A/N: HEY There! this is my first ever fic (and KHR fic) so you may feel free to critique it or simply review it. this is boyxboy. don't like don't read.

Summary: Ever since the whole school knew that Tsuna and his friends were related to the mafia, things started to go wrong. Students seem to stare at him more often. His guardians are being overly protective. And it seems that a former rival family has returned to get their revenge on Tsuna. All27 and an eventual _27. you decide (but no Ryohei, he's with Hana)

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN KHR...if I did there would be many yaoi pairings.


It's exactly 12 noon when the bell finally rang which indicated that it's time for lunch. Tsuna and the gang headed towards the roof to eat their bentos. While eating Tsuna is relieved to see his friends so carefree and happy. After winning the battle against Shimon a year ago things started to go back to normal. And by normal of course it's not your typical school days. NO OF COURSE NOT! By normal he meant more Spartan training from Reborn, more bullying and more disturbing stares. Well Tsuna doesn't really want to talk about those STARES. Because it could only be his imagination that some classmates are staring at him (or his ass). Yes, definitely his imagination. Well, moving on he still couldn't help but feel that something bigger is going to happen. Like Byakuran is suddenly back or something. That would be impossible.

"Nothing is impossible Dame-Tsuna" a child-like voice interrupted his thoughts and when he looked up. –WHACK- reborn just hit Tsuna with a leon mallet square on the face.

"OUCH! What the heck? Reborn! That hurt you know?" Tsuna shouted at the infant who just ignored him while rubbing his forehead. The others just laughed it off since they're pretty much used to the scene.

"Dame-Tsuna, you should know by now that those things that you're thinking could be possible. And you should always be prepared for the worst case scenario." The infant stated while lowering his fedora.

"Wha-? Mou, Reborn stop reading my mind. But how is that even possible? I mean Uni said that we'll go back to a peaceful past" Tsuna reasoned.

"Well Tsuna, tell me is fighting with the Shimon family peaceful, huh?" Reborn mocked.

After that statement everyone gained a depressed look. They remembered their painful things that happened to them. Yamamoto being sent to the hospital, Ryohei ending up in the Vindice Prison (but of course Tsuna saved him and the others) and Tsuna knowing that his dad killed Enma's family. They all suffered a great deal, but they managed to overcome that and that is why the Shimon and the Vongola family made an alliance because they managed to forget their differences and past that they managed to start their friendship from scratch. Which made them smile a bit, because right now Enma and his family are all back in Italy to strengthen their family and cleanse its name.

"That's all in the past now. Reborn-san but what are you talking about?" Gokudera said breaking the silence.

"Nevermind that. But I have a bad feeling about this. Now hurry up or you'll be late for your next class." Reborn said while lowering his fedora to cover his smirk.

"Well that was odd, hahaha" Yamamoto said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Not really, this is Reborn so it is to be expected." Tsuna sighed.

"Well I think we should just hurry up for the next class, Tsuna-kun." Kyoko reminded them.

"Yeah, Sawada you should forget what he said, though I don't know what you people are talking about but the next subject is Math and Nezu-sensei might scream at us if we don't hurry." Hana chided. Hana had been joining them for these past few years since the Byakuran incident; she came to accept Tsuna as a good friend to Kyoko. And she has grown a crush on Ryohei, not that she would admit it but she's pretty sure that they know about it well except for Ryohei, of course.


Tsuna is really, really bored to death. He does not understand what the hell the teacher is talking about. From the corner of his eyes he can see Yamamoto dozing off, Gokudera texting and totally ignoring the teacher, while the girls were listening to Nezu-sensei intently. He decided to take a nap when-

"GET DOWN!" Tsuna, Yamamoto and Gokudera shouted at the whole class.


A huge explosion was heard throughout the whole school. And of course a certain someone was pissed.

-back to the classroom-

The windows were reduced to rubbles as dust scattered around the room. The whole class is panicking except for a few students who anticipated the explosion and were standing calmly waiting for the smoke to subside.

A soldier clad in a black uniform emerged followed by a few others and searched the room until he spotted a certain brunette.

"YOU! Vongola Decimo prepare to die."

A/N: *gets shot*

okay...so there you have it. I bet you already know who the rival family is.

sorry if there's no yaoi action here...well because its only the beginning...

you may suggest pairings if you want...but i may not put it here..if it does not bode well with me

please RxR