THANK YOU so much to those of you, who reviewed chapter ten of this story, also congratulations to those who figured out where Mimi was before Beth said it. Also I only need four more reviews and I'll be at one hundred so I would really appreciate 4 reviews! ^_ Fuschia


Matt's POV

I watched as the sun set on the dark pavement, my hand lingered in my pocket feeling the cold metal of a loaded gun. Everyone else around me had guns in their pockets too, even Sora all though she hates violence. We all started to make our way towards the building. "Wait!" Whispered Sora sharply. "Stop,"

"What?" I asked annoyed. "It's a trap," she whispered. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "It's a trap, look up on top of the building," she whispered. I looked up and saw about six men all with guns aimed at our location. "What are we supposed to do?" I questioned. "We're calling the rest of the gang is what we're doing," said Sora pulling out her cell. "Why?" I asked. "Are you blind, if Jyoe can spare six men on the roof think of how many he has inside," she whispered while dialing numbers on cell. I looked at the men on the roof as she whispered into the phone. "This is going to be difficult," I whispered to Tai. "No shit, even if we get in think of how hard it's going to be to get back out," he replied. "I know that's what I'm worried about, not to mention finding Mimi and what they might do if we actually get to her," I said. "What do you think they'll do?" Asked Blake joining the conversation. "I'm not sure, but knowing Jyoe it won't be good," I explained.

Mimi's POV

I studied Izzy's face as he started to load his gun, they had removed Ken from my presence and replaced him with Izzy, and this wasn't going to be easy. 1. Izzy was capable of shooting me, 2. He would shoot Matt if Matt came within one hundred feet of me and 3. He has a loaded gun what more do really need to know? "I don't get it," I said staring at Izzy. "You don't get what?" he questioned still loading his gun. "I thought Jyoe was in love with me, why would he shoot me then?" I questioned. Izzy's glance fell on me. "Think about it, what's the usual thing that happens to someone who has lost a woman to someone else? If that someone can't have the woman then no one else can either. Does that answer your question if you're going to die?" he said sternly returning his gaze to his gun. "Bring it on," was all I had to say. Izzy looked back up at me. "Excuse me?" he asked. "It's like Romeo and Juliet they died in the end because their families weren't going to let them be together. I would rather die then be with Jyoe, the only one who I want to be with is Matt and obviously Jyoe is to much of a coward to except that."

Izzy raised his gun up at me aimed at my head. "Do you want to die now?" he asked angrily. "I don't have any input on this matter," I replied. His gun stayed aimed at me for a little while then he dropped it. "What can't shoot?" I questioned skeptically. "You know you're a little bit of an idiot you don't seem to care weather or not you get shot." Sneered Izzy "I don't anything's better than sitting here waiting to be rescued when I already know my fate." I explained. "What ever," he muttered under his breath and got up and left the room.

Ken snuck into the room while Izzy was out. "You're back," I exclaimed. "Ya but only for a quick while. Ishida and the others are outside; they're trying to get in. I know I'll get killed for this but I'm going to help them get you out, you deserve better and I can't have you killed." He said facing the ground. I moved closer to him and kissed his lips passionately. He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. "What was that for?" he questioned. "For helping me?" I said, he smiled and kissed me again. He reluctantly broke the kiss and stood up. He slipped something into my pocket and then undid my ties. He then retied them with some other form of string that looked identical to the bands I was already tied with. He bent down and whispered into my ear, "Just spread your wrists and ankles apart when you need to get away. And I love you." He said as he pulled his gun out of his pocket. Izzy opened the door and walked in. "What the h-" he was cut off as Ken shot his gun at Izzy, Izzy was hit and he fell to the floor. "Oh my goodness" I gasped at the motionless Izzy. "Don't get away yet when Ishida comes then do what I told you, he will nod his head." he whispered and ran out the door. I heard a few more gunshots fired and a loud scream but it wasn't from Ken. Soon the shots died down and Jyoe ran in. "What he didn't let you out?" he questioned sitting down on a chair. "No he said I would be killed if he let me go," I lied. Jyoe stood up and began circling me. "What?" I asked looking up at him. He bent down and began inspecting my ties. He picked up my hand and observed it. He then dropped it and returned to his chair. "He didn't tamper with your bands did he?" questioned Jyoe. "No," I lied once more. "Did you shoot him?" I asked looking Jyoe in the eye. "No he escaped out the door and my men missed him when they shot at him too bad I would have liked to have his gun." Explained Jyoe rolling over Izzy. He searched him until he pulled out his gun. He opened it up. "Loaded, good man Izzy." He crossed himself then put Izzy's gun in his own pocket. "Rest in Peace my friend, rest in peace."

