This is a new story I thought of when I was woken up by neck pains. If this story gets more reviews for the first chapter than Camping with the Populars' first chapter than I'll do both or one depending on many factors. :D


"Mama, why can't I go to a normal school like everyone else?" A young girl asked while her pain had subsided for now.

"I'm sorry, honey, but you aren't like everyone else." Her mother smiled down at her. Her mother hated having to keep Amu locked up in the hospital, but Amu's been having a lot of pains in her back and head. Her mother sighed, stroked her hair, and walked out saying the same thing she always does, "See you tomorrow."

Amu was confused, did her mother not like seeing her in this pain, or did she have more important things to be doing. She often thinks, "why is mama leaving . . . visiting hours aren't over yet."

However, Amu wasn't told that because of her unknown condition, her visiting hours were cut done drastically.

"I'm only 8. Why do I have to be here?" Amu said as she reached to pull the covers off of her. As her foot touched the cold floor she collapsed on the ground screaming. She reached for her call button but it was too far away and Amu was placed in the back of the hospital because her case was unknown. She wasn't sure if anyone had heard her as she blacked out and she remembered when it all started three years ago.

"WAIT!" Amu called to her friends as they ran ahead of her.

"Come on, Amu!" They called from the top of the hill, "She's about to start."

Amu pushed her legs to run harder up the hill. She couldn't be late for Utau when she started singing. Everyone, even the teachers, said she was going to go all the way. Amu was confused, but she knew Utau was an amazing singing even at seven.

She was at the top of the hill know when she heard an awful sound as she looked forward. Her friends were to far ahead of her to hear the sound. She turned around.

"Amu!" Her dad called, and then a black figure pulled something from his coat and pointed it straight at her. However, her dad got in the way of the bullet flying towards her. She went into shock, what she had just witnessed was not something the average five year old witnesses. She turned and started towards her friend and kept walking.

"I'm not singing until Amu gets here." She vaguely heard Utau say to everyone.

"Amu! Hurry up!" She heard everyone call, but she walked there slowly still processing what happened. Amu sat down and Utau started to sing.

So many times I was alone and couldn't sleep
You've left me drowning in the tears of memory
And ever since you've gone I've found it hard to breathe
Cause there was so much that your heart just couldn't see

A thousand wasted dreams are rollin' off my eyes
But time's been healing me and I say goodbye

Cause I can breathe again, dream again
I'll be on the road again
Like it used to be the other day

Now I feel free again so innocent
Cause someone makes me whole again
For sure, I'll find another you

"NO!" Amu screamed, and she went running back to where she saw her dad murdered.

"Amu what's wrong?" Utau asked running after her.

"Come on, Utau, she always does this." The kids Amu thought were her friends, said.

Then Utau screamed and hugged Amu.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She kept mumbling in her ear. It never came across Amu as to why her friend was saying this. Utau was her friend, right?

Amu struggled against Utau's arms, when Utau let go Amu went running down towards her dad, but someone tripped her.

She fell and hit her head. Everything around her started to go blurry and she heard someone tell her that she didn't want to go down there because it's scary. However, she recognized the voice as Utau's brother. Amu groaned and her vision refocused to show the person who had tripped was Utau's brother. He covered her eyes, picked her up, and carried her to her house. She never heard her mother cry once, or even scream when she found out her husband had died.

That night Amu was woken up by a sharp pain cutting through her whole body, but it also burned on her back and in her head. She clawed at her back as she screamed into the darkness of her bedroom. She felt a soothing sensation run down her back as she began to think that the darkness might be swallowing her screams and keeping her mother out. But, then light banished the darkness from her room as her mother came running in flicking on the light, and had a phone in her hand.

"Amu!" Her mother screamed.

"Finally." Amu thought, "You screamed and cried."

Her mom frantically punched 911 into the phone and Amu looked at her hand. Amu noticed there was blood on her hands and then suddenly the smell of iron and metal consumed Amu and she fainted. She had scratched her back until her bled and had ripped out a good portion of her brunette hair.

