Title: He Can Get It.

Pairing: Kogan (Kendall/Logan) SLASH. Don't like, Don't read.

Disclaimer: I do not own the show Big Time Rush or any of the boys. (sadly)

Logan needs help with his dance moves. He needs to loosen up more. Kendall, being the wonderful best friend, decides to help Logan master his 'dance moves'.

"I'm sorry guys. I'll get it right next time, I promise" Logan said breathlessly, wiping off a bead of sweat that was trickling down his forehead. He flashed the guys a half smile before resuming his position between Kendall and James. Carlos sighed while James and Kendall shot each other looks of doubt.

The boys had been rehearsing the same dance routine for over an hour now. Honestly, the moves weren't really hard at all. In fact, it was probably the easiest dance routine they've had yet. Each one of the boys performed it perfectly, except for Logan. He easily perfected all of the moves, all of them except for the hip roll. Logan's hips were just too stiff.

"All right, but this is the last time" Gustavo said in an annoyed tone. His face was as red as a brick. He had been constantly yelling at the boys for over an hour now. He was sick of watching the guys doing the same routine over and over all because Logan couldn't get the hip roll down. Now, obviously Logan wasn't the greatest dancer of the group, but the move was just so simple. If Logan doesn't get it right this time Gustavo might expload from all of his rage. Gustavo turned his head slightly and nodded, signaling for Kelly to start the music for the 30th time that day.

Kelly rolled her eyes, but reluctantly pressed play. She silently prayed that Logan would just get the moves right so that they could all just go home and relax. The music started up and the boys stepped, twisted, and turned in time to the beat of the music. Logan slowly began to smile, noticing that he was doing great so far. Suddenly, his smile dissapeared once he realized the hip roll was coming up. He could feel beads of sweat begin to drip down his neck. He licked his lips nervously.

Just step to the right, spin, then roll hips. Just step to the right, spin, roll hips.

Logan repeated over and over in his head. Okay, this is it. It all comes down to this moment. Logan tried to swallow down his nervousness because he knows that if he doesn't get it right this time, Gustavo just might kill him. He steps to the right just in time with the beat. Logan spins in a complete circle with ease. Surprisingly, he doesn't stumble.

Now for the hip roll. Logan thinks to himself.

Logan glances over at the guys. Carlos swings his hips from side to side perfectly. James bumps and grindes his hips to the music and for a split second Logan feels a little jealous of James. He could probably get any girl he wanted with just a roll of his hips. Then Logan finally notices Kendall. Kendall slowly rotates his hips in a circle. He then begins to pick up the pace and suddenly everything Kendall does seems very seductive to Logan. The way Kendall bites his lip. The way Kendall's hair is all sweaty and stuck to his forhead. Which, just so happens to be incredibly sexy yet kind of disgusting at the same time. The way Kendall's clothes stick to his thin yet sculpted body.

Wait just a freakin minute. Did Logan just think Kendall was...sexy? What the hell?

Kendall notices Logan staring at him and he smirks knowingly. Almost as if he expected Logan to stare at him. Logan suddenly finds his jeans constricting . Becoming tighter and tighter by the second. Was Logan really getting turned on by watching his best friend dance? Nahh..not at all.

Then it's Logans turn to roll his hips. Ever so slowly, he rocks his hips back and forth. He knows he's failing misserably but he doesn't care. He just can't seem to take his eyes off of Kendall. He notices that Kendall seems to be laughing at something, but Logan doesn't know what is so funny. It was then that Logan found out Kendall seemed to be laughing at him. Along with James and Carlos, who had stopped dancing once they saw Logan rock his hips. Apparently, Logan's dance wasn't seductive at all, it was just awkward. Logan stopped dancing and looked at Gustavo, he could've sworn Gustavo had steam coming out of his ears.

Just when Logan thought Gustavo was going to walk over and strangle him, he saw Gustavo walk out of the room. Kelly followed closely behing him, telling him that everything was okay and that with a little bit more practice Logan would get the dance down...hopefully. Logan blushed bright red. He felt so embarressed. Not only had Kendall caught him staring but Kendall was also laughing at his attempt to dance. The other guys were as well.

The guys stopped laughing once they heard something get thrown at the wall. It sounded like it was glass, a vase perhaps? Suddenly, Gustavo marched into the room along with Kelly. Neither of them looked very pleased.

"...fix your friend" was all Gustavo said. The boys looked at each other with eyebrows raised, confused as to what Gustavo wanted them to do.

"He means that he wants you guys to help Logan with his...dancing" Kelly replied.

"If he doesn't master this move by tomorrow...he's out of the band" Gustavo said as he turned to leave the dance studio. The boys stood there, their mouths agape. Did Gustavo really mean that? He couldn't...could he? Before the boys had a chance to question Gustavo's request. Him and Kelly had already left the room.

The three boys turned to look at Logan, wondering how in the hell were they going to help him. If an hour of rehearsal with Gustavo yelling at him the whole time doesn't help Logan then what will? Logan shifted awkwardly under the guys' hard stares.

"So...who's gonna be the one to help Logan with his...dancing?" Kendall asked while glancing at James and Carlos. James and Carlos nevously looked at each other and without speaking a single word both of them knew what each other was thinking.

"Actually...I have some really important things I need to-" James started to say before him and Carlos took off running out the door. Kendall rolled his eyes and placed his hand on Logan's shoulder.

"Don't worry Logan, I know a way that will definitely help you master those..hip rolls" Kendall said while looking at Logan suggestively. Logan looked up at Kendall with wide eyes, wondering just what Kendall had in mind.