So here we go on a Draco and Hermione adventure. There will be lots of interaction between the two of them but this first chapter explains the story first, so be patient. Keep reading, there's some Draco and Hermione at the end of this one and lots more in the next chapter. Happy Reading, please review it really helps.

"So, Miss Granger. Have I made everything completely clear? Do you have any further questions?" Professor Dumbledore was looking kindly at her across his desk.

"Erm...I suppose so...I mean it's all a bit of a shock" Hermione stuttered over her words, her mind reeling.

"I know and I'm sorry to give you all this information at once but as I will be leaving for a while tomorrow time was of the essence."

"I can't believe I have to befriend Draco Malfoy" Hermione said this almost to herself

"He has been put in a very difficult situation, Miss Granger. Very similar to your friend Mr Potter if I am not mistaken. Of course, Mr Malfoy has not handled his predicament anywhere near as well but Harry has but Harry is, after all a very unique individual"

Hermione nodded still a little dumbstruck at the task that Dumbledore had laid out before her.

"You are very clear on the need for secrecy? If this is not kept between us the plan will not work. And it must work, for all our sakes." Dumbledore's face was serious and for the first time ever Hermione actually saw him look worried.

"Yes Professor. I won't let you down"


When she returned to the Common Room she made excuses and retired to bed early to try and gather her thoughts. What Dumbledore had told her tonight was startling and had it not been the great wizard himself telling her, Hermione would have struggled to believe it.

Dumbledore had told her there was a prophecy that had been handed down through the centuries and which was now in his possession. It told of the return of the Dark Lord and the way he could be defeated.

The existence of this prophecy was incredible in itself but the way the Dark Lord would be defeated was the real shock. The Dark Lord would, very soon, pick for himself someone to accept the wand that was able to defeat both Harry and Dumbledore. He would not be able to accept this wand himself as it would never present itself to someone who had no trace of good in them.

The Elder Wand, which was told of in the Tale of Three Brothers really did exist and could indeed kill anyone the user wished but it could not be used for pure evil or personal gain. Therefore the Dark Lord required someone to carry the wand and use it for him.

The most astonishing part of all the information Hermione had learnt tonight was that this person, the one who could accept and carry the wand on behalf of the Dark Lord was called The Chosen One! The Chosen One was not on their side as they had always believed. Therefore, this meant that Harry could not be The Chosen One.

The Prophecy was evolving which meant it adapted to changes that would otherwise prevent it coming true. So if The Chosen One named currently on the prophecy was killed or changed sides, the name would change automatically to the next person who would be The Chosen One. Hermione struggled with this concept as it meant that Voldermort's choice would change also! How could that work? Surely that was a free choice? How could The Prophecy predict a free choice made by someone?

Nevertheless, Hermione had to accept that, as unbelievable as this seemed it was indeed possible. And much more difficult to accept was the fact that The Chosen One was Draco Malfoy. How on earth could Draco Malfoy have the power to influence the outcome of the fight between good and evil? She shook her head in disbelief that Voldermort would choose him to carry out such a important task! Again she had to bow to the proof laid before her, the name of The Chosen One was Draco Malfoy and her disbelief would do nothing to change it.

So, Dumbledore had given her the task of befriending Malfoy and turning him to their side. When he first said this to her, Hermione had quite disrespectfully laughed out loud. Turn Malfoy to their side? Befriend him? That was never going to happen. But Dumbledore had, in his usual calm way, ignored her protests and pointed out that nothing was impossible. He pointed out that Draco was a confused soul, lead by foolish parents, surrounded by evil. This didn't mean he was evil, he just didn't know anything different. Something as simple as a show of support and friendship could be enough to change his entire perspective and Dumbledore believed that Hermione could be the right person to do this.

Hermione turned this over in her mind. Had this been about any other pupil at Hogwarts, even Pansy "bloody evil" Parkinson, Hermione may have been able to believe it. But not about Malfoy. He may have had an upbringing that gave him no choice about what side he was on but that didn't excuse him for enjoying it! He took pleasure in every bad thing that happened to Harry and his friends. Dumbledore may believe there was some good in him but she most certainly did not!

In a flash of complete, paralysing fear Hermione realised that she had to find the good in Malfoy if there was any, even the smallest little bit because if she didn't life as they all knew it now would no longer exist.

With her usual sense of irony and humour she muttered to herself "No pressure then?"