I smiled. Jyoe looked at me with a questioning look. "What?" he asked amused that I was actually smiling. "You respect those who have died I find that impressive." I smiled. "Is it a turn on for you?" questioned Jyoe moving closer to me. "Not that impressive," I spat at his egotistic ways. He scowled at me and turned to face the wall. "You're stupid you know that, all you had to do was love me and then you would have lived but now you'll never know how far in life you could have gone." He said angrily. "You force yourself on women, what kind of man does that make you? Everyone knows you cannot force love on someone it has to develop and it has too work both ways." I explained. "Matt and you didn't develop you fell in love the moment you saw him just like every other Ishida fan," he spat. "That's not true I resisted Matt at first I convinced myself I wasn't going to get into the street racing world again. I convinced myself that I was going to stay my daddy's little girl forever but people change and they grow up. I told myself that I didn't like Matt and that he was just like Michael, and I was right Matt is just like Michael only Matt is smarter and he appeals to me more." I explained. "He loves me more," I whispered.

Jyoe turned away he pulled out his gun and stared downcast at it. "They always told me Ishida would get to me, they always told me I was a sucker for peer pressure. They always told me I would hurt someone I love. They were right." He turned around to me. "Matt is outside Mimi and when he comes in you are going to die," he explained. I looked up. "As I told Izzy bring it on."

Matt's POV

A loud door slam was heard and we all turned to see a man running out of the building. All of us reached for our guns. He ran straight towards us, shots were being fired off the roof and they were missing the guy by inches. He ran close to where we were hidden and then crept into the back alley where our cars were parked. He walked to where we were slowly and quietly. Blake held his gun up at him. "What do you want?" he asked. "Don't shoot I'm on your side." He explained raising his hands in the air. Blake didn't lower his gun. "What are you talking about you just came from inside there you're one of Jyoe's men." Spat Sora. "No I'm really not, well not anymore," he said pleadingly. Blake let his gun down. "What makes you think you're on our side?" I asked. "I can tell you anything you want to know about that building and what's going on inside the building," He explained. "What are you talking about?" I questioned. "Let me explain, I used to be Mimi's guard or the person who watches her. That was until I started to feel for her, Jyoe noticed this and sent me out and replaced me with Izzy. I snuck in while Izzy was out untied Mimi then retied her with easy to break bands. I also gave her a gun, she probably doesn't know she has that yet but she does. I then shot Izzy and escaped. Oh and another thing as soon as you step foot in the room where Mimi is, who ever is on guard will shoot her." Explained the guy. "What's your name?" I asked. "Ken," he breathed. "Do they know we're here?" I asked. "Yes," he answered. "Do they have traps set up for us?" I questioned. "No, I think they only want you inside, I'm pretty sure Jyoe wants a show down." Explained Ken. "I see," I turned to Blake to see him shaking his head left and right. "You're not going in there alone. Besides if any of us step out of our hiding spot the people on the roof will shoot at us," he explained. "I have a feeling that if Matt goes they won't shoot but if any of you follow they will," announced Ken. "Then you all have no choice but to stay," I said while walking out of our hiding spot, one shot was fired then I heard a few people yell hold your fire it's Ishida. Ken was right. My cell phone rang and I answered it. "Hello?" I questioned. "It's Ken, put your phone on vibrate so it doesn't ring when you're inside I'll guide you too the quickest root to Mimi," he explained. "Ok," I hung up the phone and set it to vibrate mode. I opened the front door and walked in. The whole place smelled of soap as if everything had been scrubbed clean. The walls and floor were pure white and at the end of the hall was a set of white double doors.

