: The Unanticipated Events

Kagome POV! O.O

... I am back in the same room I escaped from yesterday. I'm so happy to be in here... Do you hear my sarcasm? Sesshomaru and Jin decided to put two of the strongest guards both physically and spiritually ready to get me if I escaped again. A knock came from the door. I went to answer it.

"Lady Kagome, I have been sent to get you ready for the Moon Festival." a little girl youkai said as she walked to the wardrobe, her voice was quiet yet commanding. Her long green hair reminded her of Jin. Her eyes were gray blue like a stormy summery afternoon. She was petite and looked around the age of 10. She was dressed in a plain pink kimono and instantly I thought of a watermelon. She picked out everything that I was supposed to wear.

"Lady Kagome it is impolite to stare." I merely shook out of my trance. She looked a little disappointed though. As she was getting me ready she started a conversation

" My Jin says that your voice is of an angel. So I wanted to hear for myself... I'm not really a servant girl either. I just wanted to see you, Lady Kagome. Jin really likes you. He hasn't stopped talking about you, you know..." started to play in my hair. "To be a human your hair is rather soft and clean

I smiled. I wasn't an ordinary human being. She continued. "And you're beautiful like my Jin said. Can you talk for me? Do you sing, I like to sing?" I saw her pout in the mirror. "Though, my Jin says I'm a banshee unleashed."

This girl has to be his daughter or something... She frowned more... "Won't you do any…"

"Mi lady, I have come to... Lady Hanaka, what on earth are you doing here?" the real servant girl said shocked to see Hanaka. Hanaka ran to the servant and turned and bowed towards me. Her eyes filled with mischief and grinned,

" Lady Kagome, I will get a sound out of you even if that means a 'ep'" with that said she left as quietly as she came in.

I gave the new servant a questioning look. She smiled.

" Mi lady, I am the one who should've helped you get dress excuse the mistake. I am sure Lady Hanaka will persist in her quest to hear your voice. She is much like her Jin. They get what they want somehow, some way." she said as she finished up what Hanaka had started. She chuckled. "The little rascal did most of my job."

"Thank you." I said, it was like a whisper but this time I didn't feel like I was breaking my promise. I actually felt good talking for once without being forced or getting mad.

"My, My Lady Kagome, you do have a wonderful voice. My name is Aimee. Lady Hanaka would be upset to know I got to hear your lovely voice." She admitted as she let out a giggle. "I feel so honored." I had to laugh. I hadn't heard my own voice in almost 14 years…. Only for singing did I hear it. Mama always told me to love and enjoy my voice. I felt a tap on my left shoulder; I must have gone into my thought world again.

"Lady Kagome, Are you ok?" I nodded. "Well my pretty… you're done. All you have to do now is wait for Lord Sesshomaru or Lord Jin to come and get you, which shouldn't be too long. It was very nice to finally meet you, Lady Kagome." With that she bowed and exited the room. I sighed. Alone again, in a too big of a room for one person. I decided to adventure out into the Fortress. I pressed on the door but this time it strung a bit. I wrapped my hand with my miko powers and pushed again. This time it opened with no problem. I peeked out to see if anyone was out and about. Immediately I was on my butt looking up at twin guards who was grinning at me mischievously.

"Well, well, well brother looks like we got ourselves a good catch." The left twin said happily.

"Indeed, little brother. She quite the beauty they say she is. So why sneak out now? Lord Sesshomaru or Lord Jin should be coming anytime soon." The right twin held out a hand and helped me up. His lavender eyes and wild brown hair was pulled into a fluffy long ponytail that suited him. " My name is Kai and my younger brother." He pointed to the left twin who was identical from him. "His name is Gai."

They seemed so young. " Kitsunes…" I said. I sounded a little dumb. Gai smiled and nodded.

"Please mi lady don't try and escape. If you would like a escort around the fortress just tell us and we would gladly oblige." Kai said. They're voices were the same too. They must be a deadly duo. I thought.

"What's going on here? "

"Lady Rin!"

" HAHA, Kai ! Gai! How are you guy? Do you like Rin's kimono?" She noticed me finally. "Lady Calm it's you! Do you like Rin's Kimono? Lord Sesshomaru had Lady Kaede get it from her village. She said it was specially made for Rin! Come on Lady Calm. Let's go meet Lord Sesshomaru and show him our Kimonos!" She quickly pulled me up and I was out of the room with the twins on our tail.

Jin cleared his throat. "Well Lady Kagome, Lady Rin Sesshomaru is ready for you both." Jin didn't look at me. Maybe I had something on my face or I did something wrong. I straightened out my kimono looked at Jin hoping for some communication."Come on Lady Calm, Lord Sesshomaru awaits. Rin wants to see his reaction too." Rin said as she pulled me along. I looked back to see the twins and Jin behind us walking slowly. What did she mean by his reaction too…I thought. The Fortress always seemed to amaze me each time I looked around. So much to explore and learn…I'm getting excited… I smiled to myself. Maybe this is my time to let my guard down.

Rin busted through some grand doors and there stood Sesshomaru with all his arrogant and beauty in tack. "Lord Sesshomaru, Doesn't Rin and Lady Calm look lovely?" He looked once over Rin and nodded but then he stopped on me…longer than he did on Rin… Not that I thought they were like that but the little girl seemed to be like blood to him…then again this is the king of Ice. When I came out of my thought again, I notice he was still looking at me but this time it seem he wanted to say something but couldn't… I rule the fact that I definitely had something on my face or kimono. I looked down and around and nearly tripped in the process. I didn't exactly meet the ground more like a bridge of hands caught me. Kai, Sesshomaru, and Jin were looking at me with something in their eyes. I blushed at the attention. And everyone came out of their trance when they heard Jaken's voice.