Three days later when Amu woke up she was in a hospital bed with no hair and scars on her arms, legs, and back. The doctors and her mom didn't know she was wake because she could hear them talking.

"It's not supposed to come yet!" Her mom hissed at the specialized doctor Amu had been seeing since she was four because her mom didn't want her to get sick, or that's what she told Amu.

"I'm sorry, but all the tests I've taken say that she with be one that will be going through a long painful processes." The doctor told her mom. Amu's assumption was correct it was her specialized doctor.

"But, the others went through quick processes that weren't painful!" Her mom hissed again.

"And they didn't survive, Midori." The doctor stated to her mother. Her mom huffed and came into the room.

"Mama, when can I go home?" Amu asked.

"Oh, your awake. Soon honey." Her mom smiled down at her, but her smile wasn't like the ones Amu was used to seeing. This smile didn't reach her eyes and there was a trace of pain behind the smile.

For the next three years Amu became better and better at reading people. She could tell if someone was lying to her or not and if the news they brought with them was good or bad. She was only eight and she anyways wondered who 'the others' were, but never had the courage to ask.

"Amu, Amu, are you awake?" Amu heard a women ask.

She groaned in response.

"She's awake!" She heard a command tone say.

"Get the oxygen, and stop her before she starts to claw at herself again." The voice commanded others and suddenly she felt hand all over her. It's been three years since the original attacks she had and now they are further apart, but unfortunately they are more painful when they hit. When she opened her eyes she saw she was trying to claw at her legs. It was like watching someone else control her body.

She was use to it, because after every attack they give her medication to stop her from hurting herself and strap her down until she stops struggling. Fortunately, Amu has become better at controlling herself after the attacks.

When the doctors leave they mumble to each other about how crazy she is.

"Don't think badly of me." Amu yells when they leave. She huffs and notices that children and nurses are around her windows. They started doing that when they realized that she sings after she has an attack, but no one asks why. She's happy they don't because then she won't have to relive memories. She starts to sing.

So many times I was alone and couldn't sleep
You've left me drowning in the tears of memory
And ever since you've gone I've found it hard to breathe
Cause there was so much that your heart just couldn't see

A thousand wasted dreams are rollin' off my eyes
But time's been healing me and I say goodbye

Cause I can breathe again, dream again
I'll be on the road again
Like it used to be the other day

Now I feel free again so innocent
Cause someone makes me whole again
For sure, I'll find another you

Could you imagine someone else is by my side?
I've been afraid, he couldn't keep myself from falling

My heart was always searching for a place to hide

Could not await the dawn to bring another dayCause I can breathe again, dream again
I'll be on the road again
Like it used to be the other day.

You're not the only one so hear me when I say
The thoughts of you, they just fade away

Now I feel free again so innocent
Cause someone makes me whole again
For sure, I'll find another you

Sometimes I see you
When I close my eyes
You're still a part of my life

But I can breathe again, dream again
I'll be on the road again
Like it used to be the other day

Now I feel free again so innocent
Cause someone makes me whole again
For sure, I'll find another you
Oh, I'll find another you

They applause for a while then the mean doctors, who look down on her, shoo them away.

"Thank you." Amu whispers, but she whispers a 'thank you' for their applause and their support. They are the only ones who visit when she expects them to and even though she's eight she knows they while come back because they want to hear more. Even, if it's the same song of the past.

Utau and her friends never came to visit her when she was first emitted into the hospital, but she could always hear Utau singing the song from the hill near the hospital. However, the song seem to sound much more sad. Now, Amu heard news that they moved away because their parents didn't want them near a bad omen. That's when Amu started to hate people who look down on her.

"This will only hurt for a second." The doctor's monotone voice said as he shoved a needle into her arm and drew blood. Afterwards the other doctors ran threw some tests and gave her more medication.

"It seems your hair is growing back. A pretty pink colour, too." The only female doctor told her with a smile, but again she saw the doctor was disgusted to be in the same room as Amu.

When all the doctors left Amu got unexpected guests, but she was happy to see them.

Tell me what you think!

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