Chapter 13

Disclaimer: Just a reminder I do not own any part of JK Rowling's or JRR Tolkien's great works. This piece of fiction garners neither profit nor claims ownership.

Last Time:

Until the day came he would wait, patiently for the right time, even if it took a few years. What was that to an immortal?

"Love, come back to bed," called out Eldemmírë.

Pallando grinned nastily, waiting had some very tangible benefits as well.



Harry leant against the railing of his balcony and watched the sunrise. On his bed, Luna was softly snoring with Selene in her arms. The last three months had been quiet with no sign of Pallando or even rumour of him. The respite was welcome but worrying. The White Council was at a loss as to why the fallen Istari had suddenly disappeared but had taken the opportunity to build their defences and prepare.

"My Lord, My Lady, the dwarves approach the gate."

Harry turned to see one of the townsmen, Garnall in the grey and white tunic of a guard. One of the coppersmiths attached to the Trade school. Like most of the able-bodied men, he served two days a month as a guard for extra pay.

"Thank you Garnall," replied Harry.

"They have made good time," said Luna as she walked out of their bedroom. Despite the early hour, Luna looked fantastic, very much the Lady of Isengard.

"They have indeed. The King must have dispatched them at once," Harry grinned at his wife. "He must really want his people here for this."

"In the past Dwarven smiths rarely got the chance to compare notes with others. I suspect that a Hobbit smith sharing an innovative way to better cast tools may have opened a few eyes," said Luna with a wink. "Actually, I think I'll join you."

A few minutes later they were making their way forward to greet the Dwarven traders and craftsmen. As they approached, the lead dwarf bowed, so low that his beard nearly touched the ground.

"Greeting My Lord, My Lady."

Harry smiled as the Dwarven smith straightened, "Well met Tirin, it is a pleasure to see you back with us."

"Aye, it's good to be back. Are we the first then My Lord?" asked Tirin with a grin.

"You are, save for our own smiths of course," replied Harry.

"Well that will give us a day or two to settle in."

"What trades do you have represented?" asked Luna curiously.

Tirin grinned, "Once the King gave the word we had a right crowd wanting the honour. I've got a range of smiths, two master leather workers, a weaver and Giri the master builder. Alongside them are their apprentices and younger sons of course."

"Excellent," said Luna with an encouraging smile.

Tirin's grin faded away as his face became serious, "There is another…ah delicate matter My Lady."

Luna nodded, "Go on my friend."

"The King said that you were looking at opening a Healer Hall and so he sent two of our healers, to learn."

"Oh that's marvellous," replied Luna.

Tirin lowered his voice so that only Luna and Harry could hear him, "The delicate part is that our healers are all female, leastways the Master Healers are. The King wanted you to know in case of any…ah difficulties."

Harry raised an eyebrow but decided to let Luna handle it.

Luna nodded her face solemn, "I see, well you may be reassured Master Dwarf that we shall do all that we can to make them welcome and safe during their stay here."

Tirin bowed again, "Our thanks, My Lady."


The Craft schools population had nearly doubled in size. Word had spread among the master craftsmen and many a lord was approached with a request to attend. Even the newly formed Healer school had attracted a dozen healers from around the lands.

But the biggest surprise was the school for children. With the names of wizards and witches now appearing in the tower book, Maglor's suggestion of classes for the children had expanded. Along with Prince's Eluréd and Elurín, there would be nearly thirty young children receiving a basic education. Most were the children of the people living in Isengard but some like Tilly of Dale were travelling by Port Key to attend sessions.

Once the White Council heard of the school, Maglor found himself swamped with request for favoured sons and daughters to be given the opportunity. So a second group of older children was formed. These were mostly between seven and fourteen. The focus of their learning was similar to the youngsters but would also include history, languages and even herb lore.

On the first day of spring, the start of what Harry and Luna called 'the new term' there was a veritable crowd gathered on the lawn outside the tower.


"Well we wanted a school," said Luna.

Harry's smile was genuine as he studied the crowd below. The Valar had wanted magic brought back to the First and Secondborn. That mission was well underway. But, it had been Harry and Luna's vision to build a school. To help their allies better themselves. To see it happening so quickly was rewarding and a little humbling.

"I think we had better get our speeches over with so the feast can begin," said Harry as he offered Luna his arm. "Shall we?"

"Let's" replied Luna with a radiant smile.


Faramir looked over at his brother and grinned. They were here, finally!

When their Aunt had told them that Uncle Imrahil had arranged for them to attend lessons in Isengard he had been stunned, then excited (and a little scared). They had waited for what seemed like endless weeks…and now they were here. And there on the steps were the wizards and witches of Isengard!

Lord Harry waved to the crowd and Lady Luna smiled. Faramir almost gasped as he caught his first good look at the Lady of Isengard. She was beautiful…her silver blond hair flowed over her shoulders as she waved. He had been told that she was a Maia, one of the servants of the Valar and now he believed it. You could almost see the aura around her, around them both.

Beside them stood their students…and there was Tirith, resplendent in his polished armour.

"Welcome to Isengard," called out Harry, and his voice carried over the crowd. "We are truly humbled to see so many students, teachers and masters of their crafts here today. For those returning to study, welcome back. For those starting their journey here today, welcome to Isengard. Soon we shall be enjoying the feast that my nose tells me is near ready." There was some laughter and even clapping in the crowd and Harry laughed, amused. "Yes, very soon. But before we begin I wanted to thank you, one and all. We want to build something special here. We want to build a bond between you all. Some of you will be learning magic, some to read and write. Others will be mastering new aspects of their craft or teaching others. Regardless of why you are here, while you are, you are a part of Isengard. Now please eat, drink and enjoy the feast and the entertainment. Tomorrow the hard work begins!"

Faramir found himself smiling as he turned to his brother.

Boromir grinned back, "Race you to the food brother."


"A nice speech My Lord, although some might say a trifle short," said Gandalf as he took a sip of his cider.

Harry grinned, "I like short speeches."

"Well it certainly made an impression on those I was near," said Rhadagst.

