It's a Grimm situation.

Orihime was sitting on the floor of her room of Las Noches in Hueco Mundo. She sat there with her knees to her chest, staring at the interesting shadows created by the moon's beams. She had no idea of what time it was or how long she had been sitting there since Ulquiorra had left her after fixing Grimmjow's arm.

The echo of Grimmjow's maniacal laughter still resonated in her head after he had killed Luppi. She remembered staring at the newly formed arm that had gone through the middle of Luppi's stomach, holding him like a puppet. Transfixed with the image before her, the two men standing there together, as if time had stood still, it had made her realize, that this was real. There was no going back to the normal life she led in Karakura Town.

She had glanced at Grimmjow's grinning face and was taken by surprise when he had winked at her. His grinning face had been full of malice and yet he winked. She didn't know why but the way he had been looking at her made her feel very exposed and almost uncomfortable. She shook the memory away as her eyes refocused on the shadows in her room. She tried to ignore the thoughts of what his eyes had suggested and release the strange chills that had generated throughout her body, once again. She stood and walked to the small sink in the corner of her room and washed her face, hoping that maybe it would cleanse her mind as well.

"You taste fucking disgusting!" Grimmjow said out loud to himself as he finished licking Luppi's blood off his arm. He laughed and continued to enjoy the rush of adrenaline that still flowed through his body having just mutilated the ex-sexta espada. After Aizen and Gin stepped away and Orihime had been taken away by Ulquiorra, the remaining Arrancar only watched him with uneasiness. "Oi! Which fucker's next?" asked Grimmjow with an evil grin confirming that he was open for business. As everyone rushed out of the room, Grimmjow stood there alone, looking at his arm.

He thought back to that woman, how she had looked stupid just standing there looking at him. The feeling he had gotten as she was "giving" him his arm back had caused a stir within his loins. He had gotten such a rush standing there with his entire arm through that fucking idiot's body, that it had almost given him a hard on. He thought of jumping at her next, tearing off her clothes and fucking her for all she was worth. Yet, considering that he was standing in front of Aizen and some of the Arrancar, he couldn't very well do that. So he simply winked at her and gave her his winning smile. The act had made her blush and look away embarrassed. Funny how she tried to cover herself with her arms as if she knew exactly what he was thinking as he kept staring at her. You can't cover or hide from me, he thought as he tore apart of whatever remained of Luppi. No one can…

Orihime was wearing the dress Ulquiorra had told her to wear. She had thanked him when he had complemented on how good it looked on her. She was aware of her nice features, but it was really something that she never fretted over. She would notice at times, that Ulquiorra would stare at her and it made for some uncomfortable silent moments.

Having just been left alone after she finished her dinner, she felt a little tired and sat back comfortably on the big couch that she also used as a bed. Orihime suddenly felt a familiar spiritual pressure right outside her door, which made her jump a little. Then the spiritual pressure was gone as fast as it had appeared. How odd, she thought, I am sure I felt someone right outside my door. She stood up and walked toward her door and pressed her ear against it. Nothing. She started turning away when-


"Ah!" Orihime was thrown far back into the room by the door slamming open against her body so hard that she fainted. Knocking was not something that he liked to do; kicking doors open seemed like a more reasonable idea. Grimmjow walked in and inspected the room. He noticed the body lying on the floor and walked toward it. "Che! Next time, don't stand so close to the fucking door you dumb shit!" He stood over her limp body, "Yo! Get your ass up!"

Orihime remained on the floor without moving. He grabbed her arm and picked her up, raising her high above his head. He shook her a little but she still remained unconscious. "Fuck!" he sighed. His hopes of an entertainment filled evening, slowly dissipated. He dropped her on the couch and she bounced a little. As he stood there, staring, he tried to figure out what about her enticed him so. Wanting to leave, yet immobilized, he continued to watch her and noted that her breaths had become gentle and now had a steady rhythm.

She smelled really good. Her scent was sweet and light. Grimmjow placed his knee on the couch and leaned over her and smelled her hair. He then moved to her neck and inhaled deeply the sweet aroma that escaped from her body. He pressed his lips against the pulsating vein on her neck and sighed heavily as he lightly licked her with the tip of his tongue. A slow electric surge began to stir in the very core of his body and created a growing rumbling sound which was released from his throat as a small growl. With his teeth clenched, he slowly moved lower to reach her breasts and placed his nose in between them and inhaled again. He felt as if he was being hypnotized by her very essence, it was intoxicating. He hissed at the reaction his body was having towards hers. The hard on that he had gotten when he first smelled her hair was growing uncomfortable. He went down lower, to where the sweet scent of her fragrance was more prominent and-

Orihime woke to a pounding headache. "Uhm, wh-what happened?" the words barely escaping her lips. Her vision blurred as she tried to open her eyes. Feeling a little disoriented, she slowly realized that she was lying down on the couch and she could hear and feel something moving next to her. What is that noise? Orihime glanced down to see blue hair moving slowly down her body and her mind tried to make sense of it. She felt something press firmly between her legs, which immediately made her eyes fly open and jerk up, now very alert.

"HEY!" Orihime yelled. As her body started to obey her mind much faster than before, she started moving back, sliding away from the body next to her, her knee accidentally hitting Grimmjow on the chin.

"Aaah! What do you think you are doing?" she squealed.

Snapped from the trance that he had been in, Grimmjow was startled at the now awake Orihime moving away from him.

"Huh?" seemed to be the only sound to come to mind. "Da fuck you kick me for?"

"You were on me! Doing something…uh, weird!" Orihime yelled.

"Something weird, huh?" replied Grimmjow with a wide grin.

He stood up and started walking away and stopped, without turning back at her he said, "Heal those damn wounds on your face, and don't stand so close to the fucking door the next time I come to see you."

I reviewed this chapter and changed somethings, I haven't had time to go over this story because of work and school and sometimes, plain laziness. I so wish that I could change that about myself!

Please review and let me know what you think? Your thought are very much appreciated and will definitely be taken into consideration! :)