A/N: Hello everyone! No, I am not dead and I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. It's been...well hectic to say the least. I'm hoping to get back to writing this summer. I will continue to update as inspiration strikes. I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors as I did not read over this as carefully as I should have before posting. If I find sometime, I will go back and do some editing later. Anyway, I hope I didn't disappoint you! Enjoy Chapter five!

Chapter Five: A New Beginning?

It was agreed that Emiko should stay with Takashi. Ben would be less likely to find her if she was staying with him and he would never be allowed near her. While Takashi had his fair share of fans in the club, he was still the strong, silent type that was also the one that no one really wanted to mess with. If Ben tried anything, Takashi would easily be able to fend him off. The last thing Emiko really wanted to think about was the idea of Takashi or Mitsukuni getting in a fight with Ben, especially over her. However, she did realize that it would be okay in the end. With Mitsukuni and Takashi by her side, it was hard to imagine anything going wrong. She trusted them with her life. While she knew it would take time for her to truly relax, she certainly felt like an edge had been taken away.

That night, Mitsukuni stayed the night as well. Every now and again, Mitsukuni would try to get her to talk more in detail about what had happened between her and Ben or try to help come up with a concrete plan of action to make sure all ties were severed. Still, he knew where the line was. It wasn't easy for Emi to even admit that she had been in such a bad situation. The last thing he wanted to do was push her away and cause her to retreat into herself because he was pushing for information. She was grateful he was so understanding. The secret was safe between the three of them. If it ever got beyond them, there was no telling how bad it could get. While Mitsukuni tried to be positive and cheerful, he knew there was still a lot of uncertainty about the situation. None of them really knew if this would be the end of it. However, he and Takashi were going to do everything within their power to make sure it was the end. They would never let Emiko be hurt like that again.

The next morning Emiko woke up feeling much lighter than she had in a long time. It was so nice to have finally been able to share what had been going on, to be reassured that she wasn't alone. It didn't make all of her problems disappear, but it made her feel a little less pathetic. She got ready and joined her cousins for breakfast.

"Good morning, Emi-chan!" Mitsukuni greeted her as she sat down.

"Good morning, Mitsukuni, Takashi," she greeted with a smile.

Out of habit, she checked her phone. There were over a dozen text messages and voicemails blinking on the screen to be read/listened to. All were from Ben. She felt her spine stiffen and go cold. So many messages were not a good sign. He would be mad. More than mad…livid. Just like the day he put her in the hospital. Could she survive another beating like that? Was it too late to smooth things over? Would she be able to smooth things over? The familiar feeling of panic built up in her throat. Ever since he put her in the hospital, she had been so careful not to let the messages pile up or do anything to purposefully enrage him. Now? Now what could she do? Would she be able to settle it over the phone? Or would she need to seem him in person? If she saw him, what would he do?

"Emi-chan, what's wrong?" Mitsukuni asked.

"Oh, i-it's um..i-it's…" she began.

She felt guilty almost immediately. She had just promised to stop keeping secrets from her cousins, yet there she was trying to come up with a believable excuse. Old habits die hard. Maybe that was the price she had to pay for being with Ben. After all, it was her choice to keep going back, right?

"Emiko," Takashi began.

She took a deep breath. She needed to be honest. It was the only way out at this point. She had to believe that and trust her cousins to help her.

"I just saw my messages," she replied softly. "And…"

"Hand it over, Emi-chan," Mitsukuni ordered holding out his hand.

"Mitsukuni, is that really necessary? I mean you can't just take away my phone."

"I mean it, Emi, hand it over. I don't want you to have any more contact with him."

"Do you really think that is the best option? You don't know…"

"I know that if you keep talking to him, it's not going to get better. Think about it, Emi-chan, has talking to him ever helped before?"

No. It hadn't. She didn't want to admit it, but he was right. It didn't matter how many times she talked to Ben and tried to smooth things over. In the end, it was always the same. Something would happen and he would come at her with a vengeance.

"We just want to keep you safe. So, I think you should quit cold turkey."

"And what am I suppose to do without a phone? You won't be able to contact me if I don't have one."