"I think it was a nice speech love," said Luna before turning her attention to the two Istari. "We should eat and speak to our students and as you two are part of the staff here…"

Gandalf laughed and bowed, "Message received my Lady. Come, old friend, we had best be about our appointed tasks."

Rolling her eyes at the theatrics Luna took her husband's arm, "You too my love."


The first weeks were interesting but as the students and teachers settled a rhythm was soon established. The students were adapting well to their lessons and for the first time in months the students of magic or the students of the Tower as they became known were able to concentrate on their lessons.


Gandalf read the latest report from Lord Elrond.

"Still nothing, this inaction worries me," said Gandalf as he placed the letter on the table.

Harry nodded, "Agreed, it has been nearly four months since we defeated him. I doubt he has given up his evil so it is more important than ever that we dedicate our resources to finding him."

"The White Council is doing all it can my Friend, you know that," Gandalf admonished Harry gently, as he well understands Harry's concerns.

"And yet he still eludes us," replied Harry.

"Aye, he is hidden away but that also serves our purposes. Our allies gather their strength and your students grow more powerful. When he does move again we will be in a better position to deal with him."

Harry nodded, "That is true but the responsibility the Valar laid on me weighs heavy. All of this, the school the White Council…it is at risk while he is out there plotting against us."

Gandalf studied the younger Maia in silence before sighing, "Beware that type of thinking my friend. You are not Ilúvatar, despite your power you can only do your best. Not all failures are yours even if your sense of duty tells you that you should have done more. Even the Valar have not the power to unmake the past."

Harry smiled ruefully, "I know and yet that does not remove my frustration."

Gandalf laughed, his eyes dancing. "Then seek out your lady wife and daughter and revel in their love."

Harry smiled, "Wise advice."

"Of course."

"But before I do I wanted to ask if you knew of any Elves who might consider teaching. Maglor has had quite a few requests regarding learning the language as well as people interested in history and the like."

Gandalf stroked his beard, looking thoughtful, "Perhaps I might. Some of Elrond's people might consider it. As you know, they look on Isengard and what you are doing here with a great deal of interest."


Selene was nearly one and frankly a rather large handful. With bouts of accidental magic and her rapidly developing mobility, she kept her parents and the other residents of the tower busy.

Harry picked up his daughter and tickled her to distract her from approaching her mother.


Harry grinned at her and sat down in his chair, placing Selene in his lap. "We have to let mummy work Selene."

"I won't be long," said Luna as she waved her hand above the ornate silver bowl she had commissioned from the Smith Hall. She had been working on her new 'scrying' device for a week. "I think it's done."

"Really?" asked Harry. "That was quicker than I expected."

"Well, I had learned how to do it in Aman. Unfortunately, it was the crafting of a silver bowl that slowed things down. It had to be hand made without magic. Once that was done the runes were fairly easy if time-consuming," explained Luna.

"I didn't really pay attention in class, so forgive my ignorance but how does this help?" asked Harry

"I can scry normally of course, with a suitable device but there are ways to counter it. This should counter some of Pallando's protection…well so I hope. Either way, I get a better scrying pool."

"Sounds like time well spent then," said Harry.

Luna sighed and came over to sit in the chair next to Harry. "It is…Harry, we need to talk about the Palantír."

"What about it?" asked Harry in an even tone. "You know as well as I that it is compromised. Sauron holds sway over at least one of the stones. Even the Elves are reticent to use them despite their supposed ability to let them glimpse the undying lands."

"I don't mean to use it, but rather to stop our enemies using those they have captured," explained Luna.

Harry considered for a moment before sighing, "A wise precaution but…oh, Merlin, you fear Pallando has one?"

Luna paused and then shook her head, "I fear it, but I have no proof. So it could be my fears speaking. We do have a way to test my theory."

Harry thought for a second before seeing her point, "Aragorn…it is a dangerous test for one untrained, despite the fact he has the blood to use it," argued Harry. "Would not Maglor or Findulias being of the Noldor also have the right to command the stones?"

"Perhaps," admitted Luna. "We may need to consult with the others. I have no plan to test this tonight."

"And yet, if he does hold one of the lost stones he could be spying on us."

"Don't forget that he faces the same dilemma that we do. We have the power but not the right to use them. To force such an artefact, to bend it to our will would be difficult. He would not be using it lightly, or easily," argued Luna.

"True, well I wasn't expecting this conversation," said Harry with a smile.

"Honestly, I have been waiting to bring it up for a while. I was trying to work out how exactly Pallando is hiding from us and thought of the stone. If what the Valar fear is true then he is truly on a dark path, stealing the fëa of his fellow Ainur. It is soul magic at its darkest."

"We will find him and stop this insanity. I believe that we have time to counter this madness. For him to gather the power to do such will take time and I truly believe that each day brings us closer to finding him," said Harry.

"Let us hope that we do. If we fail, then our daughter will be one of the ones at risk."


Harry opened his eyes to find himself standing in sun dappled woodlands. The scent and indeed the magical feeling told him where he was, the Woods of Oromë.

"It is good to see you once more, my friend," said a very familiar voice and Harry found himself turning to see Oromë himself standing behind him.

Harry gave the Vala a deep bow, "My Lord Oromë."

Oromë laughed and gestured toward the path that wove between the trees, "Come, Harry, we have much to discuss before you wake."

Harry nodded and fell in beside Oromë.

"How do you find the experience of fatherhood?" asked Oromë.

Somewhat taken aback by the unexpected question, Harry had to think for a moment before answering, "Amazing, terrifying…I had never expected to find Selene so rewarding."

Oromë smiled, "I am told that is often the way of things. Such unique events are often overlooked amid the joy of the moment. And Selene is just that, unique. The first child born of two Maia…a thing we had not seen in the great song. Unlooked for, but all the more welcome for that reason."

"The first?" asked Harry.

"Aye, she is the first of the Ainur to be born, rather than formed. A unique heritage, which has been a subject of much rejoicing."

Harry didn't know what to say to that.

