Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Twilight!

N- Nice. Jasper didn't understand why had to play nice with the human girl. Bella was Edward's girlfriend not his. He shouldn't have to pretend to like the fact a human invaded the lives of his family members. He shouldn't have to suffer from the burn just because Edward fancied himself in love.

Yet once again he did it for Alice. She was so happy to have a human friend and he couldn't take that away from her. He wouldn't do anything to make her unhappy for even a second. So he would just have to grin and play nice even if he did not mean it.

O- Only. At Edward and Bella's wedding everyone danced. Everyone except for Alice and Jasper. They waited until after everyone had left. Jasper had taken her out and turned all the twinkle lights back on before putting on the song they claimed as the song for them for this decade. He wrapped his arms around here as they danced to 'For You Only' by Trading Yesterday.

P- Prize. At the carnival Jasper decided he would win Alice a big pink teddy bear. He had seen her eyes light up when she saw it. When he asked her if she wanted him to get it for her, she shook her head with a small girl.

"Why not darlin?" He asked with an arm wrapped around her waist.

Alice laughed lightly. "Because your not going to win. The game is rigged and you'll end up spending a hundred dollars before you realize it."

Jasper raised his eyebrow and took her by the hand as he led her to the booth. He had super reflexes and it couldn't be that hard to win this silly game made for children. He would do this for her. He would win this silly little prize. After all, how hard could it really be?

Q- Quiz. Alice counted the score on the quiz and frowned. Jasper felt her sudden sadness and looked up from his book. "What is wrong darlin?"

"We don't belong together." She said her bottom lip quivering.

Jasper dropped the book and was at her side in an instant. "What do you mean we don't belong together? Who told you that Alice? You and I both know we are ment to be together."

Alice bit her bottom lip and showed him the quiz in one of her beauty magazines. They had gotten a very low score. Jasper took the magazine and ripped it to peices. He pressed a kiss to her forhead quickly.

"That quiz is stupid Ali. They don't know us and so they cannot tell us if we belong together. Don't you let that stupid quiz made you question my love for you darlin. If something like that happens again I will personally torch every copy of the magazine." He nodded and kissed her once more. He wouldn't let a stupid quiz screw up everything in his life. Sometimes he really hated humans and the stupid things they created.

R- Resist. The scarred male knew he needed to resist. He couldn't slip up even if Bella was bleeding. He needed to be strong. Alice would never be able to look at him the same again if he attacked her future sister to be. He knew this and still he couldn't stop himself from charging at her. Even for Alice and all the love he held for that pixie, he hadn't been able to fight the pull of her blood. He had been unable to resist.

S- Snow. "Snow!" Alice clapped and jumped up and down while looking out the window. "Oh look Jasper! Isn't it beautiful?"

Jasper Hale couldn't stop a smile from creeping onto his face at his wife and her antics. "I suppose as snow goes it is not all that bad."

The small vampire danced over to him and grabbed his hand pulling him outside. "Come on Jazzy! I want to play in the snow. We can make the first vampire snowman! I'll even let you give it fangs!"

T- Tuesday. The first time Alice Brandon and Jasper Whitlock saw eachother it happened to be a tuesday. It was an ordinary day as far as both could tell. Nothing special seemed to be happening to either of them. Then he walked into a nearly empty diner and everything changed. Tuesday wasn't so ordinary after all.

U- Uggs. The former cival war soldier was sitting in bed when she walked in. She was doing her runway walk and motioning to her feet. Jasper looked down at his wife's feet and saw the ugliest pair of boots ever created. His eyes widened in horror as she paraded around the room. What had she been thinking when she bought those?

"Darlin what happened your feet? Did you loose a bet?" He joked pulling her into bed next to him.

When he went to remove the horrible boots, she wiggled out of his grasp. "Jasper Hale you take that back! These aren't just any boots. They are Uggs and I think they are great."

Her husband couldn't hold back a snicker. "Honey they are called Ugg for a reason. They are hidiously ugly."

V- Victoria. In the battle with the newborns and Victoria, Jasper had begged Alice to stay home. He wanted her to be safe and not risk herself in anyway. Alice denied his request obviously. She told her husband she would be fine. Because he couldn't trust nobody would hurt her, Jasper ended up getting hurt. It was nothing serious, but in the end Alice wished Edward hadn't killed Victoria. She wished she had the chance to kill the woman who caused her love to have yet another scar to add to his collection.

W- Western. "Jazzy you should play in old western movies." Alice commented one day while she and her empath husband cuddled on the couch.

"Why is that Alice?" He asked never taking his eyes off the screen.

Alice rolled her eyes and straddled his lap to force him to look at her. Her hands caressed his face. "Well for one your are a thousand times hotter than Clint Eastwood and your accent is dead sexy. I think you should play in movies based in the South. You could be my little cowboy."

Laughing he set her back down beside him. "Alice I am your cowboy anyday. You don't need me to be an actor for that to happen."

X- Xylophone. Jasper covered his ears as Alice continued to play with the Xylophone Edward had gotten her for christmas. Now he loved his wife with every fiber of being, but seriously if she did not stop playing that annoying noise maker he would snap. 32 hours straight of nothing but xylophone noises had him wanting to crack. Edward would live to regret this.

Y- Yearning. She was a vision in white as she walked down the isle. Her beauty couldn't comapre to anything he had ever seen. For years he had been yearning for her and now he finally found her. He would never let her go. Jasper would always protect and love his Alice.

Z- Zombie. The smallest vampire of the Cullen clan sat in her husband's lap. She was reading world war Z. "If we were to eat a dead person would we turn into zombies?"

Jasper laughed at her question. Sometimes she was completely crazy and in a stunningly attractive way. "Zombie or not you'll always be my Alice."


AN: Here is the second half to Alice/Jasper ABC guide. I really hope that you liked it because I had fun writing it. Let me know if you liked it or not.

Please R&R like always!