Note: I was "cleaning" out my folder with all the stories I've written and i came across this. I realized i didn't post this, so here i am posting it now. I remember writing this during school hours, more particularly Spanish class. I wrote this as a way to get out of learning. Thinking about it now, i don't think it was such a good idea to write this in Spanish class...i don't know how i got away with not being called on or yelled at for not paying attention. (I ussauly write during study hall) Witouth further ado my story...

To everyone he is just another boy. To all my friends he is just a little, geek boy. To the world he is just another person making up the population. To his school he is the genius kid, relied on to make up the 98 percentile. To me he was just another kid. Now, to me he is the love of my life, my world, my heart and soul.

He is the one I get up for in the morning. He is the one I care for, the one I run home to everyday. The one that gives me strength and fortitude in difficult times. The one I want, the only one I want. The one I need. He one who is my life, my world, my heart, my soul, my other half, my partner (in crime), my love, my soul mate, my mate; basically my everything. Most importantly he is my Ferb.