So Hermione spent the next few days desperately trying to think of a way to befriend her arch enemy. After not being able to come up with a plan she had no choice but to just hang around until she could approach him when he was alone and hope for the best. Great! She was going to help bring about the downfall of the Dark Lord by hoping for the best, great plan!

Despite the impression he gave of being a loner it proved, in fact, to be incredibly difficult to find a time when he wasn't surrounded by his imbecile bodyguards Crabbe and Goyle, Pansy Parkinson hanging off his arm or a small crowd of drooling girls who seemed to follow his every move and took no trouble to disguise it. Hermione shook her head in disbelief at the latter. What on earth was all that about? Why were they following Malfoy around with dreamy eyes, giggling at his every word?

She discreetly watched him from the back of Potions and tried her best to be objective. Yes, he had grown up from the annoying little first year and he was handsome, even she could see that. His face was smooth and perfectly in proportion. His hair was striking and fell nicely across his eyes which she supposed could have been attractive if they weren't always looking around him in such a derisive way. The trouble was all this was completely overshadowed by the pompous, sneering look that was permanently smeared across his features.

She watched as he stood to add ingredients to his potion. There was no denying that he moved with a grace and elegance that only a Malfoy could have. One born of knowing your family were the top of the pile, elite, powerful. His cloak was obviously made of the finest material and flowed around him flawlessly. She couldn't really judge what was under the cloak but he was tall and when she'd seen him on the Quidditch pitch he certainly looked like an athlete. Hermione felt herself blush a little at this. For heaven's sake! This was bloody Draco Malfoy she was thinking about.

She realised the lesson was over and that Malfoy had just exited into the corridor, alone! Hastily packed her bag and raced after him without bothering to explain to Harry or Ron. She thought she'd lost him when she spotted the white blonde hair going through the Main Hall doors. Once outside she again saw the smallest glimpse of his hair rounding the corner that lead along the side of the castle. Her face creased into a frown. What was he up to? It seemed a very strange place to be wondering off to.

She cautiously followed him, maintaining her distance. This was dangerous though because along the side of the castle there was no hiding place. If he turned for any reason he would see her immediately. She sighed in relief as he turned the corner which lead to the back of the castle and slowed her pace so that her approach was as quiet as possible.

She still hadn't a clue what she was going to say to him but she had no choice. As she came to the corner she decided to just wonder around it casually and to look surprised when she saw him as if it was a coincidence them both being in the same place. She knew this wasn't a great plan but her mind would not form another so it would have to do.

As she rounded the corner she gasped in surprise. She had never been round this far and therefore had never seen the completely amazing view that now met her eyes. The ground dropped away about 50 feet from the castle and below was a large valley, green and lined with trees. Into the distance were large hills with villages and far away across the lake she could see some snow covered mountains.

She suddenly realised that Malfoy's eyes were on her. Great job of appearing casual she'd done then! The view had completely thrown her! She turned her head to him feeling ridiculously nervous. It was going to take a miracle to pull this off now!

His eyes were darkening dangerously.

"You need to be somewhere else, Granger." The stone cold drawl was the same as usual but the words were a little less harsh than she had been expecting. She took a breath and forced herself to stand her ground.

"Has Daddy bought this bit of the grounds then, Malfoy?" she met his gaze boldly.

"No. I don't want you here, I come here to be alone."

"Well unless I'm mistaken, Malfoy I have as much right to be here as you."

"I wasn't giving you a choice," his voice was low but truly menacing.

That was it! She'd had enough! As usual two minutes of Malfoy's company had wound her up. She placed her hands on her hips and approached him, head high, shoulders back.

"I wasn't asking for your permission," she spoke deliberately quietly "If you don't want company, Malfoy then why don't you leave, because I'm going nowhere." With this she turned on her heel and placed herself squarely on the large flat stone and stared out at the view.

It was probably only moments before he spoke but it seemed like an eternity to Hermione. She fixed her eyes firmly ahead but was acutely aware of Malfoy behind her.

"If you're going to stay then don't speak to me." Draco placed himself on an adjacent stone.

Hermione had to fight really hard not to grin. That was just too easy! Round one fairly and squarely to her!

She didn't speak to him for the entire time she sat on the stone. It was incredibly hard but they both just ignored each other until she finally rose and walked away round the corner without a word.

Hope you liked it. Now you know the background so as I said, lots more Draco and Hermione from now on. Please review!