Hey guys!

Some of you may know me from my other story, "1 Liter of Tears." Don't worry, almost done with the 5th chapter! That's not out of the picture! I was just wondering that what if the Bakugan Brawlers and the Super Smash Bros Brawl Smashers met? Oh, that would be awesome! So I thought I could do a Crossover! So enjoy the 1st chapter! This takes place after the third season of Bakugan, and after the Smashers defeat Tabuu.

Chapter 1: The Difference between a Brawler and a Smasher

"Dan! You're gonna be late!"

"I'm coming!"

Shun rolled his eyes. Dan said the exact same thing 10 minutes ago.

Then, Shun received a text from Ren.

Is Dan ready yet?

Shun smiled. He texted back.

No. He is taking FUREVER!

Whats he doing? Dancing in his underwear?



Shun chuckled, and then called Ren.


"Ren, its Shun."

"Dan still dancing in his underwear that you have to call me? What he do? Run into a wall?"

"Probably. I heard him say ouch."

"That's Dan. Stay at his house. I'll be there."


Shun hung up, at that moment, Dan came downstairs.

Shun smirked. "What took you so long? Danced in your underwear?"

Dan frowned. "No, why would I dance in my underwear?"

"I heard you say 'Ouch!' so while you were dancing, you ran into a wall."

Dan pouted. "Don't judge me."

Shun was very close to burst into laughing. "So you did dance in your underwear?"

"I didn't say that!"

"But you said don't judge me! That means you did dance in your underwear!"


"Make me!"

There was a knock on the door.

Shun stopped. "Ren."

"You told him to come here?"

"He got tired of waiting for you, so he came here."


Dan decides to tease Ren. "Sorry, I'm not here right now. Please leave a message and I will get to you as soon as possible. Than-"


"Ok, ok. Mr. Bossy." Dan murmured as he opened the door.

Ren was shivering like he just came from Antarctica. He was still shivering when he came inside the house.

Shun looked at him weirdly. "Dude, calm down. It's only-"


"Dude, chill. Um, well, you already have chilled. Um, warm up?"

Ren looked at him. "W-w-warm u-up? S-s-seriously?"

Shun shrugged. "Couldn't think of anything else. Hey, where's Dan?"

Ren smiled. "P-p-probably dancing in h-his underwear a-a-again."

Shun laughed. "Yeah. Probably."

"Hey! I heard that! I'm just checking if I should wear a hat or not."

Ren said, "D-D-Dan, wear a hat. I-It's freaking c-cold outside."

Dan glanced at him. "Maybe I will wear a hat just by looking at you."

Shun signed. The boys were getting ready to go to New York with the others. Jake, Fabia, and Star are coming to Dan's house, and then they go to Marucho's house and go on his plane.

Dan looked at his watch. "Jake and the girls should be here anytime now. Right about-"


Shun smiled. "Now."

Dan opened the door, and there stood Jake, Fabia, and Star, shivering just like Ren.

Dan rolled his eyes. "Aw, c'mon! It can't be that cold outside! Stop being a bunch of babies!"

Star glared at him. "Wanna come outside?"

"Uh, no tha-"

Star pulled Dan onto the front steps, and Dan winced at the cold. It was freezing outside. No wonder.

Dan came back, shivering.

Star smiled. "Want to do that again?"

Dan frowned. "N-n-no thanks, I-I-I'm good."

Shun looked at everyone. "Should I go outside to be even with everyone?"

Dan raised his hand. "I-I-I'll do t-the h-honor."

Fabia glanced at him. "Oh, no you won't. It's so cold, it's snowing."

Jake smiled. "But it's pretty."

Star smirked. "Pretty to the eyes, but not pretty to the body."

Ren grinned. "Okay, let's go to Marucho's house since we're all here!"

"Alright! New York, here we come!" Dan yelled.

Shun sighed. "Say that in the next 8 hours."

"8 HOURS!"

~Into the Smash World~

"Kirby! Did you eat my chocolate?"





"NO, I'M NOT!"

"Kirby, name one time you're not hungry."

Kirby thought about this for at least 5 minutes.

"Um, now, I'm not eating, so that means I'm not hungry! "

Ike sighed. "Why can't we have normal people in this normal mansion? Nobody's normal, not even Crazy Hand!"

Pit came with a fresh batch of cookies in his hands and said, "That's why he's called Crazy Hand, stupid!"

"I'm not stupid! I was talking to myself!"

"Yeah, talking to yourself out loud." Pit murmured.