Why was she still arguing the point? She knew Mitsukuni was right. She needed to hand over her phone and quit cold turkey. Maybe if she had a long enough break from Ben, he would grow bored and leave her alone. It was worth a shot right? Then why couldn't she just let go?

As stupid as it sounded, she still had feelings for him. He was her first boyfriend. There was still so much unknown to her. She had really thought she could make it work. He had been so nice to her and he still was…in between the beatings that is. Was this really the way it was going to end? No real goodbye, no "this is over," just cutting him out without a second thought?

"You'll get a new one," Takashi said. "A new number. He won't be able to find it."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It was time for her to make her choice. She couldn't sit and ponder anymore, no more second guessing. She wanted to feel safe again. She didn't want to live in fear, constantly looking over her shoulder, questioning every move she made. Before she could second guess herself, she held out her phone to Mitsukuni.

"Take it," she said softly. "Please, before I change my mind."

She didn't look up to see her cousin smile, but she knew he did. She could even feel it when he grabbed the phone and tried to take it out of her hand. For whatever reason, she couldn't let go.

"Emi-chan, you have to let go of it."

"I know…I…"

"It's okay. On the count of three, okay?"

She silently nodded.

"One, two…" she began. "Three!"

She dropped her phone before she could change her mind. Her hand hovered for a moment as Mitsukuni took the phone away, but finally she let it drop back to her lap. She opened her eyes again and looked up at her cousins. They smiled encouragingly at her. She had taken a big step forward by giving up her phone and they could tell it was not easy for her. She smiled back weakly. She just had to take it one step at a time. With Mitsukuni and Takashi by her side, she felt a little more comfortable that she would succeed.

Emiko felt a little more eager to get to school. It had been a while since she actually looked forward to going to school. Ben had made it nearly impossible to socialize. Now, she had a new opportunity. Mitsukuni and Takashi were both very encouraging. She parted with them once they arrived after they agreed to meet up after they were done with club and she would go get a new phone. Until then, she would just have to be patient and they would just have to be sure they knew where she was ahead of time. She was so glad they were looking after her. She just crossed her fingers that everything would work out. As she walked through the halls toward her classroom, she shifted through some of the papers in her hand. With everything else going on, she had had very little time to think about her school work and adjusting to the new system. She just used the time she had between classes and before sorting through her papers and learning her way around the school. She was so busy shifting through her papers, she didn't even realize she was going to run into someone until it was too late. She collided with another student with a soft "oof," her papers scattering everywhere.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" she said, immediately bending down to gather her papers. "I wasn't paying attention. It was my fault."

"It's quite alright," came the response with a chuckle. "Here, allow me to help you."

"You really don't have to do that," she replied.

"I insist."

She glanced up and, to her surprise, saw Kyoya bending down to help gather her belongings. After their first encounter, she was surprised that he would be so nice. After all, she had basically told him to take his computer and stuff it. Now here he was being a gentleman when the incident had clearly been her fault. She smiled a little shyly. She was here to make a new start and here was a perfect chance for her to put that into practice.

"Well, thank you. That's very kind of you," she conceded.

"It's my pleasure," he smiled.

He finished collecting her papers and stacked them neatly. He straightened up then offered his hand to help her to her feet. She shifted the papers to her bad hand so she could give him her good hand to stand up. Once she was on her feet, he handed her the papers he collected and she thanked him again.

"I was actually hoping I would run into you," Kyoya said.

"Oh? Why is that?" she asked with polite curiosity.

She felt her heartbeat quicken slightly. If Ben knew another boy had been looking for her, she would be in a lot of trouble. He would haul her off, beat her, make it so no boy would ever want to look at her again, make sure everyone knew that she belonged to her. She would have to figure out a way to get around Kyoya, to make sure Ben never found out….

Emiko stopped herself. What was she thinking? She was supposed to have a new start here. She wasn't supposed to be worrying about Ben anymore. She was supposed to be making new friends, making a new start. She needed to get Ben out of her head. As long as he was still haunting her thoughts, she would never truly be free. She had Mitsukuni and Takashi looking after her. No more Ben. She was supposed to be safe here. She couldn't keep thinking about the no longer existing consequences from Ben.

"I wanted to offer my sincerest apologies for yesterday. I never meant to upset you."

