Chapter 11

AN: Alright, sorry for torturing you guys but it was just too perfect of a spot to stop. :P Thanks to all of the awesomely amazing fantastic super extreme to the nth power reviews! Last I checked, I have 192 people following my story O.o and that's just people who have accounts! You guys ROCK! So I decided to update early. :D See what happens when you review. On with the Sequel!

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers but I do own a newly bought Megamind DVD. OH SNAP! Oh and I own Jen… yeah.

***** Primes

You know how people say that when you die you can feel the life slip out of you? How you can see your life flash before your eyes? How there's this big long tunnel with a bright light at the end?

Well, I felt my life slip away as my heart took its last beat, but I didn't see my life flash before my eyes. Probably a good thing. I've done some pretty craaazzzy things. I also didn't go down any tunnel. The light part? That was definitely true though.

I blinked sharply in shock as a blinding white light surrounded me. I groaned and covered my eyes. I shrieked in surprise as I felt a hand come down on my shoulder before I was pulled into a hug.

"Jen! I thought I lost you," Sam said as he hugged me fiercely. God give me a heart attack! Oh wait, I guess it doesn't matter anymore…

"Well, umm, you didn't lose me so much as everyone else lost us," I said gently. Sam pulled out of the hug.

"What?" he asked sharply. My eyebrows rose questioningly at my twin. Come on, he's not as stupid as I joke he is all the time…. Is he? "What are you talking about?"

Okay, so maybe he is.

"Sam," I said as I laid my hand down on his shoulder. "Look around us."

We were standing together on top of a giant rock that was lifted high above the ground. More jagged rocks formed like a cave on our sides, but there was open space in front of us. The bright light was still shining through giant fluffy clouds, but luckily it wasn't bright enough to blind me again.

"We're dead?" Sam said shocked. His voice echoed and we could hear the word 'dead' repeated a few times. Not cool.

I jumped and grabbed Sam's hand in mine as a voice suddenly echoed around us.

"We have been watching you," the voice said, "for a long, long time."

"Creepy," I muttered to myself as I felt my eyes grow wide. Out of the bright light came the original Primes. Whoa.

"You both have fought for Optimus, our last descendant, and the other Autobots, with courage and with sacrifice," a different Prime said to us. "Virtues of leaders."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the world would crash and burn if I was a leader. Just saying.

"Leaders that are worthy of our secret," the first Prime that spoke continued. "The Matrix of Leadership is not found. It is earned. Jeanette was right when she said it held no power. For at the time, it did not. And it still doesn't. Not yet, at least."

"Wait, I don't understand," Sam said. "What do you mean 'not yet'?"

"Wait for your sister," the Prime continued to instruct. "The Matrix won't work until she is back to help you."

Before Sam could respond, a blinding light went through the air. I covered my eyes. When the light disappeared I put my hands down. I looked around confused but Sam had disappeared. Where did he go? Better question. Why am I still here?

"Jeanette, do you recall how the information on the Allspark was transferred to Samuel when you two were looking at the shard?" one asked me. I nodded. How could I not remember? This whole adventure has been about Sam seeing symbols running through his head that is really a map that led us here.

"Something similar happened to you. In case you haven't figured it out already," the same one said. "While Samuel got the Allspark's information you got the Allspark's power."

My eyebrows rose in shock, "I got the power?"

The Prime nodded at me. WHOA!

Well, that explained a lot. That's why I got all those headaches at first! My body was slowly adjusting to having all of that power and energy pulsing through me. Epiphany! That must have been why I needed to touch something mechanical. To direct the energy out of me while I couldn't handle all of the power yet!

That also explained why Megatron has dropped me the two different times when I've shocked him with power. The Allspark contains a lot of power.

It also explains why I was able to feel the Matrix's power when it had power. The Primes knew I had the Allspark's power so they left some energy in it for me to help lead the way to it. Since I have so much energy in myself, I can feel the energy around me.

"Jeanette Marie Witwicky," a Prime I hadn't heard yet spoke up getting my attention away from my thoughts.

"Is it true that you are 'dating' one of the younger Autobots, Bumblebee?"

"Umm, yes?" I asked unsurely.

Oh no, I bet I broke some big unknown rule about dating the Autobots. Now they're going to barbecue me for tainting Bee! Would I event taste good barbecued? Well, maybe, if you used that really good Montgomery stuff… Am I seriously having this conversation with myself! They're not going to eat me! Pssshh. Well maybe… Ok, I am in official freaking out mode. Just listen to what they're saying Jeanette. Listen to the giant robots.

