special shout out to my first betta clareandeliforever. she is awesome=)

Clare POV

The ringing of the bells chimed as the priest finished. The bride and groom leaned forward and placed a sweet kiss on each other's lips, smiles grazing their faces doing so as the crowd erupted in cheers. I could feel the love and energy flowing out of the newlyweds as they sprinted out of the church with their family and friends trailing behind them. Rice and cheerful colors exploded into the air as they fled to their waiting limo. Before speeding off, they waved at the guests as they passionately kissed and I couldn't help the smile that spread over my lips; another job well done.

"I hope they last." I heard a voice whisper behind me.

I turned my head and smiled at Alli. "I hope they will too. Wesley really does love Anya. But Anya…she just..." I trailed off and sighed, watching them speed down the road with cans dinging together on the pavement.

Alli nodded her head. "I know."

We both turned around and walked to our black car that was parked in the far back of the parking lot. I climbed into the driver's seat and Alli into the passengers.

We were both silent as we drove to the party where we had more work to do. Alli and I were both professional wedding planners. We helped design, organize, and finance weddings for a fairly high price. We had opened up our business a year after we graduated and since then, our company has been extremely successful.

Resources say that we were the third top wedding planers in Canada. My job was exciting and I loved it. But, I will admit it had its downfalls. For example: Anya and Wesley. Yes, they were in love, but one thing my job taught me was how easily you could fall out of love. I've organized hundreds of weddings and it still pained me to hear that some of my clients that were extremely in love when I met them, and were now getting a divorce.

"You okay?" Alli asked, worry lurking her tone.

I nodded shakily as I pulled to a stop outside the party.

Alli eyed me for a second before sighing. "I know what's bugging you Clare."
I shrugged and stared forward. "Well yeah. I mean we are planning a wedding for a couple that I know for sure will get a divorce later on."

"You don't know that." She argued, sitting up strait to look me in the eye.
I pursed my lip and nodded, not really in the mood for arguing. She knows they will get a divorce later on but it's hard to say that when we are, after all, planning their wedding.

I slowly opened the car door and stepped out mumbling, "Let's get this show on the road"


It was two o'clock in the morning and I stifled a yawn as I pull up into my driveway. I lazily walked up the porch steps until I reached the front door, blinking my eyes to stay open. I opened my purse and fumbled for the keys when suddenly, the door burst open and I jumped slightly.

Standing in the doorway was Declan Coyne. He smirked at me and stepped back, allowing me to enter. I smiled softly and walked in slowly. I slouched into the couch and my eyelids threatened to fall as I rested my head against the pillow, sighing. I felt the couch moved slightly signaling weight sat next to me. I frowned.

"Hi Declan." I muttered.

He chuckled. "Long night?"

I nodded slightly, rubbing my temples, "The longest."

"I thought you enjoyed weddings. I mean, you are a wedding planner."

I smirked at that sentence. "I do but…only when the couples are actually in love and not in the honeymoon stage."

He nodded in agreement, and said in a serious tone, "Don't worry, babe. Our wedding won't be like that."

His hand reached down and cupped my check. I smiled at the warm and sweet touch. I leaned forward into his hand as he gently cradled my flushed face. "I know. We will actually be in love."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss my lips. His soft and plushy lip tasted amazing against mine: a mixture of red wine with a hint of

"What do you say if we go up stairs and practice our honeymoon?" He said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, smirking. "Of course."

He pulled me to my feet, grinning, and I couldn't help but giggle as we ran upstairs into our bedroom.


"So, do you know what today is?" Jenna asked as she eyed me, swirling her soup in her bowl and biting her lip.

I pinned my eyebrows together and frowned, staring at her quizzically.

"Umm…hedgehog day?" I asked, hoping it was the answer she was looking for.

She sighed dramatically, and droped her spoon in the bowl making a loud clink noise. "Today we're going to go talk to our wedding planners. Remember?"

Realization carets itself upon me. I widened my eyes for a second before smiling. "Oh right, right. I knew that"

She scowled and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at me, "I know you didn't remember, Eli."

I sighed and walked to the sink. I dumped my bowl in and turned on the faucet.

"Sorry, Jenna. I thought it was tomorrow, I swear," I stated, the truth.

She walked over to me and rested her head on my shoulder. Her arms wrapped across my chest, pulling me close to her, and she placed a kiss on my shoulder blade. "It doesn't matter as long as you go." I heard her sigh against me.

I bit my lower lip and chuckled nervously. "Actually..." She instantly frowned and pulled away, looking into my eyes. "Eli." She warned.

I rubbed my neck and avoided her gaze. "I can't today. I have to go fix a pipe that broke down."

"Cant someone else fix it?" She begged.

I shook my head closing my eyes slightly. "That would be the fifth time I won't show for my job." I reminded her, "My boss would be pissed. He'd fire me for sure."

She rolled her eyes and pouted, "Fine, Eli, I'll go alone."

I frowned, feeling guilty, and gently tried to hug her to my chest. She tried to pull away but I wasn't having that. My grip only tightened and she reluctantly came into my arms. I hugged her close as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I whispered into her ear, smelling her scent.

"It's okay. I'll go alone. It won't matter anyways. I mean were probably only going to talk about the dress and stuff like that." She sighed, placing her head on my shoulder.

I frowned and kissed the top of her head. "I still wish I could go with you, I really do. I feel so horrible."

She shrugged. "Don't. It's okay. I promise."

"Really? You're not only saying that to make me feel better?"

She nodded and kissed my lips. I linked my arms together behind her back, pinning her to me and she ghost her hands over my neck. "It's okay, Really." She insisted before pulling away. "Well I have to go, now. I'll see you later."


"Love you," She smiled.

"Love you too."

sorry they didn't meet in this chapter. but i want to take it slow. I don't want it to be to predictable. where they meet and BAM instantly fall in love and ride off into the sunset. There will angst, pain, and rape. so stick to the story and i promise you wont be disappointed=)