She blinked a few times in surprise. Yesterday seemed like ages ago…specifically, the school day and being at the Host Club when she first met Kyoya seemed like ages ago. Had she really come off that upset? She had made it a point to make sure he understood that if he wanted to get to know her, he should actually talk to her and not look her up on a computer in some data system. She didn't think that she really came off as being "upset."

"Oh, that. Don't worry about…"

"I wanted to invite you back to the club this afternoon," he continued. "And, if you would be so inclined, I would be honored to entertain you."

"You…would be honored…to entertain…me?" she repeated softly and unsure.

"I'm taking what you said to heart," he explained with a smile. "Perhaps this would be the perfect opportunity for me to get to know you better, not just as data."

For a moment, she was rendered completely speechless. She didn't know how to respond. She never expected her words to have such an effect. She had said them on the spur of the moment without thinking about the repercussions. Had she said anything like that to Ben… She mentally shook her head. She couldn't keep letting Ben in like that. He was far away. She had to focus on what was happening in the moment. The best thing she could think of was to be completely honest.

"I'm…I'm shocked that my words had such an effect on you," she replied.

"Well, the Host Club is designed so that each princess is taken care to the best of the abilities of each of our hosts. If it would make you feel more comfortable to have a conversation rather than be seen through data on a computer, then it would be rude of us not to oblige."

Ah. So that was the truth. It was just "part of the job." She should have known. There was no real secret intent behind his words nor was it that she had lead him to a mind-blowing epiphany. He was simply doing what was in his job description for the club. He was still simply researching her, trying to get answers for his records. She understood. She smiled politely.

"It sounds delightful," she replied.

"I look forward to it," he said. "Shall we head to class?"

She nodded in response and together they headed toward their class. It still felt a little weird and part of her wanted to keep checking over her shoulder for fear of Ben would somehow appear. She quietly chastised herself throughout the class for continually thinking about Ben. It was wrong of her. She was safe now. She had Mitsukuni and Takashi. She was talking to more of her classmates and now she was agreeing to talk with another boy. She was making a new start, and yet…and yet she found herself thinking about what would happen if she should be caught by Ben, how he would punish her for being so…so…loose wasn't the right word, but it was similar. She was haunted by the memory of her…ex? She didn't even know how to refer to him anymore. She didn't actually break up with him, but they weren't exactly seeing each other either. It was complicated. In the minds of her cousin, she and Ben were as good as broken up. She knew Ben wouldn't see it that way…she doubted he wouldever see it that way. He would continue to haunt her until, well, forever. She could hardly imagine what it would be like without him crowding her thoughts, making her second guess her every move.

Emiko had been so lost in her thoughts that she had taken very little notes in class. She hardly even realized that class had flown by. When the final bell rang, she packed up her belongings and slowly started heading for Music Room #3. She had to admit, she was a bit nervous for this conversation with Kyoya. Still, she knew nothing bad could really happen. Mitsukuni and Takashi would be there. If she felt uncomfortable or in need of an escape, she could always turn to them.

"Welcome," the club greeted when she walked in.

She smiled at them. They all really did seem to be good, sweet guys.

"Emi-chan!" Mitsukuni cried running up to her and giving her a hug. "You came!"

She returned the hug and smiled at her cousin.

"Of course I did!" she smiled. "I had such a wonderful time yesterday and Kyoya was so kind as to invite me back today."

"Really? He did?" Haruhi piped up.

"Yes, he did. He even offered to be my host."

"I didn't know that Kyoya-sempai did much hosting. I've always seen him on his computer."

Emiko giggled. She wasn't surprised that that would be the case. It was even more comforting that Haruhi was so blunt and honest about the situation as well. It helped put her at ease knowing that if there was something fishy going on, he would speak up about it.

"I am just as capable as our other hosts, but I also make sure that the club is able to run efficiently," Kyoya replied then turned to Emiko. "Shall we?"

She hesitated a moment, but Mitsukuni gave her a small push toward the Ohtori. She gave him a questioning look, but he only smiled hugging Usa-chan.

"Go ahead, Emi-chan! We can talk later," he said.

She forced a smile and nodded at him. She was taking the next step forward. She turned to the Ohtori boy and nodded.