"When you trained with me we discussed the nature of the Vala and the Maia. Each was formed to play a part. Despite Melkor, and the Maia he corrupted that has mostly remained truth. You trained with me because your nature was closest to mine just as Luna's was closest to Lórien. To have you two joined is, in many ways a joining of two different natures."

"An interesting thing to consider," said Harry.

"I foresee that she will have an interesting life. Alas, we must now turn to darker matters. Pallando has fallen Harry, he follows the same dark path as Melkor and his servants. Alas, that one of mine should embrace the darkness," said Oromë with both sadness and a touch of anger.

"But Alatar has stayed true and now stands with the remaining Istari," argued Harry.

"Yes, he has proven my faith in him but still, he wavered in his purpose in the same way Aiwendil did. He became enamoured of Middle Earth and his life there," Oromë laughed ruefully. "We bear much of the blame for that. We had thought, when it was decided to send five emissaries to Middle-earth. That they should be of like power to Sauron, yet they must forgo might, and clothe themselves in flesh. They were sent to help Men and Elves unite against Sauron, not to further break the world with their unrestrained power. Had we charged them to do as you and Luna have we might have avoided this situation. But come, their actions are not yours. Pallando is our concern."

"He has disappeared," reported Harry.

"I know but I believe that in the end, you will find a way to find him. My concern is how you will defeat him when that day arrives."

Harry nodded, listening intently. Lord Oromë was a wise and skilled leader and tactician.

"You must embrace your nature," advised Oromë.

Harry paused, unsure what to say as he waited for the rest of Oromë's advice. After a few moments, he cleared his throat, "My Lord?"

Oromë sighed and laid a hand on Harry's shoulder, "You are an Ainur and have a wellspring of power to draw on…apart from your magic. To defeat Pallando you will need to draw on that power."

"I don't understand," answered Harry with not a little frustration in his voice.

"You are a wizard Harry and you have been trained to fight as a swordsman but your most potent ability is that you have within you the power of one of the Ainur. You and Luna both have the ability to channel that power, should you need to."

"But the risk to Middle Earth, is that not why the Istari are restricted?" asked Harry.

"It is, but their powers are different. You and Luna share a connection to magic that allows you greater control, perhaps even greater control than we suspect. Pallando and Sauron both lack that level of control," Oromë's expression was serious as he explained. "And then, if you were in great need you could call on a greater, more potent power. We believe that your magic will help you control it."

"That seems straight forward, but experience tells me that there will be a catch."

"No power is without a price Harry. I know not what you would be asked to pay but always remember that Ilúvatar granted you the power for a reason."

Harry woke to find himself in his bed.


Gandalf stroked his beard, looking thoughtful, "I believe that this confirms what I had suspected already. You are the Valar's envoys and your role is now to oppose Pallando. You have brought magic to Middle Earth that is far different from ours and despite our capacity, you both have a level of mastery far beyond ours."

"As students, you are progressing far beyond what would be expected at Hogwarts," argued Harry.

"And yet your other students keep pace with us do they not?" asked Gandalf. "No, you are different my friends. You both have far easier access to your power than I or the other Istari. You must test and strengthen that access against a day when you might need it. I believe that your magic is now fuelled by your Maia nature. You are Maiar, eternal and bright flames in the dark. You must find the path to that power, that I believe is Lord Oromë's message."

Alatar looked thoughtful as he considered what he had heard, "I too think Lord Oromë is reminding you both that you are no longer counted among the second born. While my fellow Istari and I have been both Maia and mortal, we have done it in the reverse, having willingly limited ourselves to take on the mantle of wizards. Being mortal and then discovering that you have near unlimited power…it must be difficult."

Luna shrugged, "In a way, it is a challenge despite being somewhat prepared. The reality is that we have the power to tear apart Middle Earth. That is a responsibility I had not expected."

"Power that you may never need to use," added Alatar.

"Let us hope," replied Harry.


As the months went by the White Council continued its search for Pallando with no success. It was as if he had disappeared.

"Wherever he is, he has managed to hide himself away from both magic and our agents," said Luna as she addressed the White Council members. "I am not sure how much more we can realistically expand our search."

Elrond looked troubled as he considered Luna's words, "I dislike the necessity of waiting for Pallando to make his move."

"No more that I do," said Harry. "With Sauron contained he is the largest threat we face. Lord Oromë said that he believed that in the end, we'd find him. I believe that we have done what we can. Now we must remain vigilant."

Galadriel sighed, "I too believe that we have no choice but to remain watchful."

Gandalf stroked his beard before nodding, "I too agree, although it irks me to say it."

"Then we have a consensus?" asked Alatar.

"We will have to inform the rest of the council. I can only hope that they have some wisdom that we have not," said Harry.


"Master Maglor, what is magic?" asked Elurín in his accented common.

Maglor smiled and gestured toward the glowing globes that adorned the walls.

"Magic is a tool Elurín, a very valuable tool that can be used in different ways. The lights here, your portkeys that bring you to class, even the iceboxes that keep food cool are all magical in nature. Some of you here may go on to learn some magic. But even those that don't will find themselves benefiting."

"But is it the same as the enemy's magic?" asked Eluréd.

Maglor shook his head, "No, there is a great deal of difference between dark sorcery and magic. I think, for now, we will put aside our books. If you gather your things I would like to show you all something."

The class quickly packed up. Maglor was a good teacher and like to mix things up by taking his young charges outside on occasion, usually to reinforce a point.

Still, the children were not complaining. It was warm and sunny outside.

Maglor led them into the gardens and along a well-marked path.

"Look, look!" said an excited Tilly. "It's lady Luna."

Luna turned and smiled, giving Maglor and his young charges a wave. "Greetings everyone."

She smiled at the chorus of greetings and turned to Maglor, "You are all welcome and just in time for a demonstration. Come, gather around me."

The children all looked excited as the came and stood beside Luna.

A loud caw sounded as a raven swept into the clearing to land at Luna's feet. Followed by a bright blue, yellow-breasted Kingfisher. A moment later, a wolfhound came bounding through the trees followed by a huge black cat.

