A/N: Yay! Another chapter haha! In this chappy we'll have more questions answered about Alice's life. Oh! And I completely blanked on issuing a warning in the last chapter about how serious of a twist it was gonna take. My greatest apologies if I caused anyone discomfort with the subject of the last chapter and this one. It's not my intentions at all. I only wish for my amazing readers to enjoy my stories. I love you all and I hope you guys like it! :D I own nothing but my lovely characters ^.^

The stayed there, huddled on the floor for what seemed like hours but was probably minutes. She was content to just sit there in his lap, mind reeling on how she was so lucky to find someone like him.

No one had ever been able to give her such happiness. Not even Dominic and he tried. Especially, after he found out about her mom. It just wouldn't work.

She couldn't let it go.

But now, she believes she can. Or she can at least start.

Godrics accented voice broke through the quietness of the room, "Would you like to get some rest little one?" She had a rough enough morning; he did not wish to push her with anything else the night might bring her.

She shook her head, "No. . . Sad thing is. My story isn't finished."

He leaned back against the wall and shifted her to a more comfortable position.

Once they were settled she took that as her queue to start, "After the . . . incident, the older ones left Alec and I. None of them could face me without seeing her over and over. So they left. Since we were the youngest, Alec and I were forced to stay with our dad. I knew what I had done. For days I would lock myself in my room and just sit there. I didn't want to eat, I couldn't sleep, and I just wanted my momma. But I couldn't have her . . . because I made her go away."

"I'm guessing Alec is the twin you mentioned at the fellowship?" He asked.

She nodded and continued, "Mason is the oldest of us all, he's in the army with my older sister who's the third oldest. The second oldest is Ty who's at the performing arts school."

When he nodded his head showing he understood she continued, "During the year following the incident, everything got even worse. That was the year Angie crammed herself into the picture."

"None of us ever liked her, not even my dad. Though, he was her prime target since we've all known her. We never understood how someone so disgusting, creepy, and conniving could be called a friend by momma. Either way, she was always there, lurking. The little snake," Just speaking about her brought a bad taste to Alice's mouth.

She absentmindedly gripped Godric's hand as she continued to speak, "Neither Alec nor I know how or why it happened. It was literally one second she was just creeping about and the next she was moving in and flashing a ring. The tie between our father and us became even more severed. It had felt like a betrayal. We couldn't grasp any understanding of what was happening. All we knew was that it felt like he poured salt on our already open wounds."
"Two years flew by like a slow horror movie. In the second year after I became nine, Angie decided it would be a fantastic idea to snatch us up and move us all over the place spouting bullshit after bullshit. She claimed each and every time that it was for a 'new start'" she let out an empty laugh. "The bitch."

"Throughout the years Angie slowly started to abuse Alec and I. She said she was trying to beat the demons out of us. And my weakling father believed her! He just stands there and watches, like the spineless fool he is. Eventually, after we turned twelve, Alec told me he couldn't take it anymore." At this she took a deep breath. "He told me he was running away. He said that he couldn't take anymore of watching the man he thought a hero be turned into the guinea pig for a witch."

Again she took a deep breath, "He asked me to come with him; begged even. But . . . for some reason I just couldn't go. I couldn't leave with him. It wasn't until after he was gone that I realized it was because I still held hope that my father was still there. That I could somehow, bring him back to the man that he was."

"After Alec left things grew even worse." Godric was confused when a small smile fell on her lips after that statement. "It was three months later, that I met Dominic."

She leaned her head against his shoulder, "It was after a particularly bad night with Angie, one of the worst. I had decided to try and fight back; she fought even harder and used a belt. I was covered in welts and had broken a few ribs." Godric was unable to contain his growl of anger.

She kissed his cheek and squeezed his hand to calm him, "Somehow, my father was able to stop her before I fully lost consciousness. He demanded that I leave the house, he said not to come back until I had better respect for my superiors. Blinded by pain, I didn't even try to fight him even though I knew I had nowhere to go."

"I stumbled out into the cold, we had moved to Texas after Alec left. I somehow made it to the park a few blocks away. I collapsed onto the first bench I found. And I really thought it was over, I was seeing spots and everything seemed to be spinning. I couldn't even find the strength to lift my hand. My only thoughts were fear. I didn't want to die. As much as I missed momma, I didn't want to go just yet. I was so scared. And finally darkness fell."

"I don't know how long I was out. It had seemed like forever but I know it wasn't. My heavy eyes finally opened again and the first thing I saw was dark green." This time her smile widened. "He was so pretty, I thought he was an angel, so I asked him. He laughed and shook his head saying no he was no angel but he was there to help. I asked him why and he said nothing. He just placed his hand on my head and smile softly. He told me that he was going to give me something and that I should drink it the moment he gave it to me. He promised that it was going to help and make me feel better. I told him that I couldn't take anything from someone I didn't know." She chuckled softly, "He laughed at me. He said, 'Well then, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dominic and I would very much appreciate it if you allowed me to help you. You do not have long and if you do not take the medicine I would like to give you'll be meeting true angels.'"

"Of course I listened because I was scared. I was relieved it worked and Dominic walked me home after that and somehow convinced my father and Angie to let me return. I later found out he glamoured them. From then on Dominic would visit me every night and we became the greatest friends. It took him two months to grow the courage to tell me what he was. But I wasn't scared. He was my friend and he had saved my life without any obligation to. He just wanted to. I trusted him with everything and I still do. He could never willingly hurt me."

