*shy wave* Hi all. I know, I know. It's been a while. That real life career thing has kicked my butt this month and my pace for finishing this story for you is delayed. I haven't even been able to wave hi on twitter. I hope this can hold you over while I finish this long, last chapter-about ten days. Also, if any of my Italian speaking readers wouldn't mind PM'ing me, I could use a hand. One reason for delay is my research for this chapter, specifically my Italian language research.

Sooo, in the last chapter, B x E got engaged and decided to marry in Assisi-simple and soon.

She Gives Me Religion
Chapter Forty-one

"I don't care how much money it costs us. Take it all!" I pace around Carlisle's office. Though I've committed to no more than two pacing sessions a day, this news certainly calls for one.

"Edward, it's not a matter of money. Are you suggesting we pay someone off?"

"No… call it a donation. We'll call it whatever we have to. We're getting married in that church."


"This is crap, Carlisle, total crap."

"Crap? Since when do you say crap?"

"I'm trying to clean up my language. I'm going to be a father, I can't keep cussing like a sailor."

"A noble goal." He leans forward in his chair. "Edward, let's think about this logically. If it is really important to you to marry in St Francis Cathedral, there are steps we can take. It will simply take more time."

"We don't have more time, we're leaving for Italy in less than a week." I plop in a chair and slump down.

"It's not about the cathedral, for you to get married in any Catholic church, you both need counseling. You're a Methodist, and the church must to determine that Bella, in her state, isn't feeling forced into marriage. There are a few other things too."

"Like what?"

"Seminary, Edward. You know much of this."

My brain is scrambled, but I think I know where he is going.

"You can't receive our vows, can you?"

"No. I can be part of the service, but not receive your vows."

I nod. It's not what I want.

"The bigger issue is how you will raise your child." Crap. "You know you'll have to promise the church you will raise your children Catholic."

"Right," I say with hopeless breath.

"Have you talked about your child's religion with Bella? The ceremony?"

I shake my head. "No. Everything's going so quickly." I'm sorry, God, but right now, it's true… "I hate organized religion."

"Wonderful sentiment for a seminarian."

"Well, I hate all of them but my own… most of the time."

"Clearly, a conversation with Bella is in order."

I nod, feeling reluctant to bring bad news and have difficult conversations. Everything has felt like a dream since the proposal—I hate to break our stride.





Speaking of research, if you are interested, I have a pinterest for this chapter-filled with visual spoilers. pinterest (dot) com/lizlemonbennett/she-gives-me-religion/

Warm regards,

Liz x