"And here they are," said Luna with a broad smile.

Tilly gasped as the raven blurred and grew into a young woman with hair the same colour as the raven's feathers.

"The fastest again Brada," said Luna.

"Only just, Finduilas almost had me on the last turn," replied Brada.

The children were standing wide-eyed and open-mouthed as the animals transformed.

Luna smiled and gestured toward the animagi, "These are the wizards of Isengard. Some of you will one day be like them. Many of you will be Lords and Ladies, warriors, teachers, healers or wealthy merchants. Perhaps some of you may even live here and teach new students. No matter what your calling is, knowledge is something that will help you on your journey."

Maglor watched as Luna and her students interacted with his students. He had long sought redemption for his actions in ages past. First as a scholar and loremaster and then, when he came to Isengard, as a teacher. It was rewarding work and he finally felt that he was making up for the evils he had been drawn into.


Harry stood alone in the forest, under the peaceful eaves of Fangorn forest. It was quiet and as far as he could tell he was alone. Which suited his purposes.

A moment later, he was clad in the mithril armour he had been gifted by the Valar. He drew Alata, his mithril longsword and studied the weapon for a moment before sheathing it. On his hands, he wore two rings. The first bore the mark of Manwe and the second bore a stone that glowed softly, his replacement for his lost wand.

Another gesture and his staff was in his hands. Concentrating he could feel his connection to it, it was almost as if the staff were alive.

Closing his eyes, he let a bit of his magic out and felt the staff respond.

His magic was familiar, something he was well-used to...and not what he was looking for. He was looking for his Maia abilities. The two were linked but still separate. He was still drawing on his mortal magic but there was something else there, a thread of power. It lent power to his magics but it was only a trickle. Mentally, he reached out to that power and, for a moment he connected to it.

Raw power coursed through him, so strongly that it almost hurt.

Surprised, he let it slip away.

"How arrogant have I been," muttered Harry. "I am barely touching the surface of the abilities I was granted and assumed that I had mastered them."

The realisation that he was just starting to understand what he had access to was sobering and something he would need to discuss with Luna.

An odd noise, almost like a horn, sounded from deep within the forest capturing his attention. An answering call much further away sounded. It wasn't any animal call he had ever heard and there was something about it that told him that it was far more than that. Fanghorn was a very old forest. The Elves told tales about it and its inhabitants. While he was sure that the Elves were not lying, he had assumed that the stories were in reference to when Middle Earth was still young. Could the Onodrim still live among the trees of Fangorn?

He peered into the shadows among the trees and saw nothing.

Vowing to ask the Elves dwelling in Isengard, or perhaps Gandalf he turned and apparated away.


Edoras – Rohan

Théodred was rather distracted as he sat beside his father as he conducted court business. He would have been rather embarrassed if he had known just how many in the room were amused by his clear desire to be elsewhere.


Théodred turned to look at his father, the King.

"Perhaps you should go and prepare?" suggested Theoden.

"No Father, this…ah, what were we discussing?" asked Théodred.

"Trade with the Elves of the Greenwood," replied Theoden. Who was masterfully hiding his amusement.

Théodred stared blankly at his father who sighed and waved toward the door," Go son."

Théodred looked like he would protest for a moment before nodding. He nodded politely to his father and left with haste.

The representative of King Thranduil, an elf named Amdír smiled and raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

"His betrothed is due to arrive soon with her kinfolk," explained Theoden.

Amdír's smile grew wider, "Ah, then perhaps I shall retire for this evening. A walk amid the wildflowers will do wonders to clear my head."

Theoden rose from his chair, "Perhaps I should join you before my sister finds court has ended. I fear I am ill-suited to wedding planning."

"Too late your Majesty," said Théodwyn from where she stood near the doorway. "


Brada would have much preferred to have portkeyed into Edoras but her father and her other remaining kin wished to travel with her.

Admittedly it was rather strange to be riding openly through the fields of Rohan with her father's sigil openly displayed on their banners. Even more, so that they should be accompanied by an honour guard of twenty of her father's men and twenty of the King of Rohan's riders. Only a handful of years ago, the two groups would have been attacking each other.

She steered her horse toward her father who was talking to her cousin Lud. Of her relatives accompanying them to Rohan, she much preferred the bearded Lud. Especially when compared to her Lud's younger sisters Rilla and Gilda. Both of them had been terrors when children and they had only improved slightly with age.

"How fare you daughter?" asked her father, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"It is an easy ride father and with such company, we have little to fear," replied Brada with a touch of brusqueness.

A faint smile showed for a moment as he turned to look at the armed men around them, "True, but I was asking about meeting your betrothed's people."

"I have already met many of them," replied Brada with a shrug. "On the whole, they are a goodly folk."

"Indeed King Theoden has dealt fairly with us. Very fairly, given the history of our people," admitted Broca. "Your deeds have played a part in that daughter."

Brada blushed slightly as she nodded.

Broca studied the horizon, "If I am not turned about, then we should arrive this evening."

Brada nodded, looking around at the lush grassland and low hills. "There are riders approaching." She called out and pointing to the east.

One of the Rohirrim escorts stood in his stirrups, shading his eyes with his hand. "You have sharp eyes Lady Brada. There is a band of riders approaching…a large group although I cannot make out their number at this distance."

Broca's eyes narrowed slightly, "I was not aware of a second party escorting us."

Brada drew her staff out from where it hung from her saddle and walked her horse closer to her fathers.

"They fly the white horse banner," reported Brada.

A few minutes later and most of the party could make out the approaching riders. To their relief, they turned out to be riders from Edoras. Led by none other than Éomund, Chief Marshal of the Mark.

"Lord Éomund," said Broca. "This is an unexpected pleasure."

Éomund looked a bit sheepish as he replied, "I had not intended to worry your party. The King wanted to make sure your arrival sent the right message to some of our…less pleased nobles." Éomund bowed in his saddle, "My Lady, most of Rohan rejoices in his Highnesses betrothal. Your personal honour and your growing renown have convinced all save a few. The King hopes that a reminder of the esteem in which he holds you will help still what whispers remain."

