They're all around 23-ish.

"Where the hell are you?" A voice barked through the phone.

"Watch it, Freddifer." I warned. "I'm fifteen minutes away." I explained, hopping into my cab. I balanced the phone between my shoulder and ear, trying not to drop any of the bags Carly had insisted I find and bring her.

Which is why I'm late, but you can't argue with a pregnant girl, can you?

"Hospital." I whispered to the cab driver. He nodded, before hitting the gas.

"Well, it's girl. Considering you're usual tardiness, I can't say I'm surprised that you missed everything."

I sharply inhaled. Woah. ".. It's a girl?" I asked in awe, my heart picking up its pace.

"Yeah…" His voice held slight confusion, as if wondering why I had ignored his insult.

"Healthy? Both of them?" I asked hurriedly, worry intruding my thoughts.

"Yeah, perfect. Wait until you see-" I cut him off, not wanting to spoil the surprise.

"Be there in a sec."

I clicked my phone shut, leaning forward to speak.

"200 bucks says you can't get to the hospital in three minutes."

And with that, we were off.

"Thanks, dude." I exclaimed, uncharacteristically (for me) thanking the driver.

I threw two hundreds up front before quickly hopping out.

I ran into the hospital lobby and followed the signs to a blue and pink waiting room. Eck. Typical, generic baby crap-colors.

Freddie sat in one corner, reading a magazine about, you guessed it folks... technology. He looked down at his watch obviously annoyed. Waiting on me? Good. I love a feisty Freddie. Over the top of his magazine, he suddenly spotted me. Standing up hastily, he tossed the magazine aside onto an empty chair.

"How did you get here so fast?" Surprise was written across his face, plainly for me to read.

I ignored his question, choosing to replace it with my own.

"Where are they, Benson?" I asked excitedly, barely restraining myself from bouncing on the balls of my feet.

He smiled seeing my excitability. "This way." He laughed, gently leading me by my hand.

We entered a small room, where Carly was exhaustedly lying on a hospital bed. Her cheeks were flushed and Gibby tenderly held one of her hands, whispering words of astonishment over their new daughter.

"Shay! Couldn't you have waited another hour for, oh.. I dunno… YOUR BEST FRIEND? What's the big idea? Sending me on a freakin' scavenger hunt around your apartment to get stuff for you.." I leaned down to hug her. "I wanted to be here!"

"I'm sorry. Ya' know, how it goes…" She shrugged, giggling. "Stupid Labor."

I nodded, as if I understood. Waving it off, with the typical. 'No biggie' gesture. I didn't want to act too disappointed, and put a damper on the happy setting. But truth be told, I was a little bummed.

I looked around at the watercolor pictures hanging on the beige, plain walls, sighing.

"Where's Carlotta Jr?" I asked, still scanning the room.

As if on cue, a nurse dressed in light baby blue came in with an arm full of blanket, and what I guessed to be, a baby.

"Holy Chiz!" I said, hopping up and down excitedly.

Freddie put a calming hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down, Sam." He whispered, chuckling. I waved him off.

"Shut up, Fredward." I harshly whispered, only loud enough for him to hear. He removed his hand, rolling his eyes at me. What else is new?

The nurse was putting the baby into Carly's arms as Gibby watched silently, in breathless amazement.

I wondered what Spencer would have thought of this moment. He was overseas, looking for 'inspiration' for his art. Stupid timing, if ya' ask me.

I glanced over at Freddie, as he watched the scene unfold before us. A smiled tugged at his lips and his dark brown eyes… softly glistened?

"Woah.. Excuse me ma'am," I teased, "Are you crying?" Good ole' Sam had shattered the precious moment like glass.

He cleared his throat, looking apologetically at Carly and Gibby. The looks on their faces, mirrored one word; Leave!

"Excuse us." He said, leading me out of the room with him.

"You can't just interrupt the moment they first see their daughter."

"You can just sob all over it, right?" I smirked.

"I was a little choked up. But, Come on… Carly's the closest thing I've ever had to a-"

"Girlfriend." I completed for him.

"Sister." He finished, ignoring my comment. "I'm proud of her."

"Sure. We'll pretend that you weren't crying over you unrequited love for Carly. Guess you're just not the right kind of dork for Carly.." I said, feigning disbelief.

"You know, good and well that I set Gibby and Carly up." He said, trying to keep his cool.

Actually, I didn't know that 'good and well.' I didn't know that, at all. So my comeback didn't come so easily.

"Oh… Whatever." I finished lamely.

"Yeah, whatever." He said, mocking me, smiling. It was weird seeing him again. I hadn't seen him since last Christmas, and not very frequently before that. Freddie had gone to a college, majoring in business like his mother had always wanted him to. 'Practical.' She had called it. He had then, successfully been climbing his way up to eventually be working at the head of a financing company about 9 hours away.

"How long are you back for?" I asked, randomly.

"I'm looking for a permanent apartment, here. Actually." My stomach dropped slightly in surprise, but I managed to hide it well.

"Missed mommy dear, too much?" I said, mockingly.

"Yeah." He laughed. "Something like that."

I stared at him skeptically.

"What's the real reason?" I asked.

"I quit my job." He said, looking down at me, with his hands in his pockets. He shifted his weight back and forth from his heals to his toes.

My jaw dropped. "But… why?"

"I missed Seattle. I missed Carly and Gibby and Spencer. And yes… even my mom." He smirked down at me. "And you know, you too." I rolled my eyes, smirking, before settling my eyes back on him, encouraging him to continue.

"And, I want to design websites." He continued, hurriedly. "I have enough money set aside to give it a try for a while. If I'm a complete failure… Well, I guess I'll have to turn to something else."

"You'll always be a failure to me." I said, sweetly.

He rolled his eyes, as his phone began to ring.

"Yea'ello." He said, taking a step away from me.

"Oh, hey Spence!" He turned around facing the wall, running his fingers though his hair.

He listened for a moment, as I assume, Spencer talked.

"She's great, and yes. Healthy."

Again, he waited.

"It's a girl. They're naming her Samara Frey."

He laughed.

"Yeah, I know. We tried. But there's no talking Carly out of it."

He chuckled again.

"They're going to call her Mara, though. So it's not too bad.."

He laughed before continuing. "Yeah, I'll definitely tell her you called."

"Bye, man." He looked down at his phone, ending the call.

"What did you say they named her?" I asked in disbelief.

"Samara Frey. You know, like after," He motioned between us. "Sam and Freddie."

I squinted at him uncertainly. "Are you chizzing with me right now, dude?"

"Nope." He laughed. "You and I, are her lucky Godparents. Gibby let me know as soon as I got here."

"Poor kid, being named after Fredweird. Lucky for her, she's gotta little bit of Puckett to even the Benson out." Freddie looked at me, slightly amused, slightly offended.

"Too much dork, wouldn't be good for the baby." I explained rudely.

"But too much delinquent, is okay?" He snapped back.

After a couple of eye rolls, and glares we easily broke back into out playful-childhood manor.

"Samara Frey Gibson." I laughed, as the words danced off my tongue. "Weird… but I like it."

I know. S-H-O-R-T. But, I had to introduce everything and everyone.

Sorry for the terrible name. But with names like Carlotta and Gibson and Fredward.. It had to be something weird. Samara is pronounced Sum-air-ah. Frey, is simple. HINT. It rhymes with grey.

I'm pretty sure there's a movie similar to this, but I have no idea what it's called. I haven't seen it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. Let me know what you think. (: