Here we go everyone, the final chapter for my first ever story on fan fiction.

It had taken a while but between us Abbie and I had managed to convince her parents that Abbie hadn't been off doing God knows what and that she had been helping me to settle into my new life which wasn't too far from the truth. We purposely edited out what had happened in Mission City and her being kidnapped and everything. Of course her parents were still furious with her and it didn't help that Bumblebee had decided that he really liked Abbie and was going to become what the Autobots called her guardian. This meant that he had followed her home, which then resulted in her parents freaking more, which resulted in us having to convince them that 'no Abbie hadn't stolen it' which took forever.

About two weeks after the events of mission city everything had begun to quiet down. Megatron and the remains of his Decepticons had been disposed of where no one would ever find them and my father had been locked up in prison under the charges of murder, attempted murder and kidnapping. He was in for the next forty years but in my opinion that was too short. 'Never allowed out' would be too short a sentence in my opinion though so I didn't say anything.

The Autobots had been given permission to remain on Earth and now they had formed an allegiance with the human military in a new top secret branch of the army called NEST. It was an acronym for Non-biological Extra-terrestrial Species Team or something like that but I just called it the Random Team of Humans and Alien or RTOHAA. As part of this agreement the Autobots were also allowed to send messages into space inviting other Autobots to come to Earth.

Much to my delight Starscream had decided to stay with the Autobots after he had recovered. Optimus had been more than happy to let him stay and had seemed rather glad that that was what the ex-con wanted. Ratchet had repaired the damage to Starscreams wings but he wasn't allowed up in the air for another three months which he was not happy about. I made a mental note not to be annoying around him until he was back in the sky.

As for myself, after I was released from the med-bay from being treated for a concussion, six cracked ribs and a triple break in my arm, I was invited to join NEST as a full time member after I graduated but until then I could live on the base as I had nowhere else to go. Abbie had been offered a place as well but she had politely declined saying she wanted a normal life. Now I thought about it I knew that I wouldn't give up what I had now for anything. I had always thought that my life had been incredibly boring and now I that had all changed. Of course there were times when I wished that some things had never happened, such as my mum dying or my dad turning evil. I missed them both horribly and I sometimes found myself wishing that I had the power to bring them both back. But after all we must get over these things and move on.

I lay back on the bed in my new room and grinned. Oh my god my life was awesome. I had so many new friends and people who I could call a family. My exceptionally bright blue eyes closed as I drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep. But this is me right, nothing remains peaceful for long.

Hey, that's unbelievable I've actually finished. Six months after I started I have finally finished this story.

Thank you to all those people who have reviewed, added me to favourite author or story or just generally took the time to read it. You are awesome people.

And just so you know I'm in the process of writing the next one so I will see you all again soon.

TTFN (because I will be back)