Disclaimer: I don't Yami no Matsuei. Wish I did because, boy, do I have too many ideas for them.

This one-shot came to mind as I was talking to friends on aim about Hisoka and Manliness. To me, Hisoka is like constantly trying to prove he's this incredible badass. And, I'm working on a few other ideas to include this aspect into fics. Hopefully, for your enjoyment of course. :3 Since this is a drabble I wrote in 15 minutes, it's far from perfect. XD

Beta: Eria (Thank you!)

The Weight Room
by EggDropSoup

Hisoka was in the weight training room, dressed in his gym clothes and building his body strength up. He squatted low to the ground, bent over, and lifted the weights with his knees. Once he stood firmly up- balancing himself with his legs spread a shoulder length apart- he began pumping his elbows, lifting the small barbells in a steady rhythm. He could feel the tightness in his biceps and the burn in his shoulders. He started sweating lightly, his breath unsteady as he continued to push himself. His long bangs clung to his damp forehead and drips of sweat travelled down his tank top, slipping along his spine.

The sliding of the door to the training room caused him to glance up, momentarily stopping as his arms progressed back up.

Tsuzuki walked into the room, wearing some wrinkled gym clothes of his own, and nodded at him, smiling before taking a position on the weight bench near the blonde. The older man quickly grabbed hold of the pull down bar, pulling it to his chest before extending his arms-the muscles flexing through the tight gym shirt.

Hisoka couldn't believe it. Tsuzuki was lifting weights that were twice as heavy as the ones he was holding and his older partner wasn't even breaking a sweat yet! He scowled irritably as he continued to watch the brunette-his inadequacies causing him to become more and more incensed.

At his wits end, Hisoka took hold of his weights, closed his eyes and launched them as hard as he could at his partner.

Maybe he should have felt guilty, but at the moment he was more concerned about saving face than being worried about Tsuzuki's potentially cracked skull. Besides, Tsuzuki's accelerated healing would take care of it in no time.

When he heard a dull thud, he opened them-only to find that they had landed a few inches away from him-still several feet away from Tsuzuki's head.

Bristling at his thwarted plan, Hisoka clenched his fists at his sides and stormed out of training room leaving a bewildered Tsuzuki peering after him, confused at his blonde partner's strange outburst.


And I'm not sure what would happen after this. Maybe Hisoka goes home and talks to his fish about the whole instance. XD I can see him sitting on his bed, facing the fish tank and expressing his displeasure to the squishy faced fish. And the fish aren't really paying attention but they associate Hisoka's face with food so they swim around excitedly when he turns to them. XD