"I see, will this mean problems in the Kings Court?" asked Broca.

Éomund smiled somewhat ruefully, "The King's bard has penned a song named the Isle of the Mists. It's a fairly accurate account of our journey. No doubt we'll hear it performed in full. Several times…it is a favourite of many of the younger riders."

"Oh Gods," muttered Brada.

Broca raised an eyebrow in enquiry as he looked at his daughter. Behind him, Lud was trying to explain what was happening to his sisters.

"I had no idea," said Brada.

Éomund shrugged, "It's not that bad. I'm painted as the stalwart servant of the King and bodyguard of the Brave Prince."

Brada glared at the older man, "And?" prompted Brada.

"You are, of course, the Lady Brada Ravenlocks, Shieldmaiden of Isengard and boonmate of Ayrica the Brave, the Lady of Rohan."

Brada turned red as her lips thinned, "I swear…if Théodred had anything to do with this…"

Éomund shared an amused look with Broca, "I fear that if we are to make it before dark then we shall have to continue on my Lady."


Minas Tirith

Lady Ivriniel of Dol Amroth set aside the book of poetry she was reading and stood. Crossing her suite, she walked to the window that looked out over the city.

Even at this late hour, in the fading light, she could see people going about their own duties. For a moment she felt a longing for her home in Dol hear the gulls and see them wheeling above the city. Minas Tirith was a beautiful city by any measure. Despite this, she still felt a subtle discontent.

"Oh, how I would like to be far away from politics and the burdens of rulership. Just Tirith and I…" her internal voice trailed off as a knock sounded against her door.

As soon as she opened the door her betrothed pulled her in for a kiss.

"Tirith, I didn't know you had returned!"

"Just now My Lady. So I must apologise for my appearance," he sniffed loudly. "And it seems for the smell of horse."

Ivriniel laughed aloud, "I care not my love. Have I not been about warriors my whole life? Although, bathing might be…enjoyable."

The last was said in a tone of voice that sent shivers down his spine.

"I fear that if I gave into such temptation, your brother may well be displeased with me. At least until we are safely wed."

Ivriniel smiled and pushed herself away, "I am of an age where my brother has little say over such matters. But if such does matter to you then perhaps you should consider who it is that constantly wonders, aloud, when you will come to your senses."

Tirith grinned, "Your brother does seem rather too interested. Perhaps he should see to his own situation."

Ivriniel wrinkled her nose, "No thank you. I have long since begged off that thankless task. Since the death of Elissa, his wife, in childbirth, he has grieved. His children have long been fostered by their Grandparents."

Tirith's smile faded. The Prince's children were a sore point with His Highness. There was no doubt that he loved his children but his duties often consumed his attention. The Prince believed that their needs were best met in that home rather than being raised by servants.

"It was a poor jest," said Tirith.

Ivriniel nodded sadly, "It's not your fault love. But come, there is much that we should consider in regards to our own wedding."


Edoras - Rohan

Meduseld, the great Golden Hall of the Kings of Rohan was a riot of colour. The court of the King was in session and most now knew that the official announcement that Prince Theodred would plight his troth with the Brada Ravenlocks.

The ceremony was simple, but it represented an official declaration of their intent to marry (beyond the agreement between the man and woman's families). It had fallen into disuse in Rohan, save by the Royal family itself.

Théodred and Brada joined hands and stood before the King, who stood, smiling before his throne.

Théodred stood straight-backed as held tight to Brada's hand. "I stand as a Prince of Rohan and say that I, Théodred plight my troth to thee, Brada. Daughter of Broca."

"And I Brada, daughter of Broca plight my troth to thee Théodred son of Theoden," replied Brada with a bright smile.

Theoden smiled, "I accept your word and add my own. These two shall be wed on the first day of spring. Such is the will of the King."

Cheers sounded in the hall as the official ceremony ended and the celebration began.

Théodred and Brada found themselves surrounded by many of the younger nobles and younger riders. After a few moments, Théodred was surrounded by young men and was drinking the first of many drinks he was going to be offered.

Having been forewarned Brada was prepared for this and for a group of young women led by Ayrica who closed ranks around her and led her off to the other side of the hall where food and wine awaited.


At the front of the hall, more restrained celebrations were underway.

Lord Éomund passed Broca and Lud a silver decanter, "It's elven, damned if I can say its name but it is a splendid vintage."

Broca and Lud both poured themselves a glass and tasted the wine. Broca raised his glass in salute and took a sip. "Ah yes, it is, Elven you say?"

"Aye, a gift from Lord Elrond," explained Éomund.

Lud took a sip and raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Is this what I have been turning down in Isengard?"

Éomund grinned, "Probably."

Lud laughed ruefully, "Well my loss."

All three men started as the King sat next to Éomund and reached for the wine, "I think I will join you, my friends."

Éomund grinned, "Avoiding the inevitable?"

"A King's prerogative," replied Theoden. Seeing the confused looks on Broca's and Lud's faces, he leant forward to explain. "Weddings…my sister, Lord Éomund's wife will be a twirl making wedding plans. So I have made myself scarce for a few moments, so as to enjoy a few glasses."

Éomund saluted the King with his wine glass, "Wise my Liege."

Theoden ignored his brother in law and leant forward, "After a few drinks, we shall leave the young to their revelry. I would ask that you and your kinsman join my inner council for a bite to eat and a private meeting. We have much to discuss."


The King's inner council was relatively small. It consisted of Lord Éomund and his Lady wife as well as six older men.

Theoden gestured and two servants closed the door.

"These are my Marshals. Éomund you know," Theoden pointed to each of the men at the table. "Fasterd, Aefling, Elfeld are my other Marshals. Hafling is my steward while Rothan and Hamas are two of my most loyal Lords."

Broca had studied each man as they were introduced, "It is a pleasure to meet you, my lords."

Lud simply nodded, looking somewhat overwhelmed. Here, in this room, were most of the men his people had matched wits with in battle.

