The One


Bella thinks her life is complete, but one day when she meets Edward Cullen, she finds that last peace she did not know was missing.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilightor any of the characters.

Chapter 1: New Boy

Here we go another boring day of school, good thing it's Friday.

Well my name is Isabella Marie Swan, but I go by Bella. I'm 17 years old with brown wavy hair. I consider myself to be average looking nothing really special about me, although I'm quiet known for my stubbornness. And you must know that my family is my life. I have two older brothers Jasper and Emmett who are both seniors in high school. Jasper just turned 18, he's the calm one, but he can also me strong headed like me. He has blond wavy hair like our mother, he's tall and lean not super skinny but not as bulky as Emmett. Emmett well he's just super big all muscle of course, with brown short curly hair. He could be mistaken as scary, but to me he is my big Teddy Bear. He's a very go with a flow find of guy. They're both very protecting of me, which plays a big role on my no boyfriend status. It also doesn't help having your dad be the chief of police. Our parent divorced five years after I was born, our mother, Renee, wasn't really good at staying in one place for too long especially with her multimillion dollar job. We've leaved with our father ever sense the divorce. Our mother died in a car accident four years ago.

I was just done getting ready for school when I heard Emmett yell, "BELLAROO TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!"

"Coming Emmy Bear," I answer running down the stairs. We all ride together to school even though we all have our own cars, I have a Mercedes, Jasper has a Mustang, and Emmett has a Jeep. "Where's Jasper, is he still not down?" I asked Emmett while getting in his jeep.

"No, when I left he was in the bathroom I'll go find him stay here," he said leaving.

After what seemed like forever I saw Emmett coming out the door carrying Jasper. "Emmett William Swan put me down!" Jasper says struggling, but Emmett just ignores him and put him down in the back seat.

"Why were you carrying, Jasper" I asked Emmett curious.

"Well little sister if you must know, I was carrying Jasper because he was taking too damn long to come out and I didn't want to wait" Emmett then explains.

"Hahaha Oh Jasper, and what were you doing taking so long?" I ask between chuckles.

"I have a feeling that something is going to happen today so I had to make sure I looked extra good today," Jasper explained.

"Okay, okay, ladies enough with the chit chat let's get going or we will be late," Emmett interrupted.

"Why you so in a rush to get to school, brother dear, could it have something to do with your girlfriend Rosalie Hale?" Jasper says teasing Emmett.

After their little discussion, we finally got to school. Once we arrived, Rosalie, Emmett's girlfriend since freshman year and my bestfriend of forever met us in the parking lot. After giving a kiss to Emmett, Rose walked over to us. "Hey guys, ready for school the bell is going to ring any minute we better get going,"

"Yea, Rose is right I'm going to get going see you guys at lunch."

As I was leaving I heard Rose call, "Hey Izzy there's these new students, I invited to sit with us at lunch you okay with that, because if you're not then I can-"

"Rose, don't worry about it I'm ok with it. I'ma get going see you later," I interrupt her.

"Oh and Izzy one of the new students is totally hot maybe you two can…" Rose says trailing off.

"Rose you're my best friend, l love you and all but please let medecide who I date!"

"I know Izzy, but please just get to know him he's very nice you might get to like him."

"Ok but I really need to get going or I'ma be late, see you at lunch, Rose." As I walked to my first class, I spotted a Volvo parked outside the office. Maybe it belonged to the new students.

The rest of the day was very boring, but finally it was lunchtime. As I walk in the cafeteria, I notice that the table we sit at is empty, looks like their classes are running late. As I wait for them, two students I've never seen before walk over. One is an amazing looking guy he had bronze crazy hair and bright green eyes. The other was a pixie beautiful looking girl that had similar to the boy.

"Hi, you must be Isabella Swan right? I'm Alice Cullen and this is my twin brother Edward Cullen," The girl named Alice says, but as soon as I turn to look at Edward we make eye contact causing something inside of me to just click and I know right that instant that he's the one.

So, what do you think? Review please and let me know!