He smiled and lead her to a table where there was already a tray of tea and cookies set. Like a gentleman, he pulled out her chair for her before turning to the tea set.

"Would you like some tea? It's Jasmine," he offered.

"That would be lovely. Thank you."

He skillfully poured them each a cup and handed her one. He took his seat across from her. For a moment they just quietly sipped at their tea. The room began to fill with other guests and their quiet chatter became part of the background noise.

"Might I interest you in a cookie?" he offered.

"What kind are they?"

"I believe they are peanut butter, freshly made as suggested by Haruhi."

"Sounds interesting, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline."

"Are you sure? I've heard they are quite tasty."

"I'm sure they are, but, even if I wanted to, I can't try any. I'm allergic to nuts."

"I see. I'm sorry. I did not know. I can get you something else…"

"Oh, please, don't worry about it. It's no big deal, really," she said. "I'm fine just as long as I don't eat them."

"I'll be sure to remember that for the next time you visit."

She smiled politely and took another sip of tea. It helped to settle her stomach and calm her nerves. It did feel a little awkward to sit there. She didn't know what to say or how to really start a conversation. She really was out of practice when it came to be freely social. All she could do was sip her tea and wait patiently. He seemed to be just as patient as he took a sip of his own tea.

"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself, Miss Emiko? I know that you've recently transferred and are the cousin of Mori-sempai and Hunny-sempai, but other than that, I'm afraid I'm at a bit of a loss."

"Well, I don't know if there's much to tell," she replied. "Since you know I'm a Haninozuka, you must know that I've trained for martial arts. I was part of a couple clubs back at my old school. I actually find weapon fighting to be a little more interesting. Probably because it is so different from our traditional fighting."

"What is your favorite form?"

"I actually really like fencing."

"Really? Have you competed?"

"No, not anything really big anyway. I think I need more practice before I'll be ready for that."

"I'm sure you would be wonderful."

"What about you? Any hobbies?"

The conversation was filled with what felt like forced politeness. They were talking because there was a sense of force. She made a mental note that she would rather sit with her cousins or Haruhi. It felt more natural. Kyoya seemed to be talking to her more out of duty than anything else. Still, she could be polite. She had to make an effort, for Mitsukuni, for Mori…for herself.

"Oh I wouldn't say I really have any. I'm afraid school and business take up most of my spare time as does the club, of course."

"There has to be something you enjoy outside of school and business," she insisted. "I mean, wouldn't it be awful boring not to have a hobby that you can enjoy for you, not for someone else."

"I look at my work as my hobby. After all, if I couldn't keep up with my work, I highly doubt the club would be able to run at all," he replied rather matter of factly.

"Maybe that's why you're so…tense."

"I'm afraid I don't follow."

She took another sip of her tea before setting down the cup. She hadn't meant to offend nor had she really intended on having any kind of deep conversation. However, she was finding herself to be intrigued. How could he not have a hobby? Something that he could do with his free time, something that was just for him. For her, it was her martial arts, fencing, reading…she had a few things that she really enjoyed. They were hers. Despite all of the hell that Ben put her through, he couldn't take a few of those treasured hobbies away. He may have prevented her from competing like she used to, but he couldn't stop her from training, no matter how bad the beatings got.

"Well, hobbies are a way to relax. Something that you can do for yourself, no one else. Even when the rest of the world seems to be against you and telling you what to do, the hobbies are what you have to lay claim to that cannot be taken away from you…sort of like hope and faith. You may find if you develop a hobby, you won't be as stressed and wouldn't have to force a smile."

For a moment, he simply stared at her. He looked as if he was trying to see inside her mind, make sense of her words. She couldn't blame him. She had just dropped a bomb so to speak on him. She hadn't intended on opening up so much, but now that the words were out, she couldn't take them back. That was the closest she had come to talking about how she survived the hell of Ben to anyone really. She hadn't even told that to Mitsukuni or Takashi. She took comfort knowing that she had been vague in the sense that she had never said how she came to that belief, no mention of Ben at all. That was a good sign, wasn't it?

"Force a smile?"

