James and Lily

Lily woke up at 3:00 in the morning with an immediate need to find a toilet and fast. She got there just in time. This was nothing new for the past week she had been throwing up at least twice a day. The times varied, so it was always a surprise. Normally James would be there right by her side but he still wasn't home yet and this annoyed Lily to no end. The flu had swept the office last week and right when Lily began to think she was one of the lucky few that had not contracted it, the nausea began. She had immediately been sent home on sick leave, for fear of the few remaining aurors getting sick as well.

And that was the reason James was at work and Lily was not, but he was normally home by this time even with the current circumstances of Lord Voldemort. He had been working late all last week because of the people like her who could not come in because of the flu. But people were starting to come back to work this week, so she hoped that she too would be back to work soon working late nights with James instead of sitting by the toilet worrying about her husband. Just then she heard the door downstairs open and knew it was him. Lily got up and finished brushing her teeth right when James walked into the bedroom. Lily turned and embraced James, she was still ticked that he hadn't even sent an owl for being this late but was just glad that she was in his arms at last.

"You shouldn't still be up honey."

"And you should have been home hours ago," said Lily as she began to get back in bed. "You could have sent an owl."

"Things were really busy, but your right, I'm sorry. Did you get sick again?" asked James as he noticed the bathroom light that was on.

"Yeah, I tried to eat some dinner, but I can't hold anything down."

James had stripped down just to his boxers and climbed in after her. Lily admired her husband's perfect body, but there was worry in his face. Lily still felt a little clammy, but as she began to cuddle up to James she began to feel better.

"I made an appointment for you to see a healer tomorrow," Lily began to protest that she would be fine in a few days but James continued "you have it worse than anyone else I've talked too; I would just feel better if you were looked at by a professional."

James said all this while stroking her back which he did intentionally to relax her. He knew how much she hated doctors, hospitals and basically that whole atmosphere.

"Fine, but if they make me stay there longer than an hour, I'm leaving"

"It'll be fine; I'll even go with you."

"No, I'll be okay I know you've been swamped this week and if you take time off in the middle of the day you'll just have to work late," replied Lily.

"You sure? I really don't mind."

"Yea I'll be fine" said Lily as sleep began to engulf her once more. This time she felt better with James next to her.

The next morning Lily reached out her hand for James but just grabbed sheets instead. She was getting tired of waking up alone; it was becoming a habit unfortunately. She put on her robe and went down stairs to fine James eating and reading the daily prophet. He got up to put his bowl in the sink and kissed her good morning.

James turned to see the sour look on his wife's face, "I'm sorry for having to leave so early honey, but people are starting to come back to work so I should be home early." He truly did feel bad about leaving her alone all day.

"I know I just wish I was going to work too, I miss the excitement."

"You'll be back soon enough" replied James who didn't like the fact that his wife was an auror in the first place and her life was constantly in danger. He worried that he wouldn't always be there to protect her. The truth was that they had enough money saved up that there was no need for either of them to work, but they were both determined to see the down fall of Voldemort and cared to much about making a difference.

"But I really do need to go now," said James as he kissed his wife one more time, took a handful of floo powder and walked toward their fire place. "Have fun at St. Mungo's" he teased right before he disappeared behind the flames.

Lily didn't laugh at her husband's joke but instead just rolled her eyes as she walked back to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, she didn't trust her stomach with any food. She then walked back up stairs and got ready for her appointment at St. Mungo's.