"Do you love him?" another one asked me. I immediately nodded and a small, happy smile crept onto my face.

"Yes, I love Bee with all my heart err… spark. Probably even more," I smiled softly at the thought of my handsome Bee cuddling with me and protecting me. My smile dampened when I thought about how he must be right now. You know with me being dead and all... Yikes.

"Do you intend to be his Sparkmate?" a different one asked.

I frowned as I tried to remember what Ratchet had said before about what a Sparkmate was when we were talking at NEST alone one day. He said it was like a human version of marriage only it was irreversible and connected two robots together forever. It connected them on a very emotional level. When one of them died, the other would die also. At first, I had thought that was ridiculous, but then I thought about what I would ever do if Bee died. I would rather die with him than continue on living without him. Sure, I wouldn't be pathetic and make life miserable for everyone around me, but the pain would just be too much to live through. I wouldn't know what to do.

"If it's possible for a human to be Sparkmates with an Autobot, than yes I would become his Sparkmate," I said hopefully. I would love nothing more than to be forever with Bee.

"It's not possible for a human to be sparkmated with an Autobot," one answered harshly.

"Technically they have already sparkmated. Just not officially," another Prime argued. "Especially with the little ones now."

"Whoa, little ones? Already sparkmated? What are you guys talking about?" I said bewildered as the Primes had a discussion about me. They seemed to ignore my questions.

"How badly do you wish to be true Sparkmates with Bumblebee?" the harsh one from earlier asked. It took me a moment to recover from the sudden change in topic.

"Well, umm, really badly?" I half stated, half asked as I scratched my head from the whirlwind of information.

"Very well," they all said at once. Freaky.

"It works better this way. Especially with Allspark energy running through you," the first Prime nodded approvingly. "It'll be painful for a moment but do not worry. Do what feels natural."

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. What had we just agreed on here? Before I could ask, I felt tiredness rush over me and I blacked out.

***** Optimus Prime

My eyes snapped open and I gasped in a breath of air, desperately sucking in air after my body not breathing for so long. I coughed as the warm arms around me suddenly held me tighter and closer to Bee's body.

"Primus, Jen!" Bee said hugging me tightly to him. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and breathed in his soothing scent of cinnamon. "I thought I lost you!"

"I thought I was gone, too," I said as I looked at the relieved and happy faces around me.

"Have I told you lately that I love you?" Bee whispered part of a song in my ear. I smiled and wiped the tears that had been pouring down Bee's face away. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I smiled lovingly up into Bee's beautiful baby blue eyes.

"Jen!" Sam said getting my attention. I looked over at him to see he was standing on Optimus with the Matrix. "It won't work without you."

I huffed and rolled my eyes. Well, duh! The Primes told us it wouldn't work without me. I gave Bee a look that said 'my brother is a complete idiot'. I'm good at those looks. Bee smiled and helped me up. I was waiting for pain in my stomach to stab me from my wound but nothing happened. Curious, I looked through the torn hole in my tank top to see my wound healed and a wicked scar about six inches long ran diagonal from the right to the left on my stomach. And it went across my belly button. It was red and slightly puffy but it didn't look gross. It looked almost completely healed.

My eyes widened and I felt a huge smile cross my face. Awesome! I've always wanted a wicked cool scar. Thank you, Primes!

I pulled my head out of the clouds to pay attention to the serious situation around me. Explosions and shots were still going off around us. I should really focus here. I pecked Bee on the cheek and pulled away from him. I climbed on top of Optimus with Sam. I held out my hand for the Matrix.

Sam handed it to me eagerly. I held it in both of my hands and sent a large shot of energy into it. Huh, I'm getting really good at controlling this energy. I looked at Sam.

"Let's do it together," I smiled. Sam smiled and we both held it with one hand. We stabbed it down deep into Optimus' spark. I watched as his eyes suddenly blinked open, blue and bright as ever. "Welcome back buddy!"

Sam and I got off of him as he coughed up some sand. Optimus slowly stood up and looked down at us.

"You returned for me," Optimus said happily surprised to Sam and I.

"Well, there's no way we could have left you," I smiled up at him.

"A living Prime!" Jetfire said excited. "I don't believe it!"

I stopped smiling, however, when my usual buzz of energy rapidly started increasing through me, shooting sharp stabs into my brain. I started to crumble from the pain trying really hard not to scream. I screamed.