"He even convinced me to find and contact my siblings." A small furrow appeared at her brow, "I guess you could say it went well. They forgave me but said there was nothing to forgive. They even tried to save me a few times, but it just wouldn't work. Every time it seemed like I was going to get away, something would always go wrong. The only one, who didn't accept me back, was my older sister. To this day she blames me for momma. It's upsetting because I miss her so much, but she can't even bare the sight of me let alone the thought." He hugged her even closer as he saw her shoulders hunch. He would need to figure out a way to fix the rift between his little one and her sister. He could see how much it was upsetting her.

"A year before vampires came out the coffin, I had just turned thirteen and Angie had made new friends." She tensed up slightly and he wondered why. "They had met at the church she always drug me to, he was a reverend. He loved her so called charisma and she loved his power of persuasion. I guess it ran in the family considering his son turned out to be as psychotic as he was." Godric was very confused, but she continued on. "I had thought my meetings with Dominic were a secret. I thought they knew nothing about them because we were always so secretive about it. I was wrong."

"I don't know how, but Angie knew about vampires before even I did. And she had done one of the lowest of low things she could have ever done. She alerted Reverend Theodore Newlin of their existence." Godric stilled in shock.

Alice flew off his lap, mouth spilling out dozens of apologies. He finally silences her with his hand across her mouth. "Alice, relax. I know it was not your fault. I'm not angry I'm just . . . shocked." He brought her to the bed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Now, please continue."

She slowly nodded and continued her story, "I wasn't told about any of that until after you guys came out into the world and they let me join Willow High."

"I had this whole explanation thought out on how to convince them to let me go there, but it wasn't needed. They hardly put up a fight and I demanded to know why they let me go so easily and they told me." She clenched her hands again in anger, "They thought I would make the perfect little spy for them. I was so angry I told them I wouldn't become their little puppet for their idiotic plan to run vampires out of existence. They even laughed when I told them to pull me out the school, they said they would let me continue to go so I could see just how 'monstrous those beasts could be.' They've been funding and helping the Fellowship grow ever since."

She looked up into his eyes and apologized, "Godric I'm sorry. Please don't hate me for their beliefs. I never believed them, not one word. Please don't hate me."

He softly shushed her, "Little one how many times must I say that I could never hate you. I know you didn't and still don't believe their words. You have no need to worry."

Happy, she smiled and hugged him for all she was worth, "Thank you for listening. And thank you for helping me find peace with my mother." She cleared her throat and looked down, "Can I ask you something though?"

He nodded "Ah . . . um, what did you do to John and Angie after you had Eric take me to your home?"

He smiled eerily and for a second she was actually worried, "You have no need to worry about them any longer. Just know that they were glamoured to not come after you. For all they know they couldn't take your presence in their lives any longer and you were emancipated."

"Hold on, wait so your saying that I'm free from them?" Her eyes grew wide, but she forced herself not to be too hopeful.

He nodded in assurance, "From how I left them, they should bring you no more turmoil. And any other waste less being that tries to, will meet their end at my hands."

Alice couldn't contain herself, ignoring the fact that he just said he'd kill anyone who made her unhappy; she leapt on top of him showering him in kisses.

He grinned and returned each and every kiss, wrapping her tightly and securely in his arms.

Had it not been for the two throats clearing in the door way things most likely would have heated up.

Alice squeaked in embarrassment and tried to pull away. Try, being the key word.

Her vampire wouldn't let her move an inch off him. She wiggled and squirmed trying in vain to fight the red creeping onto her face.

His strained voice though caused her to freeze, "I really would stop doing that if I were you dear Alice."

Two chuckles joined his and she tried a new tactic; beating his chest till he let her go.

His solution was rolling them over and crushing her arms between their chests. Though he was careful about how much weight he let fall on top of her.

She squeaked even louder and groaned in irritation.

Godric grinned cheekily, "Come now, you can't have given up already?"

She ignored his taunt and looked away; it only brought on even more laughter.

"As amusing as this display of ah . . . affection is I'll need dear Alice for a moment Godric."

Godric grinned and looked in Dominic's direction, faking a long moment of contemplation he finally let his prisoner go.

She scrambled out from underneath him and was behind Dominic in seconds.

Godric only sat up and smirked at her.

Confused she looked at Dominic's face and saw that he too had a grin on his face.

Even more lost she looked at Eric's face and saw an even cheekier smirk.

"What the hell is so amusing?" she question angrily.

"Little one as enticing as you look, do you really plan on going out in that attire?" Her vampire sounded as if he was holding back chuckles.

Finally, she looked down and realized she was still wearing his shirt! She may be short but a shirt is a shirt and she was showing a lot more leg than she ever wanted to.

Shrieking in embarrassment she ran as fast she could into the bathroom slamming the door shut on three irritating pervy vampires roaring with laughter.

Just as she sighed in relief behind closed doors, last night's event came back to her and she swung the door open with as mighty a force a four foot nine girl could muster.

"You sneaky ass vampire, you saw me naked!"

A/N: Aww see her story ended on a good note ^.^ Anyway thank you so much to all my readers that stuck with me on this story this far. It really means so much, you guys have no idea. I honestly never was expecting any one really to like this story when I first started it. Especially looking back and seeing how different my style of writing got from chapter one to now. I know I haven't been speedy with updates either so thank you again so so much for sticking through :D I'm going to try and fix the beginnings of this story because the errors in there almost gave me a heart attack on how bad they are. I want this story to be at the best it can be, and I hope you guys liked this chapter ^.^ Love you all and please don't forget to review! :D See you all at the next chappy!