Author's note no. 1: This is the last chapter, guys. Sorry about the ending of the previous one, I originally wrote this chapter and the previous chapter as one really long one, but this part needed rewriting.

I'm going to try and limit myself to one WIP at a time from now on; writing two is truly doing my head in lol. F

'Pregnant?' His first reaction was fury, so strong that it almost blinded him. It was irrational, he knew that deep down; these two were well and truly adults. But no man likes to think of his daughter having sex, and that's how he thought of Abby

"You're what?" he snapped out. He saw Abby quail a little at the look on his face, and McGee instinctively go to protect her. He was stopped by his injuries, leaning back against the pillows wincing.

"Gibbs" the tone of McGee's voice was a warning, and that more than anything steadied him. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down.

"You'd better not be telling me that that's the reason you're getting married" he ground out

Abby shook her head mutely, taking a step backwards, closer to the bed.
"Boss, Abby only found out yesterday that she's pregnant. I found out less than an hour ago" McGee explained, looking him straight in the eye "And for the record, she told me after I asked her to marry me, not before." The sincerity in the younger man's eyes and voice dispelled the last of his irrational anger.

"When's the baby due?" he asked in a milder tone

"Around mid January" Abby replied. She sounded a little shaky, which made him feel bad for yelling at her. McGee took her hand, squeezing it gently in reassurance, and threw Gibbs a dirty look for having upset her. He refrained from glaring back; he felt he deserved that one. He was at a bit of a loss as to what to say. 'Congratulations' sounded hollow after he'd just snapped at them both. He was relieved when Ziva appeared in the doorway, breaking the awkward silence

Abby quickly bore her off down the hallway, eager to share the news with her friend, leaving Gibbs alone with McGee. He pulled the visitors chair over and sat down

"Scared, Tim?" he asked

"Terrified, Boss" McGee admitted. "What if we screw this up?"

It was the age old question. Gibbs had asked himself that one.

"You're not going to screw it up, Tim. You and Abby will be just fine" McGee flashed him a grateful smile. They relapsed into silence for a few moments. Then

"Going to have to find an assistant for Abby that she can work with, though" Gibbs mused

McGee gave a short laugh

"Good luck with that one, Boss"

He snorted "Yeah, you're right". They both remembered Chip, her ill fated assistant of many years ago. Of course, he was a crazy scumbag who had tried to frame Tony, but even before they knew that, she still didn't work well with him.

"Well, we've got a few weeks to find one she can cope with"

McGee gave him a questioning look. Gibbs knew as well as he did that Abby would have to stop using some vital chemicals now, not in a few weeks time

"Solves the question of what I'm going to do with you til you're passed fit for field work again. Palmer can help her until you get out of here" he explained. He saw the worried frown lift from McGee's face. Clearly, that solution hadn't occurred to him

"Thanks, Boss". He didn't explain what for, but Gibbs understood.

Soon an excited Abby returned with not just Ziva, but Tony and Ducky in her wake. From their expressions, it was clear that Abby had told them all the good news. They crowded around the bed, congratulating the happy couple. Gibbs took a step back, letting the new arrivals have their turn. He caught the loving look that passed between Tim and Abby, and allowed himself a smile.

They were going to be just fine.

Author's note no. 2: So what did you think? Sequel?