slid close. Figuring that the suspect wasn't going anywhere for a while, they stepped out into the hallway to meet the Captain halfway.

"So what now?" Ryan spoke up. Once they got over the shock that came with seeing Beckett lose complete control.

"Finish questioning him, he knows more than he's letting on. Maybe we'll get a confession out of him, and hopefully he won't press assault charges." The Captain answered in a stern controlled voice, this case was having an effect on everyone, some just knew how to hide it better.

"Well he might, if we go back in there and finish what she started." Esposito countered, clenching his fists in anger.

"Hey, I want to shoot this scumbag just as much as you do, but harassing your only lead won't get us anywhere closer to solving this. Now go do your job," He paused considering his next words. "For Beckett."

The turned to go back after he offered his closing advice, when Esposito's phone rang, alerting him of a new text message. He read it then turned the phone so Ryan could as well. After they found the address, and made sure Beckett was okay; the two shared a look, mentally preparing themselves for this, and opened the door.

"So Mr. Simmons," Esposito started.

"Are you confessing to the murder of Johanna Beckett?" Ryan continued.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold up now. First that bitch tries to throw me through a window, and then you come up in here and accuse me of murder. What kind of place are you running here?"

"One that doesn't take bull from people like you, now answer the question!" Esposito threatened.

"I never said I killed her."

"Then what was your involvement?"

They both knew this guy was up to his eyeballs in involvement and cover-ups. He'd dug his hole deep, and now they had to figure out how to get him out of it, with the info they needed.

"Look, boss just had me following her around for a few months, to get her routine down." The duo shared a look of ascendancy, they had him now. They turned back as he continued "To see what she knew about our arrangement, you know?"

"And," Ryan prodded.

"And what, that's my involvement. I've told you all I know; now I believe I'm free to go right?"

"Yeah, to a holding cell, stand up." Esposito commanded as he stood him up and slapped the cuffs on him.

"For what?" He questioned in disbelief.

"You just admitted to being an accessory to a murder, plus you just piss us off."

Ryan followed him out but the two took their separate ways as he headed towards the Captain's office.

"Did you get him?" He asked hopefully.

"As an accessory, for right now; but we'll get more soon enough." Ryan paused as the Captain nodded his head in acceptance. "I'd never be able to do it."

With no explanation needed the Captain answered, "I would probably have put him all the way through the window myself."

Ryan smiled slightly at this, with the assurance of knowing that they all had her back no matter what once she returned; he headed back towards the murder board to face the face of her mom once more in hopes of finding the answer.

So whose p.o.v did you think I did the best on? I'd like to know, cause I'm not sure I'm happy with Jim's or this one, but you should be the judge of that.

Thanks for reading kids,

Much Love,

-Anna Lee