Sugoi: Hello readers! This time, this story is MY idea. Ookami began hogging all the creative brilliance.

Ookami: Can you please stop buzzing me? Trying to work on a website!

Sugoi: Fine, I'll stop… MAYBE. IF you do the disclaimer. I wrote the chapter, I came up with the idea. It's the least you can do.

Ookami: We don't own anything…

Travis's POV

Oh my gods, this is finally it. I'm going to ask Katie Gardner out. I thought to myself, as I was walking to the Demeter cabin. I'm Travis Stoll, son of Hermes. I have a twin brother named Connor, and we just love to play pranks on people. Being the son of Hermes, the god of messengers and thieves, we tend to play tricks and not-so-harmless pranks on people. Like this one time, Connor and I played this prank on the Ares cabin, where- WAIT, I'm going off topic. Anyway, the reason I was heading over to the Demeter cabin wasn't to prank. I was going to ask the girl of my dreams to go out with me. I couple of feet away, I saw her.

Katie Gardner. She had long, thick, black hair and warm brown eyes. One of the unfortunate traits she inherited from her mother was the constant bossiness. But I didn't care about that, its part of who she was, and I really liked her. Oh Travis, she sounds so perfect, why didn't you ask her out a long time ago? Well, I'll tell you why. I like Katie Gardner, but she doesn't exactly like me back, or so I think. I've done some things in the past to get her really upset. Now, she just scowls when she sees me and always suspicious and on guard when I came near her.

Right now, Katie seemed to be in a good mood. She was just tending to the many plants they keep outside their cabin. The satyrs must really like them for being all nature friendly and what not. She was kneeling there alone, looking so happy and content. As I was walking closer, I got more nervous by the second. My plan was to just make a casual conversation and not hate me for once. I finally got there and just watched her do her thing.

"What do you want Travis?" she asked, not even looking at me. She sounded like in a good mood, and she didn't want me to ruin it.

"How do you know it's not Connor?" I joked. She looked up and right now she looked beautiful. She had her hair in a pony tail, and she had sweat, glistening on her forehead. She gave me a long look and went back to her work.

"Like I said, what do you want?" she repeated, while watering some of the roses.

"Do I HAVE to have a reason to be here?" I asked, as I took a step closer.

"No, but are you just going to prank us?" she asked, sounding as if she didn't care. She stood up and looked proud of her roses. They were really beautiful, just like her. She started to tend to the other plants they had there, and just sat down on the porch and watched her.

"Nope, no one planned to prank you. I even told them to leave you alone," I answered proudly.

She looked up, and her expression said that she was surprised.

"Really Travis?" she asked.

"Yeah Katie, I'm honest." I answered.

"That's great," she smiled. "Thanks Travis,"

I sat there, watching her garden and such. She looked so calm when she wasn't busy yelling at me and my siblings. She sometimes stopped to tell me things about the plants and I listened. I actually listened to what she had to say. At times, I made her smile and laugh. When she was finally done, she stood up. She must've been proud of the plants. They all looked great, well to me it does. She looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Hey Katie, can I ask you something?" I asked. I knew this was the perfect moment to ask her.

"Sure Travis, what do you want?" She replied, as she walked in her cabin. I walked in after her, and she was putting all her gardening stuff in her trunk.

"Well, there is something that I wanted to ask you," I started.

"Yeah," she said, as she organized her things.

"And I think this is the right time for me to tell you," I continued.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" she asked.

"Katie, will you-"and that's when it happened. Katie opened the cabin door, and a HUGE water balloon fell on her.

"Oh my gods, TRAVIS!" she yelled in frustration. Then things took a turn for the worst. Right when she yelled, Percy, Skylar, and Connor fell in through the roof, and landed straight on their butts.

I grabbed a random towel and gave it to Katie. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

"No, I can't believe you faked all that Travis! I didn't know you would stoop SO LOW." She yelled. She turned to three guys sitting in the middle of the cabin and the new sky light they installed.

"Katie, I wasn't faking!" I defended.

"Sure you weren't, Travis. I want everyone who DOESN'T live here, to LEAVE!" she yelled. I tried to stay, but Percy, Skylar, and Connor were pushing me out.

"But Katie!" I yelled. She looked so mad, and as soon as we were out, she slammed the door.

"Dude, wasn't that priceless?" Connor laughed. Percy and Skylar were a whole different story. They did not find that funny at all.

"What the HADES was that for?" I yelled in frustration. I knew right there and then, Katie would NEVER go out with me.

"Katie Gardner just got hit by a massive water balloon, isn't that priceless?" Connor replied.

"NO, I paid the price; can you guys, just please leave me alone?" I said, trying to stay calm.

"Sure dude," Percy answered. He and Skylar walked away, but Connor stood near me.

"Connor!" I yelled. He looked at me with concern and ran away. I sighed with frustration and ran over to the forest and punched a random tree. The dryad did not like that. She hung me upside down, until Juniper found me. Even SHE didn't put me down yet. Finally, Grover found me when the blood rushed to my head for a while. My life was officially the worst.

Sugoi: OKAY! First chapter of new series!

Ookami: No duh,

Sugoi: Bleh,

Ookami: BLEH!

Sugoi: REVIEW!

-Ookami and Sugoi