Prank Wars

A/N: Thank you to Naruisawesome, ghost44, and D C JoKeR H S for reviewing the last chapter!

Also, I have a blog now. Check out my profile for the link. You can find sneak peeks and more there (in the future as I just made it). But please take a look.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt.

Chapter 16: Message in the Colours

Naru burst into the kitchen, the door bouncing off the wall with the force of his entrance, startling the occupants of the room. Monk choked on his orange juice, which he no longer kept in the fridge or on the table unattended. Ayako poured milk onto the counted and Masako flung the cereal bag, spraying everyone with the sugary breakfast.

"Where is she?" Naru practically growled his words at the team, glaring as his mother approached, a tender smile on her face.

"And what exactly do you mean?" Luella knew her son saw straight through her words, taking pleasure in his frustration.

"Where is Mai? You know something mother." It wasn't a question, it was a statement and his frown deepened as his mother just laughed. But any further conversation was cut short as John stumbled into the room, a thick ooze of green covering his head and shoulders.

"John. Why are you covered in green paint?" Monk asked, watching as Masako ran to the priest with a tea towel in hand and pushed Naru out of the way.

"Monk. I actually think that's called olive." Luella chirped. Naru shook his head, turning to the others.

"Everyone spread out and look for Mai." Naru gave no room for argument as he glared at them, Ayako and Monk leaving quickly, the red head still holding onto the carton of milk. Yasu, who had been lounging in the sun on the tiles stood.

"Well, I'll check outside. Lin, Madoka. Wanna join me?" The glass wearing college student smiles at the couple at the kitchen island, sliding the glass door to the pool open. He didn't get a chance to hear their response however, because a sudden force landed on his head before his mouth was filled with a thick paste. He gagged, the rest of the team shock as Luella approached.

"And that's orange." She laughed, calling for Lin and Madoka to follow her outside. The pair did so, carefully avoiding Yasu as Masako moved to help him.

"Be wary. I know this is her doing." They were Naru's last words as he disappeared into the hallway.

Ayako and Monk

The pair wonder through the corridors for the bedrooms, peaking into each room. It was only when they came to Naru's room that they hesitated, staring at each other and feeling the dark vibes from behind the closed door.

"Why don't you open it?" Ayako prodded, slowly backing away from the door.

"Excuse me? Why don't you-"Monk couldn't even finish his sentence, being shoved through the door that Ayako opened so that he could enter the room. The blonde froze, grabbing the door to stop it from opening wider. Ayako laughed, Monk letting out a shaky sigh as he let go of the wood, turning back to the red head with a smile.

"Guess that wasn't so bad." Monk laughed, not noticing the way Ayako paled and leapt out of the doorway. He realised too late and something hit him in the head, a cool, oozing substance slipping down his scalp and seeping through his shirt, "Eww."

Ayako laughed, unable to hold it as Monk turned to examine himself. His entire back was blue, perfectly colouring half of his body, "Oh god. That's… that's amazing." Ayako doubled over as she laughed, bumping into the hallway table as she struggled to breath, "Your official Royal blue, congratulations."

Monk glared, noticing a string on the inside of the doorway. Curiously, he followed it, finding another balloon held to the ceiling. He grinned, grabbing the wire and moving aside, "Yes Ayako, very funny."

Her shriek was the only sign he got that the target had hit her and he looked out of the room to notice the red head was no longer a red head. Burgundy paint dripped, so deep of a shade that it looked almost brown. The blonde man laughed, enjoying the sight of her being so enraged. She huffed and puffed, hands fisting in her paint soaked hair.

Monk took the opportunity to run for his life, hearing her scream for his head not two seconds later.


Luella accompanied her son through the lower lever of the villa, Masako and Madoka following along. They had only just finished in the Library, Masako having ducked up the ladder to a small alcove above the bookshelves were someone could hide.

"This is ridiculous." Naru growled, "Mother. I know you know something. So tell me."