I felt my phone in my pocket and I picked it up and answered it. "Ok Ken so where do I go now?" I asked. "Are you at the double doors?" he asked. "Yeah do I go through them?" I questioned. " Yes then on the other side there should be more white doors at the end of the hallway. There will be three doors in total each one leads to a different hallway open the one to your right only, leave the other doors closed." He said. "Ok," I walked through the doors then through the door to the right it revealed a hallway full of doors with translucent windows on them. "Now which door?" I asked into the phone. "The first one to your left." He explained. "To my left," I said to myself and opened the door. It was an office with a desk a cabinet a plant and another white door. "Is she through the door in here?" I asked. "Yeah, but be careful. Jyoe won't shoot her until you're dead I know him he doesn't want to kill Mimi," explained Ken. I carefully opened the door it revealed a huge deep green storage room, the room could fit about six dump trucks in it, it was so big a tiny lamp hanging from the ceiling lit up a small part of the room where Mimi and Jyoe were. Everything else in the room was shadow. I saw Jyoe sitting on a chair and Mimi tied up to another chair parallel to him. He didn't turn around but he knew who was standing behind him. "Ishida so nice you could join us, Mimi and I were just talking about you." He exclaimed snapping his gun shut. "How nice, my friends and I were just talking about you," I said walking towards them. "Don't come to close Matt you don't want any accidents to happen do you?" he questioned raising his gun and aiming it at Mimi's head. I heard Ken whispering into the phone. "Nod your head!" he whispered sharply. I quickly nodded my head and Mimi did the same. Jyoe didn't notice but he stood up and began to walk towards me. I watched Mimi as her ankles and wrists spread apart and the ties broke. Jyoe turned around and breathed in sharply. "Don't move," I said quickly. "She and I both have guns which makes you surrounded," I explained. Mimi gave me a questioning look, I patted my jacket pocket and then she tilted her head to the right then did the same as I had done. She revealed a black gun. "You lied to me you said he didn't tamper with your bands," scowled Jyoe. "Ya like I would actually tell you the truth!" she shouted at him. "Why you little bitch!" he screamed. "What did you just call her?" I asked. "Oh you heard me," he said angrily as he turned to face me. "Shoot me Ishida, kill me now like I know you want to." He said watching my eyes narrow. I turned to Mimi she was looking at me too awaiting my decision. I picked up the phone and hung it up so the people outside couldn't listen. "Run," was all I said. "What?" asked Jyoe. "Run, to kill you wouldn't do me any good, as much as I want your head mounted on my wall I'm releasing you. The greatest punishment I can give you is to not let you die but let you live because you'll go on with your life realizing that Mimi was never yours and that she never will be. Knowing that she is with someone else will drive you insane and make me much happier than I would be if you were to die, that is the greatest punishment." I said watching the color drain from his face. Mimi ran over to me and I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Not so fast Ishida," smiled Jyoe satisfyingly, his color returned to his face and his shocked expression turned into a cocky grin. "Do you actually think I didn't know that Mimi was going to escape from her chair prison?" asked Jyoe. All of a sudden three men emerged from the shadows of the room. Each holding a gun in their hands a waiting for the moment they could use it. My mouth dropped, I think Mimi's did to but I wasn't sure because I was too afraid to look at her. I reached for the cell but a shot was fired and the phone fell to the floor in pieces. There were four of them and only two of us, no phone and no back up. My grip tightened around Mimi as she got closer to me. I could feel that she was scared too. She released me and moved forward towards Jyoe her eyes were releasing tears down the side of her cheeks. She placed her gun on the floor in front of her and raised her hands in the air. "Don't kill him,"

General POV: Outside

"I don't like how this is going he shouldn't have hung up his cell phone." Explained Ken. "What are you talking about he was about to kill Jyoe nothing could have gone wrong." Said Tai. "No you're wrong I know Jyoe he probably has men all around the room hidden. Besides it doesn't take this long to kill someone they would have been out by now," explained Ken as he pulled out his gun. "What about the men on the roof?" questioned Blake understanding what Ken was about to do. "We'll take them down," said a voice from behind the group. They all turned to see the rest of the gang standing ready to fight. "Good, better start picking them off then," said Blake. "You got it. Scatter!" said the guy as everyone ran to different parts of the alley where they could hide. Gun shots were heard then a few more until finally all the guns shots had been fired. Blake pointed a flashlight up to the roof no one was up there anymore except lifeless bodies. "Go!" yelled Ken as they all ran across into the building Ken led them towards the room where Mimi and Matt were.

