Hey people! sorry I took soooooo long but I busy, I got a few good reviews but I would like more. but either way, here is you next chapter!


Clare's Pov

he anxiously answered


"Hey Eli"

"Hey, hey! how's it been.. I mean, wow, it's been..."

"6 yrs."

"Yeah! 6 yrs... 6 yrs. So, um what's up Clare, I mean not that you need a reason to call me, um, because of course you can call me whenever you want, you know, if you just want to talk, or maybe if you just want to say 'hi' or-"



"Your rambling"

"Oh.. sorry"

"It's ok, and to answer your question, no there is no reason I called."

"Well that's great! I mean, it's cool to just talk, I don't mind"

"Good. Im glad."

"Me too." he answered nervously "So, I heard about your new book."

" Yeah. 'In Depth' it's the sequel to my first book 'The-"

" The first glass of port'. Yeah, I know, I've read it. I always knew you were a talented writer."

"Yeah... And you always had a way with words" I could almost hear him smirking sheepishly through the phone

"Yeah, well you know, it kind of helps when writing songs for your super awesome band" He replayed in a cocky manner

"Oh really, and here I was thinking it was a group effort"

"Nope, not at all"

"Well, that's good to know"

We both laughed

"So, I hear your coming to California for the book signing Friday. That should be fun"

"Yup. Just as much fun as you could have in a hotel for a month d-"

"Wait. Did you just say a month" he asked anxiously

"Yeah, after the book signing I was planning on going on a little vacation, but Im not a big fan of hotels"

"Oh. Well, If you want, I mean you can always stay with me. I mean I have a big house out here, there's a guest room, and there's plenty of room for someone else"

"Well that would be great Eli, but wouldn't your girlfriend mind?"

"Clare. Im single"

"Well than its settled, I'll be vacationing at the 'Hotel Eli''

"Good, so what about you?"

"what about me?"

"Well, are you seeing anyone?"

"No Eli. Im single too."

I hear some crashing around and muffled voices in the background.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

" yeah, no everything's fine, just Adam and the guys being jerks."

"How is Adam ? It's been a while since I've heard from him too"

"Adams good. but I think I better go, band has to practice"

"Ok. well it's been nice talking to you Eli, see you Friday"

"yeah, see you Friday, and Clare"

"Yeah Eli"

"I've really missed you"

I smiled to myself

"I've really missed you too. bye"

"bye Clare"


Eli's Pov

I can't believe it. Clare and I are going to be all alone at my house starting this Friday, and today is Wednesday!

And If I have any say in it we will be back together by Saturday.


Yay! hugs and kisses! but Im warning you, there will be smut in this next chapter. Im going to skip Thursday because neither of them do anything except Clare watches the interview. that's right people! Clare skipped the date! but I would like some ideas on how to incorporate the smut in there to any ideas would be lovely. thanks

Ollie- kisses