Shit. Maybe I haven't learned to control it.

Bee, Sam, Mikaela, and my parents all rushed around me. Soldiers tried pushing them back, but Bee easily shoved them aside.

"I know what to do," he snapped sharply at the soldiers.

I disagree. The energy was burning through me so fast and hot I could feel it burning me from the inside out. The energy that was running rapidly inside of me suddenly burst out of my body. A freaky white glow started to surround my whole body. It pushed everyone close to me away so that not even Bee could get close. Almost as if making sure no one was near me.

I screamed as a loud crack went through the air. I felt my body become numb, but strangely enough my stomach stayed regular and warm.

This can't be good.

I felt my limbs and body start to lengthen and I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt my insides moving around. Now I'm glad my body has become numb. Otherwise this would really hurt.

I heard gasps and a couple of swears around me. When I finally felt myself stop… growing? I guess. I slowly blinked my eyes open. Everything looked so different. Well, it looked the same and different. Everything seemed a lot… smaller.

The first person I saw was Optimus staring at me with wide optics. Huh, he didn't look huge. That's weird. He actually looked pretty normal sized to me. I mean he was still a big guy but…

Wait. I looked down around me and gasped.

Everyone looked so teeny tiny! I looked down at my body and screamed. I'm a frickin' giant alien robot! OH MY GOD!

This is- this is- actually kinda cool.

I was slim with a main purple body. My arms had blue twirled around on them almost like vines wrapping them before making a flower at the end. I saw a shiny reflection and was surprised to see my eyes were still emerald. My wrist had the Autobot tattoo on it.

I looked up when I heard footsteps coming at me to see Bee walking towards me in his Autobot form. He was still taller than me even in this form.

"Jen?" Bee asked shocked.

"Some people gets tumors, some people find strange bugs in their body, me? I have the Allspark energy that turns me into an Autobot," I shook my head. Bee smiled and hugged me to him. Well, I guess this is what the Primes meant when they said true Sparkmates. Suddenly I pouted as a sad thought came to me, "Aww, man! This means I can't sit on your shoulder anymore!"

Bee chuckled at me and smiled down at me. He stared at my face for a minute. "This is going to take a while to get use to."

"Oh, you have no idea," I shook my head.

The moment was interrupted, however, and when I say interrupted I mean totally destroyed, when The Fallen suddenly came crashing down on top of Optimus.

"My matrix," he growled out as it floated up and into his hand. He easily kept Optimus on the ground with his foot. He disappeared as he flashed away with the Matrix.

"Get up!" Sam said to Optimus. "He's turning on the machine you gotta get up!"

Optimus groaned as he stayed on the ground. I stared wide eyed at The Fallen who was standing on top of the pyramid with Megatron starting the machine. Epps said something into his walkie talkie and all of the tanks and soldiers started shooting everything they had at The Fallen.

"Optimus, get up!" I snapped at him. "We didn't come all this way for the Earth to get destroyed!"

"I can't," he sighed, "I'm too weak from my parts being shut off for so long."

I rubbed my temples as I tried to think of a way to help Optimus. Bee frowned and the other Autobots kept glancing at me. I don't blame 'em. If I wasn't me, than I would be staring slack jawed at me and probably pointing a finger at me in shock. That sounded really weird.

"All my Decepticon life I never did anything worthwhile until now. Optimus," Jetfire said getting everyones attention. "Take my parts and you will have a power you have never known. Fulfill your destiny."

I gasped as I watched in shock as Jetfire tore his own spark out. I think I'm gonna cry! His body fell limp to the ground, but Ratchet wasted no time. He rushed to Jetfire's body with Jolt.

"Jolt, electrify," Ratchet instructed as Jolt shot an electric line between Jetfire's body and Optimus. I watched in awe as Jetfire's parts started flying from his body and latching themselves onto Optimus. Part by part, Optimus started to get bigger and he looked stronger too. Jolt pulled the lines back as the parts were done switching owners. Optimus stood up as the parts rearranged and attached themselves firmer to Optimus.

"Optimus!" I said getting his attention. "Let me help you! You never know you may need backup."

Optimus nodded and grabbed me around the waist. Before Bee could protest, Optimus said,

"Let's roll."

I let out a squeak of surprise and held on to Optimus as we shot up into the sky. He did a twist in the air as we rushed to the pyramid that had the machine in it. Show off.