Mimi's POV

"Mimi what are you doing?" Matt asked as I leaned back to face him. "Saving your ass for once," I forced a smile and bit of a laugh through tears. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "It'll cost you more pain than anything Matt but I'm going to stay here if it means you can live," she smiled. "Don't do this!" Shouted Matt. "You're a stupid girl! If you do this Mimi you'll be more unhappy then me. You hate Jyoe!"

"It's true I do but I have no other choice than for you to die Matt and I just couldn't let that happen. If I die fine but if you die it's a different story," I replied to his pleadings. "Let her do what she want's Matt," explained Jyoe with a smile on his face. "Mimi listen to me Jyoe is going to kill me if you go with him or not and you're going to die anyway either way I don't think we're going to live through this," said Matt. Just as Matt said that the door burst open and the gang ran in. I ran to Matt and pulled him to the floor as gunshots went on above us. When they stopped Matt pulled me to my feet. "Is everyone all right?" questioned Ken. "Yeah we're fine," I said picking up the gun he had given me. I turned to see Jyoe laying motionless on the floor along with the other three. "You killed him," I gasped in horror. "Yeah what did you want us to do? Ask him to play nice?" asked Blake a little cruelly. I faced him and nodded biting my lip. "Let's go someone might report us," said Matt as we walked out of the room. We walked out to the back alley and got into Matt's car. He picked up his cell phone and called Blake. "Hey it's me, um Mimi and I are going to head back home alright?" asked Matt. "Ok see ya later bro." Replied Matt as he hung up the cell. "Don't you want to go and reclaim your title?" I questioned. He laughed. "The only person I want to race is Michael and until he gets out of the hospital I'm not racing anyone," said Matt as we drove towards my house. "Was all that trying to save my ass just you making a distraction?" Asked Matt. "Yeah," I replied.

~* Three weeks later *~

Matt's POV

I pulled up down the road from Mimi's house, she said she would tell her parents she's going to Sora's house and won't be back until late then she would sneak over to where I'm parked. Sora's Mom is cool she would lie for Mimi if it meant that much to Sora. I watched as a shadowed figure slowly made her way over to my car it opened the door and jumped in. "Go before they decide to walk me there!" she shouted as I sped down the road. "How are you?" I questioned looking at her nervous stares. "My father knows," she said as we drove towards the factory. "What makes you think that?" I asked. "He said no furiously when I told him I was going over to Sora's house. He had made up his mind about it until my mom stepped into the room and ordered him to let me go out." She explained. "I see, he probably doesn't know he just has a suspicion that's all," I smiled comfortingly. "I hope that's all it is," she said watching the road. When we pulled up to the crowded factory alley Michael was already pulled up to the starting line and Sora and Tai already had a mountain of bets. "Matt, you've got eighty thousand on you as for Michael he has three hundred thousand on him," explained Tai nervously. "This is all Jyoe's fault, I have to beat Michael," I ran to my car and jumped in then pulled up to the starting line. "Good luck Matt," said Michael with his car window rolled down. "Thanks you too," I smiled, I couldn't help but smile. Blake shot the gun in the air and we were off we sped down the road, I hit the NOS button and passed the line way before Michael did. "The Champ has returned!" Yelled Blake as he ran over to hug me. Mimi ran over to me and kissed me. She then broke it off and walked over to Michael who was by himself off in the distance.

Mimi's POV

"You let him win didn't you?" I questioned looking at Michael. He raised his head and looked at me. He laughed. "I did, for you." He smiled. "What do you mean for me?" I asked. "No matter what I do Mimi you'll always be Matt's and I can't change that so the best way I can make you happy is to let it go, and to give him the title as my going away present," he smiled I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Michael broke it off and began to walk away he then stopped and turned around. "Mimi do me a favor and don't tell Matt?" He asked. "I won't," I smiled. "I love you," he shouted. I nodded and smiled then headed back towards Matt. Matt picked me up and spun me around. "So when do we get to get you in one of these cars, and let you street race?" He questioned.


Mimi's POV

People always ask me why I street race, they ask me if it's an adrenaline rush, a hobby, my own way of getting high or do I just do it for kicks. Everyone has his or her own answer to this question except me. My answer is always the sameā€¦'I have no reply to your questions because to me street racing is just, down.'

The end!!!! What did you think? Please forgive me if my grammar sucked and sorry to all of you out there who are Jyoe and Izzy fans because for this story they were the bad guys. Also I'm considering writing a sequel please tell me in your reviews weather or not I should thanks!! ^_ Fuschia