Link came into the room, irritated. "Hey, I heard noises coming from here. What happen, did Ike and Kirby get in another fight?"

Pit nodded.

Ike shook his head.

Link pointed his finger at Ike. "Liar."

Ike rolled his eyes. "Ok, I'm lying. Woo-hoo, you got me. But Kirby ate my chocolate! How am I suppose to NOT ignore that!"

Link sighed. "Ike, you know that Kirby has that largest appetite in the world-"

"So far." Pit muttered.

Link glared at Pit, and then went back to looking at Ike.

"So, Ike, don't worry about Kirby. There are other foods in the world."

"But what if Kirby eats them all before I do?"

Link thought about this for a moment. "You know, I didn't think about that. Sorry, can't help you now. You're on your own."

Ike frowned. "Life sucks."

Pit laughed at Ike's tone of voice. "For you, yeah, it does! For me, not at all!"

Ike smirked. "What, did you get a girl?"

Pit frowned. "I told you, I want to be single!"

Ike nudged him. "Sure, you do. Admit it, you like someone."

Link grinned. "Pit, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I told you I liked Corrine-"

"Love Corrine." Ike smirked when he said this. (A/N: Please read "My Smash Fantasy" to understand.)

Link blushed. "Ok, yeah, love Corrine. Whatever. But that's not my point. My point is that you shouldn't be sad just because Star left! I bet you $20 that she'll come back just to see you!"

Pit shook his head. "It's not because of Star. It's be-"

"Dude, you really liked Star! What's the other reason?" Ike yelled.

Pit looked at his shoes. "It's because…I think that she left me because I started to talk to Samus."

Link sighed. "Pit," Link put his hand on Pit's shoulder. "She didn't leave because of that. She left because she wanted to see her brother and her friends! She has other friend beside the ones here! Star really liked you. She'll come back. I promise."


Link glared at him. "No buts or I'll toss you like Star taught me to do!"

Pit winced, remembering Star's anger to Bowser and the other enemies she toss.

Ike laughed. "Oh yeah! That's what I called fighting! She was no ordinary girl! She is made of something! She has some strength in that tiny body of hers! Oh yeah, good times."

"Link! Where are you?"

Link smiled. "I'm in the kitchen, Corrine!"

Corrine ran into the kitchen, smiling. She hugged Link and Link hugged back. Then they kissed.

Ike looked at them in disgust. "Ew! If you're going to do that, go find a room!"

"Corrine, where did you go?"

Corrine yelled, "In here, Whinnie!"

"You're not playing hide-and-seek, are you?"

Corrine rolled her eyes. "No, I'm not. "

Whinnie came into the room, panting. Then she glanced at Ike, and then shot him her best smile.

Ike laughed. "If you're going to smile, smile the right way!"

Whinnie came, and then hugged him.

Pit looked at the couples, and then looked away, tears forming in his eyes. Seeing all of this brought him the good times. The good times that brought him pain.

Pit's Point of View


I saw her. The most beautiful girl in my life. Her eyes, beautiful hazel eyes. Her black hair to go perfectly with her eyes.

She looked at me. I felt my heart skip a beat.

I tried not looking like I'm in a love spell. "Um, are you okay?"

She smiled. "Yes!"

Oh my Goddesses. Her voice was like bells ringing. Her voice was so beautiful I almost fainted.

"Great!" I was happy, and then looked at her friend. The girl that looked like she just saw Paranormal Activity 2. (A/N: I saw the movie. Almost wet my pants. So scary. If it wasn't scary for you, then you know I'm a scaredy cat.)

"Ok, what about her?"

She looked at her friend.

"Um, Tabs, are you ok?"

The girl looked at the other girl. "That. Was. Awesome!"

"She's fine." Corrine said.

We all introduced ourselves; finally, I got the beautiful girl's name.


That was her name.


A beautiful girl with a beautiful name. Oh my Goddesses. I think what I think I'm in but I don't want to say it.

I think I'm in love with Star.

I don't I deserve to love her. I mean, how can she fall for a guy, um, excuse me, angel, like me?

She smiled at me. There go the butterflies in my stomach.

I smiled back at her backed. She blushed and turned away. Wait, SHE BLUSHED!

I started to feel happy.

Maybe I might have a chance after all.

~End of Flashback~

-Don't read. Just a line to separate everything.-

Whoa, long chapter! That took me an hour! Bu I'm done! Please review and I'll update the other story. The OCs belongs to Catluvur, not me, but Star belongs to me. So I think I will do PitXStar. Or maybe RenXStar? You guys choose! But I go for Pit.

See ya'll!