I felt my eyes widen as we came up to the pyramid. The top part of it was ripped off to show that machine in the pyramid. The Fallen was putting the Matrix into it. Rocks were flying around the pyramid in a circle. Jets were flying next to Optimus and I as we sped towards The Fallen and Megatron. One of them crashed into the rocks.

Optimus let me go when we came next to the pyramid and I ended up crashing into Megatron. As he fired a shot at the machine effectively destroying it, Megatron and I went tumbling down the pyramid. Optimus crashed into The Fallen and they went tumbling down after us.

Megatron and I crashed into a temple of pillars crushing them as we fell over them. I quickly stood up to see Megatron storming at me.

The first thought that came to mind was 'oh shit, what have I done? I'm toast!'. But I suddenly remembered what one of the Primes had advised me to do.

Do what feels natural.

I jerked my hand out towards him and my arm transformed into a sleek looking bright blue cannon. I fired a shot at Megatron and he jerked back as it blew off the right part of his face. Instead of the regular stuff that cannons shoot, mine shoots out Allspark energy.

"Cool!" I smiled.

Megatron roared out in anger and pain. He jumped at me and punched my face. I jerked back as I crashed through a wall. I quickly got back up and dived for Megaton's stomach. We crashed into a pillar. I punched Megatron but he quickly tossed me off of him.

"Starscream!" Megatron called out. I stood back up as Optimus came up behind me. Starscream rushed in as they both watched Optimus and I.

"The Fallen has fell," Optimus told them, "and I have risen."

"No," Megatron said shocked.

"Master, not to say we're cowards, but cowards do survive," Starscream desperately said to Megatron.

"This isn't over," Megatron warned us before he and Starscream transformed and flew off.

"That's right! Run you cowards!" I shouted after them. Optimus chuckled.

"Come, Jen, Bumblebee is probably drowning in worry," Optimus smiled. I nodded as I shifted my cannon back into my arm.

"Alright, let's go back," I agreed.

I helped Optimus get off the rest of the extra armor that Jetfire had given him. We walked back to find relieved and exhausted faces all around. As soon as I saw Bee, I rushed up to him and pressed my cool metal lips to his warm ones. Bee eagerly kissed me back.

"Don't you ever fly off with a different mech again," Bee told me as we pulled apart. I giggled as Bee leaned down slightly so that he could rest his forehead on mine.

"I promise I won't," I smiled up at him.

***** Energy

I leaned my head comfortably against Bee's shoulder as we sat on his hood. Turns out I have a holoform, too, and lucky for me it looks exactly like I did when I was still a human. My car form is now a bright purple Ford Fiesta which is sitting next to Bee's car form. Haha, I love that. Fiesta. I'm just a party all around.

I watched as Sam and Optimus talked at the edge of the US navy carrier we're all on. The sun is setting beautifully making it a perfect view over the water which was reflecting the colors.

"Hmm, I love you, Jeanette," Bee murmured as he nuzzled his face into my hair. I started to say the same back to him, but I froze. My eyebrows furrowed. "What? What's wrong?"

Bee pulled back to look at me since I had stiffened. My eyes were wide and I looked down at my stomach. I could feel two little energy sources inside of me.

The Prime's word echoed in my head. 'Especially with the little ones now.'

A giant smile spread across my face and I could feel tears bubble into my eyes. I looked up at Bee with love and joy swelled up taking up every crevice and part of my heart.

"Bee," I smiled, "I'm pregnant."

His eyes went wide before a giant smile took up his face. His dimples were prominent as he quickly looked between my stomach and my face.

"We're gonna have sparklings?" Bee asked amazed.

I couldn't respond as his lips covered mine as he eagerly and lovingly kissed me.

"I love you, Jeanette."

"I love you, too, Bee."

THE END… for now. :D

AN: I can't believe it. It's finished. Yeah, kind of a cruel spot to end the story, but I don't wanna get into the pregnany too much. I plan on writing another sequel to this story when the third Transformers movie comes out in the summer, so who knows maybe I'll want her to be pregnant in the third movie or maybe I'll want her and Bee to have the sparklings. I'll just have to wait and see. You did notice that she said two energy sources. *HINT HINT*

So I want to greatly thank everyone who has followed this story or is reading it after I've finished it. If your reading it and the story has already been completed, then please still review and tell me what you thought.

Thank you to everyone who has given me encouragement that my story wasn't crap and wanted to read more. Please review and tell me what you thought of my story.


SEQUEL NOW UP! ~ Uniquely My Life