*Well, one more fic by me. I wanted to put more up cause I'm getting bored of not writing anything for you guys lately. I'm putting this one up cause it just can't sit in my mind any longer. Also, I'm having writers block, and last of all, no one seems to be reading the other one I put up. Well, anyway, this is going to be a long fic, hopefully...

A little info about this fic. The chapter titles are from a poem that I wrote, so no taking it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids, so don't sue, but I doubt any of you would wanna waste the time anyway. I don't own Zoids, but I wish I did. I only own the characters I make and the poem that I used.

-In Every Past...-

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Bit was in the hanger, working on the Liger Zero. He stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Well, I'm done here," he said. He jumped down and left the hanger. As he walked up the stairs into their main room, he found Leena, Jamie, and Brad all sitting on the couches, talking. Jamie noticed as Bit came up the stairs.

"Hey Bit," he said.

"Hey," he said. "What are you guys doing?"

"Just talking," said Leena. Bit looked to them. They seemed to just be looking at him.

"What?" he asked.

"It's nothing really, but..."

"But what?" asked Bit.

"Well, we were thinking and we realized something," said Brad.

"And that would be?"

"Well, you know a lot about us, but we really don't know much about you," said Jamie.

"What are you talking about? You guys know a lot about me."

"We only know that you used to be a junk dealer before you came here, and that you wanted to be a pilot. Other than that, we don't really know much about you," said Brad. Bit's smile faded.

"Oh..." he said.

"Is something wrong Bit?" asked Leena.


"Well then, tell us. Tell us about your family, you know. About your mom and dad, what kind of town you lived in, some fun things you used to do, you know, stuff like that," said Leena.

"Well, I..." He paused.

"Is something wrong?" asked Jamie.

"To tell you the truth, I really can't remember anything..." said Bit as he looked towards the ground. Leena looked at him for a while, her expression was one of pity.

"Not a thing?" asked Jamie. Bit nodded his head.

"You sure?" asked Brad. He nodded again. Jamie and Brad looked at each other and began to snicker quietly to themselves. Bit noticed. He looked up to them.

"What's so funny?" he asked. They both looked to him.

"Well, Bit, it's not that hard to believe, I mean, you barely remember things the way it is. You sometimes can't even remember what you eat for breakfast," said Brad.

"Yeah, I have to admit it. The only things you ever seem to remember are battles and times when people tick you off," said Jamie.

"Is that so?" he asked. He didn't seem too happy, in fact, he was far from it. He turned from them and left the room and walked towards his room. Leena looked to Brad and Jamie.

"How could you guys do that?" asked Leena. They just looked at her. Jamie looked downward.

"Yeah, I guess we were tough on him. We didn't mean to be..." he said.

"Yeah, I guess," said Brad. Leena got up and walked towards Bit's room. She opened the door slightly and looked in.

"Bit?" she asked. His room was dark. He was laying on his bed.

"What?" he asked.

"Are you okay?" He sat up and faced her, his eyes seemed sad.

"You know what? I never really thought about it much, but I really can't remember anything...not a thing..."

"That's not true. I'm sure you remember something. You remember meeting us and everything we've been through."

"Yeah, but it's not enough...it's just not enough..." He looked down. "I wish I could remember my family...I just want one memory from my past, anything would be fine, just...something..."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine, don't worry," said Bit as he laid back down on his bed.

"Okay," said Leena, as she shut the door and went down the hall. 'Poor Bit...' she thought as she walked down the hall. Her dad was walking the opposite direction.

"Hey Leena. Is Bit in his room?" asked Doc.

"Yeah, why?"

"I have some good news for all of you," he said excitedly.

"What is it?"

"We're going to New Hope city!" he said.

"Really?!" Leena had always wanted to go there.

"Yes! We're leaving first thing tomorrow," he said. "Could you tell Bit?"

"Sure," said Leena as she turned and walked back towards Bit's room. 'Maybe this will cheer him up...'


"New...Hope?" asked Bit.

"Yeah, that's where we're going tomorrow," said Leena. "Do you know of it?"

"I...don't know. It sounds familiar..." He looked back up at her and smiled. "Well, I'm sure it'll be fun," he said. "I'm gonna check out as many restaurants as I can." Leena sweatdropped. 'Yep. That sounds more like the Bit I know...'

"Well, anyway, it's late. We should all get some sleep before tomorrow. We're getting up bright and early," said Leena.

"Yeah." He walked back over to his bed. "Goodnight," he said.

"Goodnight." Leena left the room and closed the door behind her.


Everything was dark. The Toros base was quiet. Everyone was asleep, except for one person. Bit walked the halls quietly, making sure not to wake anyone in the base. He came to a wide room and switched on the lights. The room was filled with many computers. He sat down and turned on one of them.

"Let's see...now I just push this and this..." he said as he pushed a few buttons. The screen came up. It had a search box. Bit typed in "New Hope City" and clicked "go". He found a site all about New Hope. "Well now, I know this place sounds familiar, but why?" He found a place to search for people who lived there in the last 20 years. He clicked on it and scrolled down until he found the names of people who used to live there. He continued to scroll down until he came to two names. It read: "James and Lydia Cloud".

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Well, that's about it for now. I'll continue this fic soon hopefully. I got a question for you guys. Do you think I'd ever make it as an author, you know, like for stories and stuff. I'd really like to be one someday. Do you think, just by reading what I write here, that I'd make it? I'd like the truth. Well, anyway, please read and review. I hope you like it so far. Audi^.^