

Thought about this last night and decided to see how it turned out. Hope yall like it. J I don't own Inuyasha or any of the character (Inuyasha, Sango, Shippo, Rin, etc)

Summary: Her voice was once her weapon. Broken and hurt, she loses it. His unexpected affection was a force to be reckoned with. Yet no one knew about it until he found her. Will her voice be forever loss?

Chapter 1: Lost

It is my oath or vow. No longer shall I speak but my voice shall die. I am to be seen but no one will ever hear me again. A heart and soul broken and shattered into millions of pieces. I am not like the others anymore. Just a mute they say and forever my voice was lost.

I sat under a tree in a clearing that I found gathering my breath. The kimono I had was bloody and in need of a good washing. I have no money but maybe someone would give me one or… she paused in thought…she looked down at her bloody hands and wept without noise. I'll have to steal it.

The young woman's hair was curly and long and black as the moonless sky. She was slender and petite. Her hazel eyes looked dazed. She got up and decided to go to the nearest place her powers sense. Her lantern in her hand and sword and bow and arrows strapped on her back, she made her way closer. She sighed, knowing that her appearance was rather ghostly. Her wounds weren't deep but she couldn't heal as quickly as she wanted. She collapsed to the ground, gasping for air again. The youkai she battled had thrown her into a tree and slam in the back with his head. She killed him but her body was a little weak from the blows dealt to it. Her wounds were bleeding again. Slowly she loses consciousness to the night.


He had felt the aura from his study. It wasn't every day that he would feel such a powerful aura approaching the Kingdom but he felt the aura fade. He didn't worry about it again. He retired to his bedroom for a good night rest. He was a busy man after all; he could not lose any time to trivial things.


By the time I awoke, it was noon day and no one had seen her unconscious. She was relieved for that fact. The bridge into this kingdom was down and the traffic was heavy. People coming in and out, she observed the flowed. There was a covered wagon and she ran to wagon, unseen and jumped aboard and crawled under. It was a couple with child going into the kingdom. She observed their interaction under the covers.

"My dear Sango, I was merely smoothing out your kimono wrap. I meant nothing of the source." The man said grinning and rubbing his right cheek. His violet eyes sparkled from the sun and he looked like the happiest man on earth. His love was evident.

The woman called Sango hmphed her husband. "And YOU, dear Miroku can't even keep your hands off me even with child. Can I have a small break?" She said smiling.

"AH HA! But you enjoy was cursed roaming hand" and with that he went in for another squeeze. She pinched his hand.

"HALT" a guard at the front gate stopped them. "State your business here."

"Sir, we have come to deliver the weapons Lord Sesshomaru ordered. Lord Totosai is old and not as fast as once was." Sango spoke up. "We will also be staying her for a while to have a little one."

The guard inspected the wagon. I hid myself in the middle to not be seen. Please don't see me I thought.

"You do know that there is some blood on here." The guard pointed out. I held my breath.

"Ahhh well you see, Sir we ran into a bit of trouble and a youkai attacked my wife. I was forced to kill him." Miroku explained.

"HN, go ahead and go through but we are watching. Only but the Lord Sesshomaru are we trusting you two."

With that the couple and equipment went through. I noticed the wagon came to a stop after a while.

"Come out, now" Sango demanded to their new cargo. She waddled a bit off the sit with the help of Miroku. I hesitated. "I said Come out, NOW" she put more emphasizes on now. I slowly came out and they gasped as they took in my appearance.

"Oh my." I heard the lady Sango whisper. "What is your name and what happened?" Sango once again demanded from me. I looked at her. Her stare became intense as she expected me to answer. I wasn't dumb or uneducated. My voice was gone and my vow stood firmly. I shook my head.

"Mi Lady, do you have a name?" The man Miroku spoke. I nodded. "Can you tell us your name?" I nodded again. He looked eager for my answer.

I started to bend down as if I was going to write my name. Kagome…was my name. I couldn't let them know that was my name. The knowledge of my name could easily put them in danger. They knew they had an extra person on the wagon, they weren't ordinary people. Not getting a respond from me, they spoke up.