"I am awaiting two more you know and then we can begin. First, please have a drink. I fear this shall be thirsty work," said Theoden.

Broca accepted a flagon from Fastred and poured for both himself and Lud, "My thanks."

Fastred nodded before taking a sip of his own drink.

A flash of light and the hint of a breeze rippled through the room as two familiar figures appeared, the Lord and Lady of Isengard.

Harry smiled at the group before bowing to those gathered in the room, "Sorry we are a bit late."


Harry gestured and a map appeared on the table. It was an incredibly detailed map of Rohan, Isengard, Dunland and much of Fangorn forest.

"By Bema!" exclaimed Aefling. "I have never seen such a map."

"It is as accurate as we can make it," said Luna. "If you look, you will see that the lands in the westfold that border Fangorn and Isengard is rarely used. It is poor grazing land and prone to flooding from the Adorn and Isen rivers."

Éomund pointed at the map, closer to Isengard. "True My Lady, although the land closer to the gap is higher and while not good grazing land it is not prone to flooding."

Harry pointed to the villages in the western part of the Westfold, "These are the villages closest to this area. Having access to this area would allow the Dunlendings easier access to trade and access Isengard. It is also the land closest to both Broca's and Lud's land."

Theoden frowned as he studied the map, "I see your point. You Broca, and you Lud have been good neighbours. But if we open these lands then we open them to many men of Dunland who still wish to see my people burn."

Broca sat forward and pointed to where several Dunlending villages were marked. All of which were near the rivers or scattered woods. "These people answer to Wulfere. He is a right sour fellow but he is a decent man. We have spoken in the last few months about trade with Isengard. I suspect that he would listen if Lud and I were to speak to him of new trading opportunities."

"And the other clans?" asked Theoden.

Broca frowned, "Thurl is a brute, but his voice is the loudest among the raider clans. I have met him and…I cannot see him abiding by any agreement I make."

"Then perhaps it is time that we dealt with Thurl and those like him," said Lud. "All my life we have been told how our fathers resented Rohan and Gondor for the taking of our lands. We have next to nothing, they have cut off our trade…the list of grievances is long. When Broca came to me and told me of Isengard and the gathering of all the races, well I will admit I did not heed his words. Then as Brada's renown grew and the goods we had long looked for began to appear in my village I started to think. What do I want?" Lud looked around those gathered in the room. "Well, I want the children of Dunland to be respected. To be proud of what they have built. Not what they have stolen. I will gather those of like mind and we will call a gathering of the clans."

Theoden studied Lud, looking for something before speaking. "I too have long resented. I grew to manhood amid raids on our lands. Of late, I have listened to the wise who sit on the White Council. They remind us that we must work together if we are to defeat our enemies. So I say that your words are wise. If I may help you in any way then speak of it and I will do such as I can."

The others present added their agreement but it was the oldest of the Marshals, Elfeld, that summed up their thoughts, "Aye, it is about time that we resolved this feud. Too much blood has been spilt already."


Ayrica smiled as she sipped her wine.

Brada and Theodred were doing another turn on the dance floor to the sound of flutes and drums. The dance was called the water maiden and it was a very traditional dance of Rohan. Soon many of the watching Rohirrim had taken up the beat of the drums with their feet and hands.

When they had finished, the hall rang with cheers and laughter.

The young couple was surrounded for a moment before Theodred led Brada back over to the bench that held their drinks.

"Whew!" exclaimed Theodred. "I think I need a drink."

"Truly," agreed Brada.

Ayrica passed them both their drinks and watched amused, as they both drank deeply. "You looked like you were having fun."

Brada's beaming smile confirmed Ayrica's observation. Theodred took a long pull of his drink before replying, "Ah, that's better. T'was fun and you my love were magnificent."

"As did you," replied Brada.

"Come then, let us join the others," said Theodred as he led Brada back out into the crowd.

"They look happy," said Theodwyn as she walked up to Ayrica.

Ayrica smiled as she turned to her Aunt, "Truly they do."

"She'll make a fine Princess of Rohan and a great Queen."

"She will," agreed Ayrica.

"Ayrica," called a familiar voice.

Turning Ayrica saw her younger siblings Earown and Freya, accompanied by their nursery maid.

"Leifa says we have to go to bed!" complained Freya with a sour look toward a stern looking Leifa.

"And so you should girls," said Theodwyn, who was clearly trying to hide a smile.

"But…but," began Earown.

Ayrica stepped forward, "Come on, I'll walk with you."

Her two sisters acquiesced, not without complaint, and soon they were headed for the family wing of the hall, with Leifa trailing behind them.

"We've missed you Ayrica," said Earown.

"I've missed you too," replied Ayrica. She would miss some of the celebration, but family was important.



Tirith was slowly becoming used to the more formal meals of the nobility. Not that he had not been to them before, but that was as a guard rather than a guest.

"So Captain you must be scared stiff at the prospect of all this," said an older, rather rotund man seated beside him. Whose name he couldn't quite remember.

Seeing Tirith's look the man smiled, "Forlong, the Lord of Lossarnach Captain."

"My apologies my Lord," replied Tirith.

Forlong brushed aside the apology; "We've missed the chance to meet, little chance you'd know me by sight Captain. I've heard good things from his Highness and more importantly from your men. They tell me you are a good officer. Well that, to those of us who know what is important, means that you'll do fine."

"Not trying to corrupt my intended are you My Lord?" asked Ivriniel.

Forlong laughed, "No My Lady, and might I venture to say that you look more like your dear mother with every passing year."

Ivriniel rolled her eyes, "And you Furlong remain a flatterer."

Forlong grinned unrepentantly, "As your Mother often said."

Ivriniel turned her head to look at Tirith, "Lord Forlong was a friend of my fathers."

"A pleasure to meet you properly My Lord," said Tirith with a grin.

"Oh, I like you. So tell me, do you hunt?" asked Forlong.

Tirith felt Ivriniel pat his leg as he relaxed slightly, chatting with Forlong.

