Luckily the court day had been moved up. So that next week everyone was at the court house. Kimberly was shaking her inhaler grasped tightly in her hands. Tommy stayed by her side rubbing her back trying to keep her as calm as possible.

"I'm scared Tommy I don't want to go up there."

"I know Beautiful but just look at me, you'll be fine. All they're going to do is ask you some questions. You answer honestly and then you can come sit back down with me and the others."

"What if I have an attack?"

"Uncle Scott is going to tell the judge that you have asthma and that you might need a break in between questions to catch your breath. Don't worry."

Kimberly just shrugged. Tommy hugged her.

"Everything will be ok Beautiful. I promise."

Finally it started. Each lawyer gave their opening statement a few cops and doctors went up to speak. Some of the other parents went up to speak and even Kimberly's friends went up. Tyler's grandparents allowed him to get up on the stand so he went next.

"Tyler how long have you known Ms. Hart?" John asked.

"A little over a month."

"In this time have you gotten a change to see her with my clients?"


"Would you say they treat her well."

"They treat her better than just well. They treat her like she's their queen…and I mean that in a good way. They are what good parents should be. They are there when she needs them, they make her laugh when she is sad, they care for her when she is sick. They would do anything for Kimberly."

"What about Mr. Hart would you say he treats her well?"

"No, not at all. When he first arrived to see her again he was smoking and drinking. He went close to Kim and got inches of her face, while smoking and started to make threats."

"Ms. Hart as asthma correct?"


"How did Ms. Hart react to him?"

"She covered her nose and mouth with her hand to prevent herself from inhaling the smoke."

"Was Mr. Hart aware of Ms. Hart condition?"

"Yes, he knew that she had asthma and yet he didn't care."

"Do you believe if he were to get custody Ms. Hart would be safe."

"No, in fact I think if she is forced to live with him, in less than a week she will be dead from all the smoke she'd be inhaling."

"Thank you, no further questions."

Mr. Hart's lawyer got up and went over to him.

"How much do you know about Ms. Hart's past with her father?"

"I know he used to abuse her, I know he used to smoke around her, which was the cause of her getting asthma. I know he left her without so much as a goodbye and refused to make contact with her for ten years."

"So Kim says, how can you be sure she is telling the truth? You weren't there, so how can you be sure she is telling the truth?"

"I can be sure because I've seen the way Mr. Hart is towards Kim and there is no doubt he used to be physically abusive to her."

"How can we trust that you aren't just saying that to get closer to Ms. Hart best friend Kat?"

"I just recently lost my parents and I would never keep any child friend or not away from their parents if I didn't think it was for their safety."

"No further questions."

"You may step down." The Judge said.

Tyler got down and went to sit with his friends.

"Next witness?" the Judge asked.

"Kimberly Hart."

Kimberly gulped and took a deep breath. She stood up and went over to the stand.

"Before we begin, Your honor I would just like to remind you that Kimberly does have asthma and may need a break between questioning."

"Understood, Ms. Hart if you start to feel uncomfortable for any reason just ask for a break and I will allow you one." The Judge said.

"Thank you you're Honor." Kimberly said.

Kimberly sat down as John started his questions.

"How did you get asthma?"

"My father would always smoke around me and I caught second hand smoke."

"Other than the smoking was your father abusive in any other way?"

"Yes, he used to hit me across the face and push me down, sometimes he kicked me."

"What about your step father Perrie? Was he ever abusive?"

"No, he was the closest thing I had to a real father. I trust him with my life."

"What about your mother?"

"You mean my best friend?"

John smiled. "Yes."

"She'd never hurt me. She'd die before she hurt me. She's my best friend in the whole entire world. I can tell her anything and go to her with any problem and she'll help me out of it. She always makes me smile when I'm sad. I can tell her anything and everything and I do. She helps me with my struggles and honestly treats me like I'm a princess. She never pushes me into anything. When she first started to date Perrie I was scared of trusting him and I didn't want to let him in and my mom understood that so she agreed that I didn't have to see him until I was ready. When I was younger and after my dad left I used to be scared my mom would leave me next. She used to lay in bed with me at night and just hold me close. She'd sing me to sleep every night and wouldn't leave me until I was comfortable. She's…she's the best mother a girl could ask for. I know everyone says that but they haven't met my mother yet. I…I can't lose her. I can't get sent away from her. Please, please don't take me away from her please." Kimberly cried.

"No further questions."

"Can I take a break?" Kimberly whimpered.

The judge nodded. Kimberly went from the stand to her mother's arms. They hugged tightly.

"I love you mommy."

"I love you too sweetie. You're doing just fine."

"Thank you."

After a few more minutes Kimberly went back on the stand. She took a deep breath and looked at Tommy. He winked at her and she smiled.