"My name is Miroku and this lovely, fine, beautiful lady here is my wife, Sango." He grinned happily. He offered me a hand. I couldn't let them see my hands…they were bloodied. " I am a monk and she's a demon slayer." I winced a bit at their occupations. The monks and a demon slayer told on my family and started to kill us off because something drove them insane. I started to get up on my own and moved back. I offered a note and as soon as they received it. I took off in search for a clean kimono and a place to bathe. I found a shop that had beautiful and decent kimonos. The lady over them was old and looked like her eye sight was failing a bit. She used her miko powers with youki and with lightning speed she sped in front of the shop grabbed the first one she could get.

"THIEF!" the old lady wasn't as blind as I thought. "GUARDS! THIEF! HELP!"

I ran faster until I ran into what felt like a wall. "What do you think you're doing?" One of the biggest guards I ever seen looked down on me. "You're quite the mess" I tilted my head to the left.

What the…I thought.

"Come on, girl." He helped me to my feet. "Run that way… there's a garden or lake that way. I won't be nice the next time we meet. I'll pay your tab but you owe me. My name is Jin." He smiled and pushed her on as he heard the guard coming. With a big wave he sent her scent another way from the way she was going.

Darn…I thought. Another nice person to repay. I ran and zigzag. He wasn't exactly specific with where to go. I found a hot spring in the middle of this kingdom. It was serene and looked like it was my best day with luck today. I made a barrier around the hot spring so if anyone came they would not be able to get to me easily. I sat the new kimono gently on a rock to not get dirty. I undid my weapons and place from next to kimono. Then I jumped in with kimono and all slowly the aches from the fight and running around faded away. I went under all the way. I removed the kimono and the hot water felt good on my sore body. That's when I felt my barrier being disturbed. I came up and didn't think I'd see someone with such a powerful aura.

"Human, what are you doing in here?" his voice was hostile and calm. I moved towards my clothes and weapons, forgetting my old kimono. "This Sesshomaru will not repeat myself."

This wasn't going to well…It must have been my luckiest day or something because once again she was saved. "My dear sister Hikari! What on earth are you doing here? I told you it was farther down. You just couldn't wait, could you?" Pregnant Sango walked through the barrier like it was nothing. "Sesshomaru I am so sorry. She tends to get lost and completely forgets her manner." She pulled me out and got me dressed. I grabbed her old kimono after Sango was done tying my bow. I wrung it out and looked up at the youkai named Sesshomaru.

" There will be consequences to pay if she does it again. Do not doubt that, This Sesshomaru will kill her with no hesitation." With grace and elegant the silver haired, golden eyed youkai turned went about his way.


She was the aura I had felt the night before, such a frail and tiny woman to harness such powerful. I know this woman would be the cause of mind drifting. Though she was bathing off the filth but her beauty overcame the dirt and grime that was on her.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin, my little ward ran up to me. "What was all that commotion about?"

I declared to myself that this woman was nothing…nothing worth my attention, but I'd keep a watch on her. "Nothing. It is time for you to retire." I said as she looked at me with puppy dog eyes…Oh the irony I thought. I remember using it on my mother in order to go play with his friend Sai.

"Lord Sesshomaru may I go play tomorrow if I go now?" Rin asked as her asks became quite droopy and full of sleep.

"Hn" Rin jumped with delight and ran to her room.


"OK, give it up what is name?" Sango pressed into me for information. I would not move, no matter the plea. SO I pulled out a pad and ink and wrote Hikari. "You're lying." Sango saw through me. "That's the name I gave you."

"Now Sango dear don't make her afraid of us." Miroku said as he looked at me. What he saw though was not where near fear.

I tore up the first name and wrote 'You will be risking your lives if you wish to know.'

Miroku took it and read it aloud. "You're a mute…an educated mute. We'll risk it. " He said seriously. I nodded and wrote another note. 'Ok…My name is Kagome…Higurashi… that's all.'

His eyes drew huge as he read my name and took a step back. Here sits the Shikon No Tama Miko…the most wanted Lady in the earth he thought. I looked down…they were definitely not normal humans.


Well that's it. Tell me what you think. Continue or no…It's just a demo. But I like it. ^^ At least 5 reviews when encourage me to continue too…. J