AN: I write way too many stories LOL, I own nothing! Enjoy.

Summery: Vampire Jasper lives with the guilt of killing. That is until one day he comes across a house on fire. Edward Masen had had to live with a body full of burn marks since the age of 3 and deal with the teasing that went with them, now 17 and living with his uncle and cousin in Forks, Washington everything's about to change when five new students start school. (Human Edward, Vamp Cullen's)

Chapter 1

Jasper POV-

My name is Jasper Cullen, I was changed into a vampire in 1880, I am an empathy. My family included Carlisle the father of the group changed in 1700; He changed Anthony in 1919, he was dying from Influenza in Chicago, Illinois. Then it was his mate Esme in 1927. Next was Rosalie who had been left for dead and changed in 1935. Rose finds and saved Emmett in 1936. It was Alice the little future seer who found me, a depressed and thirsty vampire, she showed me how to live and in 1987 we joined the Cullen family.

The year is 1990.

The smell of burning wood hit me suddenly, as I was hunting. Slowly I moved closer to the burning and I could hear voices screaming out for help, before they go silent only moments after and all I could hear is the cry of a baby. The smell of blood tempted me as I neared the house and saw into a window a woman and man, the man was dead his body half way on a woman.

"Please save him, please save Edward." The woman begged with her last breath.

The baby cry was coming from under them and I quickly ran in and grabbed him.

The boy was roughly 3 years of age I noticed as I held him trying to calm him as I restrained my painful thirst. There was a scratch on the arm of the boy that was wrapped around my neck, tempting me, reminding me of the monster I was. I held him until sirens were heard only a mile from the house.

"Wait here." I say as I sit the boy down, his green eyes stare me as I turn away from him and run to the safety of the woods to watch and make sure that he would be safe.

I wait until the firemen arrive before quickly running off in search of my brother and some kind of wild animal to lessen my thirst. Even after these years I find it so difficult to live the chosen lifestyle we are living.

"Dude, Jazzy you smell of human. What happened?" Emmett says as he runs towards me as I finish off my second dear.

"Ran across a house that was burning," I say as I feel the worry radiate off of him. "The man and woman were already dying but I got the little baby out and left him on the lawn and waited for the firemen to show. I didn't hurt him."

Emmett didn't ask any more questions as we made our way home.

Days later I would still have the memory of the boys green eyes staring at me.

Edward POV- 14 years later

My name is Edward Masen I am 17 years old and live with my cousin and Uncle, Bella and Charlie Swan in a small two bedroom one bathroom home. Uncle Charlie had given me the office room when I came to live with him at the age of 3.

My parents had died in a house fire, the same fire that left burn scars all over my body. Scars that won't ever leave my body. The ones on my legs and arms and chest were easy to hide. It was the ones on my hands and face that the entire world would always be able to see.

"Edward, don't forget we have school tomorrow." My cousin yelled from upstairs, she had officially moved into the house with us a year ago. My 16 year old cousin is the clumsiest person I have ever met and living in forks with the rain and ice didn't help her poor walking ability's.

"Yeah Bella I know." I yell back at her as I start cooking dinner. I learned how to cook at an early age, hating how bad my uncles cooking was and determined to actually be able to make something that tasted somewhat decent.

I was going to be a senior this year and I couldn't wait to get out of this small town. Everyone here knew my story and everywhere I went I could imagine their sorry thoughts about "the poor burnt orphan" sometimes I truly hated living in this small stink hole of a town.

~~The Next Morning~~

I drove my old rusty truck into Forks High School parking lot and parked. The truck was hardly stopped when Bella leaps from the car and runs off to her friends who were welcoming her to the first day of their sophomore year. Sometimes I envied her for all the friends she had. I was known as the schools loner, but I was ok with that, it seemed like whenever I would find a "friend" all they would want to talk about are my burn marks.

To this day I can't remember how I was able to get out of the house. The firemen who came to our home say I was sitting on the grass crying. I was three years old and had lost my parents. I was sent to the only blood relative I had. Charlie Swan, chief of police of Forks, Washington. His wife had just taken their daughter and moved to Arizona. For the next few years it would just be the two of us with Bella visiting over summers as she grew older.

I went through the first half of the day ignoring everyone. By the time lunch came I was ready to just sit at my table alone and read. It wasn't till I grabbed my food and walked over to my table that I noticed five incredibly beautiful people already seated at my table, the only table that most people avoid.

AN: So that was the first chapter, what did you think?