Luella just laughed, opening the doorway in time to see a blue Monk and brown Ayako race by, the once red head clawing at the air in her efforts to grab Monk, "Royal blue and burgundy. Pretty colours." She ignored the glare from Oliver, choosing instead to open another room, finding the sitting room to also be abandoned.

"Where on earth could Mai be?" Masako asked, moving to the window and peeking out. She shifted, her foot catching the curtain. She didn't react in time as the fabric came loose from its holdings engulfing her in the material. Her scream was muffled as she struggled to move it, Madoka raced to help, pulling the curtain away only to laugh.

"My, you look like an art piece." Luella clapped, smiling at the Medium, "Maroon suits you my dear."

Masako stood stock still, the material of the curtain having imprinted swirling patterns of maroon along her hair, skin and clothes. She blinked, seemingly not comprehending what had happened. Madoka dropped the curtain, waving a hand in front of the young woman only to get no response.

"Well she's catatonic. Time to move on!" Madoka didn't even wait, opening the door at the opposite side of the room to step through to the back hallway, not even flinching when she heard the clatter from overhead. The paint dripping over her, staining her pink hair, "Well… that was to be expected I guess."

"Madoka…" Naru called cautiously, "Are you okay?" He flinched when she turned to him suddenly her eyes fierce, "Of course I am! Now, excuse me!"

The pinkette marched out of the room. Storming past a shocked Lin and forcing a still running Monk and Ayako to stop short.

"So… she's not alright. Great." Naru sighed, tensing when he heard his mother speak.

"I must say though, she looks great in egg shell." Luella hummed, a finger tapping her cheeks as she looked around lazily.

"Egg shell. What-" Naru felt his eyes widen, looking at the poor team members covered in paint, "Olive. Orange. Maroon. Egg shell. Burgundy. Royal blue. O, O, M, E, B, R. I'm missing a letter?"

Naru growled as his mother laughed and left the room and Naru stormed out, frustrated that he couldn't find his assistant. All he wanted was tea.


Naru growled low in his throat, returning to the kitchen just after lunch time. Everyone else had cleaned up, refusing to move from their rooms until the paint prank was over. But he refused to hide while Mai was missing. He had checked the gardens, the library. He counted off on his fingers the locations he had checked, his eyes widening as he took in the letters that he had gather spelled her locations.

"B, E, R, O, O, M… Bedroom!" Oliver took off running, his feet pounding against the wood floor as he bound up the stairs. Door after door was forced open, his eyes burning from the sight.

Door one: Masako speaking to herself as she stared into the mirror.

Door two: Ayako and Monk making out.

Door three: Lin and Madoka doing things he did not want to think about.

Door four: John and Yasu having a chess match, prank plans laying around in piles.

Door five: Luella and Martin reading peacefully.

Door six: didn't budge.

Naru grunted, his cheeks burning as he forced to wood open, practically falling into the room of the spare guest bedroom. He didn't even feel the cool liquid drip over his shoulder as he ran forward, his arms wrapping around the brunette from behind, his head buried in her hair as he breathed deep. A small squeal was all she managed to get out, the air stuck in her throat.

"Naru?" Her voice was airy, the shirt she had held in her hands dropping to the bed, "Are you okay?"

"Where were you?" He demanded, not pulling away.

"I… where was I? Your mother didn't tell you?" Mai questioned, wriggling in his arms until her loosened his hold, "Your mother moved me into this room, said something about mould in the other room." Mai blushed suddenly, arms wrapping around herself, "Now um… could you get out please?"

Naru blinked, "Why would I-" Naru choked on his breath, his face lighting up like a Christmas tree, turning so his back was to her, "I… you- … Um. Make tea once you're ready. If you can that is."

Without another word, Naru left the room, not closing the door in his rush. Luella popped her head in, eyes wide and smile prominent as she caught sight of the brunette.

"My, oh my. I think I need to teach my son not to peep on women." The woman chortled, causing Mai's face to redden even more, her arms covering her bra, "At least you had pants on dear."

Mai nearly fainted from embarrassment.