Only a few select people knew of the Lily's pregnancy, since she hadn't even started to show it wasn't that hard to keep quiet. However, most of the order did know of it. So at the Order meeting, while Lily was busy being congratulated by everyone, James slipped away silently to find Dumbledore.

James spotted him in the dining room getting organized for the meeting and went to shake his hand. "Ahh, James! Good to see you, it's been a few weeks and I believe a congratulations to be in order."

"Thank you sir. Can we speak privately for a moment?"

"Certainly, James I believe the kitchen to be unoccupied."

When the door to the kitchen had closed he turned to his old headmaster and suddenly felt like a student again. But he was an adult now and this was an adult matter. "I know that Lily and I are assigned to go on a mission in a few days, but given the recent circumstances and all…. I would just be more comfortable if someone traded places with her."

"I assume that Lily doesn't know or will appreciate the fact that you are asking me this?"

"Well no….. But now that she's pregnant I don't think she needs to be in the fray of things."

"I understand your concern James, and I agree too. Although I know Lily can handle herself I don't think battle is the place for an expecting mother either."

James was immensely relieved that Dumbledore and he were on the same page. "Thank you sir, and I'm sure Lily will understand." But something was telling James that she wouldn't.

When Dumbledore called the meeting to order, they all took a moment of silence to remember those that had died in the past week; thankfully none had been in the order. James and Lily then took their seats together as Dumbledore continued on with the agenda. The usual was said and then he went on to announce important changes.

"Linda and Mark are you able to take over the Potter's mission?" They nodded. "And Sirius, James will now be going with you on your mission." As Dumbledore said this Sirius grinned but Lily however, glared at James. He avoided eye contact, but he could still sense her eyes burning into the back of his skull. Dumbledore dismissed the meeting, and James knew he could no longer avoid Lily. He reluctantly followed her into the drawing room and shut the doors behind him, he had a feeling things might get a little loud.

"James Potter! How dare you! What the bloody hell were you thinking? I am perfectly capable of handling myself and you had no right to go behind my back and talk to Dumbledore and take me out of a mission! Why would you ever think that was okay?"

"I don't know, maybe because you're pregnant? And I had no right? Lily, it's not necessary or reasonable for you to be in danger right now. Sirius and I can handle a mission, and this way I don't have to worry about you. Being pregnant makes you more vulnerable." James said this trying to insert some reason into the conversation hoping Lily would understand, but his words had the opposite effect.

"I can 'handle' the mission just fine JAMES! I'm only kinda pregnant, I'm not even showing yet and I can still work! And so you can feel better about yourself I get the wonderful opportunity to sit around and worry about YOU while YOU go off to play with Sirius for a week!" Just because she was expecting a child doesn't mean she was one, how could James do this to her, Lily thought.

"Lily you can't be 'kinda' pregnant you're either pregnant or not and you are! It's just stupid for you to put yourself at risk, to put our baby at risk. And it's not like we're going on a vacation. Just for once listen to me and even Dumbledore agrees!

Tears started to slide down Lily's face and James moved to comfort her but she just pushed him away. "No James! Get away from me! HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF NOT CARING ABOUT OUR BABY! You're such a prat!

"Lily, I didn't mean it like that…" He went to grab her arm as she was heading to the door.

"Just stay away from me POTTER!" And with that Lily ran out the door crying. He heard her open the front door and apparate. He could have stopped her, but he knew she needed her space and that his presence would only make her more upset. She screamed at him when he tried to touch her and that stung James a lot. She hadn't gotten that mad at him in years, not since before they dated… He just wanted her to be safe, and their baby. So what if he was being over protective. He sat down in a chair and put his head into his hands. Lily was going to be the reason he got his first grey hair.

"Well she took that well."

James looked up; Sirius had just walked into the room. Of course everyone in a 5 mile radius would have heard their conversation.

James sighed, "Could've gone better."

"Don't worry about it mate, she'll get over it. She always does, she loves you. And hey, look at the bright side we get to spend all next week together."

"Well as much fun as that sounds Sirius, I don't think it fixes anything between Lily and I. I just was trying to protect her. When did that become such a bad thing?"

"James this is Lily, she's never appreciated anyone protecting her before. And she's just as head strong as you. Just give it some time, but I think the real reason she's so upset is because you went behind her back to talk to Dumbledore."

James stood up to leave. "If Lily being mad at me is what it takes for her to not go on any more missions while being pregnant then find. I'm glad I did it. I should get home though. I'll see you this weekend Sirius."

Lily was mad; she only talked to James when it was absolutely necessary. She even stopped wearing his shirts to bed and just wore her own pajamas. At night Lily kept to her side of the bed with her back to him. And when she had morning sickness in the middle of the night she used a ponytail holder to tie up her hair instead of having James hold it, he assumed it was to prove she didn't need him. All thoughts of their argument just blowing over left his mind. James would be leaving in two days to go on his mission and although, it wouldn't necessarily be a highly dangerous mission there was still always a risk these days. People had been killed lately for a lot less. He just really didn't want to leave Lily on bad terms.

Two nights before James was due to leave they were invited over to the Longbottom's for an early Christmas party. The Longbottoms would be in France for the holidays and they wanted to through a holiday party for all of their friends even if Christmas was three weeks away. While there the Longbottoms revealed that they were expecting a baby too. Lily was able to talk to Alice about all of her worries about being a mom and questions she had. Alice and Frank were about six years older, so Lily was grateful for the advice. James was able to talk to Frank and voice his concerns for Lily's safety to a sympathetic ear. Speaking to the older couple helped alleviate the pressure and tension Lily and James were feeling. When they finally got home, they were light hearted and civil to each other. Lily slept in James' shirt again and allowed his to hold her as she fell asleep that night.