"Ms. Hart, you seem to be talking very highly about two parents who are abusive."

"They aren't abusive. They've never hurt me a day in their lives."

"Ms. Hart, you do understand you're under oath and if you're caught lying you could go to jail right?"

"Yes, I understand that. I'm telling you the truth. If you don't believe me…well then I guess there is nothing I can do to stop you."

"Ms. Hart I have some proof that your parents are abusive."

"It must be pretty bad proof then, because Caroline nor Perrie are abusive to me in anyway."

One of the guards brought in a small tv. A picture appeared on the screen. Kimberly had her arm up in front of her face and there was a man's back but you could see his fist in the air ready to strike.

Kimberly laughed. "That man in the screen is by best friend Jason, and he's teaching me karate. I'm in no danger. I can tell because Jason always wears the color red and the person in the picture is wearing red."

The picture changed. Kimberly was flat on her back, her arms were pinned up over her head and hands were on her sides. Kimberly's mouth was wide open.

"That would be my boyfriend tickling me. I can tell by the color of his shirt. Tommy always wears white. The man in the picture is wearing white. Perrie nor my mom ever wear white or red."

"Why is your mouth open like you're screaming stop."

"I am screaming stop but not because I'm in any kind of pain, but because I'm really ticklish and Tommy was tickling my weak spots. Plus I was screaming with laughter so…"

The next picture changed and it was of Kim only this time she was alone but was covered in bruises.

"What is this?"

"That's me, after I was attacked in the park. It has nothing to do with my mom and dad. Did it ever occur to you that your client took these pictures photo shopped them to make them look like something they aren't. None of these picture are what they seem. Plus wouldn't real proof show the man's face, instead of just the back?"

"Uh….no further questions."

Kimberly smiled. If she had, had to do that a few months ago she would have had a nervous breakdown. Now she was stronger and no one was going to break her down. She knew the truth and she would make sure everyone else did too.

"You may step down Ms. Hart."

Kimberly went back to her seat. Tommy hugged her. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, you and Jason gave me the strength to fight back so thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Do you think what I said was enough?"

"Are you kidding? Kevin's lawyer is speechless."

Kimberly giggled.

A few more people got up to talk until finally the judge called a break for the jury to make up their minds. Kimberly took a deep breath while they waited.

"Are you ok?" Tommy asked.

She nodded. "Just nervous."

"Don't be, no judge is going to send you to a man like Kevin."

Kimberly nodded. "I feel a little breathless."

"Do you want your inhaler?"

"No, just you."

Tommy smiled and pulled her into his arms. He rubbed her back softly whispering words of comfort to her. She relaxed and sighed in contentment.

Finally the judge and jury came back.

"We the jury find the defendant Kevin Hart guilty of child abuse and harassment of a minor."

"Mr. Hart I hereby sentence you to two years in prison and no custody of your daughter or visitation rights. Full custody of Kimberly Hart goes to Caroline and Perrie Dumas and Mr. Dumas is legally Ms. Hart's father. Court dismissed."

Everyone screamed and cheered. They all shared a group hug,

"Thank you Tyler, you're words really helped." Kimberly said.

"All I did was tell the truth Kim."

"Hey you helped me, that's all I could have asked. You are officially one of us."

Tyler smiled. Kat smiled at him. "Yeah you're one of us, but that means you need to make a promise."

"What promise?" Tyler asked.

"The promise we made each other ten years ago today." Kimberly said.

"Promise that no matter how old we get or no matter what happen in our lives that you will never leave us. Promise us we ways be together?" Tommy said.

"I promise…I also promise not to keep any more secrets from your guys."


Tyler looked to Kat. "Kat I really like you and I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to….go out…like on a date….this weekend."

All the girls squealed.

"I'd love too. I really like you too."

They both smiled at each other and shared a kiss.

All the girls squealed as the guys cheered. They pulled away and blushed.


Kimberly turned and saw her parents running towards her. She ran into their arms hugging her tightly.

"We love you so much Kim."

"I love you guys too."

"You are officially mine Kim, no one can take you away from me." Perrie said.

"Really, I'm legally your daughter?"

"Yep, just got the papers signed."

Kimberly squealed. "Yay!"

She hugged her parents.

"The baby is ok right?"

"Yep, I managed to stay calm and no harm was done to the baby."

Kimberly smiled. Kat had finally found someone she loved, she and Tommy were finally together, her stalker was gone, the man who attacked her left town promising to never return but most importantly everyone had managed to keep The Promise.

A/N I know cheesy ending lol sorry but I'm horrible at writing endings. I want to thank TwilightElena for her help writing this story. Thank you to everyone who added me and my story their alerts/ favorites.