Oops. That part she kind of wished she could take back. She had only made an observation. She hadn't meant to make it sound like she was accusing him of anything. She hadn't meant to offend. Briefly, her mind flashed back to Ben. Had it been him she was speaking to, she would have been on the ground. She took a sip of tea, willing herself to be calm and not shake at the memory. Ben was gone. She was at Ouran, sitting with Kyoya, and her cousins were only a few feet away. No danger.

"I'm sorry. That was rude of me. I shouldn't have…"

"No, no. It's alright. I'm just intrigued. What did you mean by 'force a smile,'" he replied, still polite and patient.

"It's just…well, you seem to be sitting here with me out of some kind of obligation or duty. Part of that could be due to my family, but part of that could also be from the belief of your club as I was a guest yesterday and was upset about being looked up on a computer database. You want to put on a smile and be polite out of duty. I just think that a hobby may help you relax and open up more willingly."

Again they were quiet. She couldn't believe how much she had said. The silence was torture. She could feel her cheeks start to flush the longer they sat there in silence. She immediately began planning her apology, how she could smooth things over before they got out of hand, before she could be hurt, before she could be punished, before…

He began laughing. She looked up from her tea-cup in surprise. He was…laughing? Why? She was completely baffled. What was there to laugh about? Hadn't she just offended him? Shouldn't he be beating her by now?

"I-I'm sorry," he replied after a moment of laughter. "I don't mean to be rude. You're very unique, you know that? You're the first person to ever tell me that, to talk to me like that."

"But…you're not angry," she said in a soft, dumbfounded voice.

"Of course not. Why should I be? I think you have a very interesting proposal," he replied, resting his chin on his hand as he gazed steadily at her.

She remained quiet. Her brain was having a hard time processing the scene in front of her. She had spoken up, said what was on her mind. He laughed and found it amusing, not angry. He was intrigued. He didn't raise his hand to hit her. Slowly, very slowly, things began to set in. She had no reason to be afraid of the boy in front of her. He was not Ben. He was a friend of Mitsukuni and Takashi. He wouldn't hurt her. He had no reason to nor did she have a reason to suspect he would. She felt foolish and pathetic that it took her so long to realize that…really realize that. She really had been changed by Ben. She needed to break away.

"So, are you willing to teach me?" Kyoya said at last.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You said that I should have a hobby. Would you be willing to teach me?"

She couldn't help the small laugh from escaping. Was she really having this conversation?

"Didn't I say that a hobby is something you do for yourself, something you enjoy?"

"Yes, you did. As I don't have one, I thought that perhaps you could show me some ideas and I can see what interests me."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? You don't want to bite off more than you can chew," she replied.

In part, she was talking to herself. Was it really a good idea to get in so deep? If word got around, she was putting herself at risk. Then again, she did need to keep going forward. And here she was presented with a golden opportunity. Could she really afford to pass it up?

"I'm sure we can work something out. It gives us more time to get to know each other, don't you agree? It's better than using a data system."

She smiled. She really couldn't believe this was happening. She was really going to take the next step forward. She was going ahead and making a new friends and new beginnings. That was what she was supposed to do, right? She finally nodded.

"Sounds like a plan. Tell me, Ohtori-san,"

"Please, call me Kyoya."

"Tell me, Kyoya, how do you feel about swords?"

"I'd say color me…intrigued."

He had to admit, he hadn't predicted the meeting going so well. The Peanut butter cookies had been a test. He had noticed the allergy on her records, but he wanted to show that he could listen. If she wanted to be observed as a person, he could do that. Now he was planning on trying new activities. It reminded him of when he had first met Tamaki and he had done so much to try to appease the boy. This felt similar, but different at the same time. She was observant. He would have to remember that, be wary of that. If she could tell he was using a polite smile versus a genuine one, she would probably figure out that Haruhi was girl. He had to look out for the club. On the other hand, he could use this budding relationship to help strengthen his bond to the Haninozuka family. All in all, it seemed like a win-win situation. It would be interesting to see how it would all play out.

"Tell me, Kyoya, how do you feel about swords?" she asked, mischief on her lips.

"I'd say color me…intrigued," he replied with genuine interest.

A/N: And...that's all she wrote. For now anyway. I hope you enjoyed!