Prince Imrahil stood and gestured for silence. As the gathered nobles quietened he cleared his throat, "I would like to officially announce that Captain Tirith of my Swan Knight Guard, shall be elevated to the Lordship of Linhir. Lord Captain Tirith shall then wed the Lady Ivriniel. To whom he has plighted his Troth."

Applause followed and Forlong was soon slapping him on the back and pouring him another wine.

"My beloved sister is well-pleased and has asked that I bless their union." Imrahil smiled and nodded toward Ivriniel. "As her beloved is both my Captain and a friend I am delighted to do so."

Tirith and Ivriniel enjoyed another round of applause and congratulations as Imrahil sat back down.


Tirith reined in his mount as one of his junior officers called out.

"Captain the scouts return."

Tirith turned his attention to the woods lining the road. Two men dressed in the green and brown of rangers of Ithilien jogged out from the tree line.

"Have a drink and then report," ordered Tirith.

The two men nodded gratefully, taking long pulls of their waterskins before relaxing slightly.

"My thanks, Captain," said the elder of the two men. "The way ahead is clear and the old fort they were using lies empty."

"You scouted the fort?" asked Tirith.

"Aye, Captain. As near as I can tell, it's been empty for a few weeks at least," reported the ranger.

"A bold move scouting the fort itself, well done."

The Ranger grinned and shrugged, "I was fairly sure it was empty Captain."

Tirith grinned back, "Still, it was well done. Take two mounts if you wish and ride in with us."

The Ranger shook his head, "Thanks for the offer Captain, but young Dorn and I will head back out. The men that were here may have cleared out but we'd be fools to think all the orc scum had done the same."

Tirith acknowledged the experienced man's words with a nod, "As you wish. Drop in when you are ready and we'll have a meal ready."

The older man laughed, "A fine offer, I'll see about snaring a brace of rabbits for the pot." He touched his forelock and then he and his companion jogged back toward the woods.

Tirith considered the situation as he watched the two men re-enter the woods. Eastern Osgiliath had been quite since the sealing of Mordor. Then scouts had begun to report that the few enemy strongholds that had remained had begun to be abandoned.

Prince Imrahil had ordered a company into the area to see what could be done to secure the once contested city. It appeared that the scouts were right. The enemy had indeed abandoned Osgiliath.

"We should head out," announced Tirith. "Get the men moving and we'll see what can be done before evening."

"Sir," replied the officer with a salute.


Rivendell – White Council Meeting

"And yet he still eludes us!" exclaimed Nold the Dwarven representative.

"He has certainly gone to ground. If it were not for the Valar's warning, we might have grown lax but I have no fear that any of those here would follow that path," said Elrond.

"I doubt he has given up his madness and my concern grows with each day he is free to plot," said Celeborn.

"Then we continue our vigilance," said Luna. "As we rightly worry about what he plans, let us not forget our many victories. Our alliance has never been stronger and it grows stronger every day as bonds of friendship are strengthened."

"And because of this cooperation and growing fellowship, each day our net tightens on Pallando," added Harry.

Beorn stroked his beard, his massive form towering over the others, "Well and good. What then are we to do?"

Galadriel spoke up, her eyes moving other the others at the table, "Luna and Harry speak wisely. I put to the Council that we are doing all that can be done and we must continue to do all that we can."

"Gondor has rarely seen peace such as we have for the last few years," said Imrahil. "With each day that passes we are strengthened. Strongholds long abandoned have been reclaimed and repaired. My Captains are planning the rebuilding of a permanent fort in Eastern Osgiliath. Once this is done, we will control the city. The Rangers have control of Ithilien and have begun fortifying strongholds long abandoned. Even raids from the south and the sea have all but ceased. Those of Gondor are hopeful but we remain watchful as well."

"What of the wizards and Isengard?" asked Nold with a polite nod toward the Isengard contingent. "My people are pleased to hear that your school grows apace. Indeed, our craft masters are pushing for greater ties. There have however been…questions about the alliance between Rohan and Dunland."

"Then ask them friend Dwarf," said Theoden. "But first let me vouch that the wedding of my son to Lady Brada Ravenlocks has little to do with Isengard."

"Save that Lady Brada is a student of the tower," replied Nold. Seeing the King's frown and the looks on the faces of Harry and Luna he quickly continued. "Isengard is a powerful and influential land, controlled by Wizards. While I have nothing but respect for the Lord and Lady of Isengard and their students, the fact that Isengard or it's allies now control a major tradeway is one that the dwarves would be foolish not to give thought to."

Gandalf cleared his throat as he leant forward, "My good Dwarf, are we not all allies here?"

Before anyone could continue Harry raised his hand, "I understand the question Nold, truly I do. Yes, we played a part in helping Dunland and Rohan begin the peace process. However, it was not to build anything save fellowship. As for Brada and Theodred, their relationship is their own. Your right, indeed the right of any goodly folk to travel my lands is one I will protect."

Nold bowed to Harry and then Theoden, "My thanks, and please accept my blessing on their engagement."

The talk shifted to matters of trade as Harry listened intently. Nold's question had been unexpected but it was a positive sign that the Council was making a difference. There was far more understanding between the Council members. The fact that Nold had shared his people's concerns, in open council spoke of trust.

That was something he could work with.


Harry loped through the woods in his animagus form. The Elves of the Havens and the rangers that travelled the area had reported to the White Council that there was an 'odd' feeling in this stretch of isolated Harlindon woodlands. Harry had portkeyed into the Grey Havens and then set out to investigate.

As he headed north, deeper into the ancient woods he extended his senses. There was an odd taint, a sense of wrongness but it was faint.

Halting, he transformed back into his normal form and looked around. He was in what looked like a natural clearing atop a wooded hill. A small stream ran from a cleft in the earth, twisting between the massive trunks and undergrowth. With a growing sense of wrongness, he began walking toward the top of the hill. There clearing. Amid the trees, there was a depression in the ground.

Kneeling, he studied the ground, trying to determine what he was looking at. Shaped stone lay around a stone-lined pit. Realising that he was looking at a grave he found himself frowning. While the grave was ancient, the disturbance of the stone was recent. Standing he looked around, puzzling out the scene.