"My Lord, what on earth are you doing? You're due out at any moment now." Jaken said as he started to pull Sesshomaru to the door.

"Do not move ,miko or else this Sesshomaru will make you pay. "

Gai laughed. "Well well well my lady you have a competition on your hands." His eyes shoned of amusement and he even slapped his brother on the back. "now brother you better get rid of those feeling If you care about working.

"Lady Kagome, I believe my little sister snuck in on you. She's quite the child."

I only could nod. He still wasn't looking at me…I was beginning to worry so I went to him and pulled him down to my eye level. I cupped his face in my hands and looked into his eyes. "What's wrong?" I said so fast and quietly that even he didn't hear it almost.

"Nothing… mi lady…" His eyes held a small bit of sadness. "Maybe later when Sesshomaru doesn't have you,princess." I was beyond shocked when he called me that… No has called me that since I was a little girl. It was my nickname from the villagers and servants. I was the eldest and daughter of the Head. The village was known for the people who protected the jewel for many centuries. It was once Kikyo's duty to keep it til I came… the true protector and guardian of the Sacred Jewel.

"Lady Kagome, you are requested by Lord Sesshomaru. " Kai and Gai said at the same time.

As I released his face… there was a look on his face that looked as if he didn't want me to let go… I blushed at the thought and walked towards Lord Sesshomaru. I entered the door leading outside. The fortress was beyond beautiful. Lanterns, the smell of the delicious foods and laughter filled the air. It was so uplifting to see children playing… my love for kids kicked in and I immediately went with Rin to play… I love the atmosphere around the children. The laughter, smiles, and the innocent was such a refreshing refill of what I felt like I was missing. Never once have I thought about slowing down and having a family… Forget the Festival I'm going with the kids. I played with the kids for what seemed like hours.


Jin watched as Kagome played with the children. She seemed so happy and peaceful. There was something at her and the jewel that made the atmosphere calmer. Kai, he notice was watching her too…probably thinking the same thoughts. The moment she cupped his face and looked into his eyes, he knew she was reading him like a book… just like Sesshomaru but it's different from a female. Lord Sesshomaru had on that stoic facial mask again and watching her intensely. This one girl was starting to drive three different and powerful people insane.


"Oh Lady Calm won't you sing with us?" Rin asked. Her eyes showed admiration and determination to get me to sing. I wonder how she knew I liked to sing. I motioned them to come closer.

"My name is Kagome…but you can call me Ka-chan." All the kids cheered and some marveled at her voice.

"Ka-chan, will you be my big sister?" little Rin asked. She was sincere and adorable as she asked me.

"What about your family, little one?" I asked.

"Everyone has died, all I have left is Lord Sesshomaru. I'm alone and you seem like a good big sister person.I'll be a great Lady one day like you." Rin said happily as she tripped in her kimono.

"in a million years" some other kids said and caused Rin to blush of embarrassment. I helped her up..maybe I was seeing why Lord Sesshomaru couldn't resist her adorable charm.

I nodded and I believe she got the message because she grinned from ear to ear and tackled hug me and we both fell.

I started to sense her again… Kikyo… a distant cousin from our sister village near Inuyasha forest. I rounded up the children and handed back to the festival central. I looked around not seeing Sesshomaru or Jin or the twins… Great when I need help, they disappear. I thought. She was getting closer fast. I put Rin down and told her to go straight to the adults.

There she was with Inuyasha looking sinister than ever. "Kagome Higurashi…my dear little cousin long time no see." Kikyo said in her monotone voice. Inuyasha only looked at me with lust or something in his eyes.

"So now you're so weak you can't protect yourself. Pathetic. Luckily I'm only here for the festival." She brushed against me as she walked by. . "watch your back."

I watch their retreating backs as they walked more into the festival. I can't believe I use to play and love those two… My best buddies, my family… only to be stabbed in the back…

"Lady Kagome..." I turned around to see Jin and Kai running towards me but Sesshomaru was there in an instant with Rin in his arms. Rin jumped down and ran to her with worried eyes.

"Kagome are you okay?" I nodded and smiled. They didn't do anything wrong but encountering the two at the same time meant trouble. I still felt their auras.

"Lady Kagome, what happened?" Jin asked as he came over to me. He had food crumbs around his mouth and he held a pair of legs on his back. I started to laughed, his appearance was like my father when he was found out about the stolen midnight snack he would have. I had to sit down to laugh. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Jin wiped his mouth and put down the person on his back. Lady Hanaka peered from behind him with worried eyes.

"I'm fine" I said...I was getting comfortable with communicating through words with them. Maybe it was because they made me feel secure and confident.

"We thought something happened, the way Rin ran back to us." Kai said as he examined me for any injuries. Lord Sesshomaru stood there also examine me.

"I'm fine really"... I still wasn't use to my voice, I sounded small. "Enjoy the festival" I started to walk anywhere. I wanted to be away. So I started to walk towards the entrance to the village.

"Well Well Well if it isn't Kagome." I turned around to see pure red eyes staring at me. Kagura… I ran to hug her. "What are you doing in this place?" she asked.

"I'm here only for a few more days." She was shocked I used my voice. I looked away, "But I'm thinking about leaving tonight. It won't be easy though." Kagura smirked knowing I was asking for her help indirectly.

"What do you need done, darling?" Kagura loved to cause trouble so she didn't mind one bit. I merely nodded.

Well we shall see what Kagome does this time? And why is she trying to get away so much. Next time on Mute!

Hope you liked it! Please review and tell me what you think : )