Fragments of bone and metal fragments, now unidentifiable shapes were scattered around. Clearly, the grave had been looted. Then, without warning, the air grew cold. The sun lost its warmth and the shadows of the trees seemed to grow darker. A figure slowly gained shape, almost as if it was spun of shadows. It stood mute, at the head of the grave, head bowed before it head rose to look directly at Harry.

It made no noise, but clearly, it was trying to speak. Harry studied the figure as its attempt to communicate failed. Although the cold and feeling of unnaturalness grew he sensed no threat from the figure.

Intrigued, Harry let perception slip into those his Maia side provided.

Amid the colours and auras, the figure stood out as a nearly completely grew figure. The elf, as he was now revealed to be was looking forlornly at the empty grave.

Switching to the ancient elven tongue, Harry held up his empty hands. "Why have you returned to the realms of the living?"

The figure started and looked up at Harry in surprise, "You are no child of man!" Its voice was barely a whisper and Harry knew that he was only hearing it thanks to his new heritage.

"I am of the Maiar and serve Lord Oromë," explained Harry.

The Elven spirit ceased moving, standing a still as stone before it's expression changed to one of longing. "I was recalled from the Halls of Mandos…brought here to where my body lay…"

"Who took you from the halls of Mandos?" asked Harry even though he had a rather strong suspicion that he already knew the answer.

"I know not his name," replied the Elf.

"What did he want to know?" asked Harry.

"The location of my ring…it was a gift from my kinsman…Elwë. It was a crystal and it reflected the light of the stars." The figure seemed to waiver, "Please…return me to my rest."

Harry nodded and summoned his staff and other gear. A simple touch of his staff, imbued as it was with the favour of the Valar, was enough to unbind the Elf's fëa and send it back to the Halls of Mandos.

With a gesture, Harry restored the grave and looked around committing the scene to memory before he disappeared with a soft crack.


"Hmm it could be the grave of Denethor," mused Maglor. "Harlindon is what remains of eastern Beleriand. After the war of wrath, only a part of Ossiriand survived. Denethor son of Lenwë was buried on Amon Ereb. It fits your description, Harry."

"Do we have any way of knowing what it was that was taken?" asked Gandalf.

Maglor frowned, as he searched his memory. "Lenwë was a kinsman of Thingol of Doriath. Although I don't recall any accounts of him possessing any items of power. We should ask Lady Galadriel. She was closest to those that dwelt in Doriath, where most of my Kin found little welcome."

"I will contact her," said Luna as she left the room.

"Are we sure it was Pallando?" asked Alatar. "After all, he is not the only being to plunder an ancient tomb."

"You forget that his spirit was recalled from the Halls of Mandos," corrected Gandalf with a shake of his head. "No simple orc or goblin could have done such a thing."

Luna reentered with the Lady Galadriel in tow.

"Luna has explained your puzzle to me and I can confirm that Denethor had, indeed, been gifted with a ring made by smiths in the undying lands. If I recall correctly, it had a clear stone that glowed faintly with the light of the stars. Its true value was that it held, in small part, the light of Aman."

"This fills me with ill-boding," said Gandalf. "I fear that Pallando has struck again. Another lost relic taken. How many more does he need before he enacts his mad plans? We are no closer to discerning where he hides himself."

"And yet we have time yet," argued Luna. "It may be years before he is ready to act. We can do no more than being vigilant and prepared to act."

"Pallando cannot hide forever," added Galadriel.

"Perhaps we should seek out these lost treasures before Pallando can lay hands on them," suggested Radagast.

Harry nodded in agreement, "A worthy plan but wiser heads must determine where we should look."

"If it is as the Valar fear, then he seeks objects to empower himself to the point where he is able to damage the fëa of one of the Ainur. I have no idea how such a thing might be done but the fact it could is one that chills me. I think you speak wisely Radagast, we should deny him what he seeks," said Alatar.

"It will not be easy but I will begin making a list of items that he might be looking for," said Maglor.

Galadriel's eyes grew distant as she sighed, "Alas, many of my people's greatest treasures have been lost. War and migration have meant that the elves were scattered and so I would think that none could say where they now lay buried or beneath the waves."

"I have not considered this before Pallando went after the sword. However, despite that, I believe that I may be of help identifying some places of interest among the countless places where such may be hidden or lost. I sit with you Maglor and add them to your list," said Gandalf.

"What of the one ring?" asked Alatar.

"Saruman long argued that the ring was lost, never to be found until the seas rolled back. But, given that he was a traitor of the highest order we should discount the 'wisdom' he shared with us," answered Gandalf in a grim voice. "Mayhaps, all the lore we hold on the rings should be examined with fresh eyes. Indeed, there are some avenues that I will consider myself." His thoughts turned to Bilbo and his 'Magic Ring'. Such things were, as he had warned Bilbo, rare and dangerous. Now that he had new magics at his disposal, not to mention the Wizards of Isengard, he would have to make the time to investigate further.


Havens of Umbar

Pallando took Eldemmírë's hand as he helped her aboard his ship.

The last of his servants were already aboard and several ships were already at sea. Despite having neither seen nor felt any sign of the cursed wizards, he was not foolish enough to think that they were not searching for him. Even the Havens were not safe as he had no doubt that Gondor and its allies had eyes and ears in the city.

No, his plan to relocate to a place far from his enemies was for the best. Eldemmírë was his to command and had acquiesced to his plans. Thinking that Pallando was dedicated to her safety and that they must flee the plots of their enemies. Their new home was far from his enemies and a place he had begun preparing several months ago. It should be well hidden and defensible, the perfect place to develop his plans.

"My love?" prompted Eldemmírë.

"My pardon, I was considering our choices," replied Pallando.

Eldemmírë smiled and ran her hand over her slightly rounded stomach, "We will be safe, as will our child."

"As I promised my lady. Our child will have a shining future," replied Pallando. His smile was genuine but not for the reasons his lover thought. The child was indeed important to his plans.


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