Disclaimer: I do not own One Tree Hill or any of its characters.

So here's the first chapter of my new story. For those of you who have been waiting, sorry I didn't get it up when I said I would. I've been sick all weekend, and the medicine the doctor gave me isn't exactly helping me as it should be. But anyways, please read and review. First chapter's always the most important in that sense because it lets me know who would like to see this story continued. I've had a blast writing the first couple of chapters so far, so let me know! Thanks.

Nathan Scott awoke with a start as Britney Spears's "…Baby One More Time" began to resonate off the walls of his dorm room. He sat up quickly wondering why the hell that God-awful song was blaring and waking him up at seven o'clock in the morning when classes hadn't even started yet. He looked around frantically as his ears began to ring. Damn, that chick definitely did not have the voice of an angel, and that was sugarcoating it. Finally, after a fruitless thirty second search, his eyes found the culprit of madness. There was a pink, bejeweled cell phone sitting on the table beside his bed. His thoughts were clouded only with how horrible that sound was and how badly he wished it would stop, so he grabbed the foreign phone and threw it as hard as he could against the wall opposite him. As soon as it came in contact with the wall, it shattered, and the devil voice stopped. Nathan placed both hands at his temples and rubbed slow circles over them, trying to rid himself of the horrendous headache he now had. Not only had he consumed what could only be described as all of the alcohol in North Carolina last night, but he had been woken in the unholiest of ways. What had he done to deserve this? He was just a college student trying to have some fun and sleep in before classes started next week. Was that really too much to ask? He placed his hands on the bed behind him and tried to move his feet over the side to sit on the floor. Then, and only then, did he notice the girl blocking his way. She was naked. He looked down at himself and realized he, too, had no clothes on. With another quick glance at the lucky girl, he smirked. She was definitely hot. He felt something stir on the other side of him and turned to find another unclothed girl fast asleep.

"Sweet score, Scott," he mumbled to himself with a satisfied smirk plastered on his face. It lasted for about two seconds before the headache came back, and he tried to move off the bed again. Unfortunately, he pushed a bit hard, and as he stood the girl on that edge of his bed was dumped to the floor with a loud thud. He couldn't control his laughter as he walked to the other side of the room to pick up his boxers. He slipped them on quickly, trying and failing to contain his laughter.

He watched the girl sit up against the bed, rubbing her head in the place where there was sure to be a prominent bump the next day. When she saw him, her face turned hard as she shot him a glare. "What the hell was that, Nathan?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he plastered the most innocent look he could muster on his face. "I think you fell, sweetheart. What was your name again, dear?"

As she stood up and began gathering her clothes, he received another glare that only caused him to chuckle. "Amy," she answered curtly as she pulled her panties up her legs.

"Amy," he said slowly, placing a finger on his chin. "Yep, not ringing any bells. Can you hurry up and leave? I've got shit to do." He snapped his fingers for extra effect.

When he remembered that there was another girl in his bed, Nathan sauntered over to her and shook her arm roughly. She jumped when she felt his fingers on her and gave him a sleazy smile. "Hey, hot stuff," she greeted him.

"Who are you again?" he asked, honestly trying to remember. After all, he had been hammered. What did they expect?

This girl looked extremely disappointed. They both turned to watch Amy leave the room and slam the door before the naked girl on the bed answered his question. "Stephanie."

"Yeah, I'm going to need you to leave," he said quickly, pointing behind him to the door.

She furrowed her brow and looked over to the table beside his bed. "Where the hell is my phone?"

"Oh, your phone? Is that the one with the Britney Spears song that all other twenty-year-old girls stopped listening to when they were ten? Yeah, it's on the floor over there. I kind of smashed it, seeing as it made me want to commit suicide. Now, please, if you could get a move on." Nathan sighed impatiently. Some people seriously were so selfish. Did they think he had no life and nothing to do on a Saturday? They couldn't be more wrong.

"Ugh, you're a jackass," she mumbled as she got up and gathered her clothes.

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "And you're a whore. But hey, who am I to judge?"

She rolled her eyes and finished getting dressed. As she made it to the door, Nathan picked up her phone and tossed it at her. "Don't forget your phone, cutie."

Once they were both gone, Nathan chuckled quietly and then grabbed a towel so he could grab a quick shower. Without a doubt, his favorite thing about going to Duke and living in this particular dorm was the coed bathrooms. He couldn't even keep up with how many women he had met in the bathrooms after coming out of the shower. It was easy, really. They all bowed down to him here, not only because of his incredible skills on the basketball court but also because of his seemingly holy appearance. He was definitely a looker, and every girl clawed and bit at the chance to say she had been under Nathan Scott. And most of them had.

He threw his towel over his shoulder and made his way out of the room in only his boxers. The closest bathroom was just down the hall, so it took him all of about ten seconds to reach it. He pushed open the door and took a quick glance around, searching for any new faces and hot bodies. He ignored all the men in the room, and the only girl he could see was pretty homely so he decided to just get on with his shower. He found an empty stall and stepped inside, closing the curtain. He moved quickly, as he usually did, and was done in about five minutes. He turned the water off, wrapped the towel around his waist, and stepped out of the stall, boxers in hand. Just as he was turning to leave, the curtain on the stall next to his flew open, and a woman who could only be described as a goddess stepped out of it.

Nathan openly checked her out, as he always did, and he wasn't ashamed of it, nor would he ever be. She was short, had to be at least a foot shorter than his 6'2", he guessed. She held the beige towel up before securing it so she could let go without risking her entire body being revealed accidentally. His eyes started at her feet and ran up her legs until his eyes hit the towel. He skipped up past the color of beige, and his eyes found her cleavage. He could already feel his mouth watering, but he forced himself to continue his gaze. He appraised her neck, her shoulders, her tiny hands, and her arms before finally making it to her face. She had the most soulful eyes he'd ever seen, and without even having put her makeup on yet she was gorgeous. He'd never met someone with such staggering natural beauty before. Her long honey blonde hair was all pushed to one side and over the front of her shoulder, obviously still wet from her shower. He could honestly say that this woman was beautiful, and that was a word not usually permitted in Nathan Scott's vocabulary.

Before she had a chance to gather her things and go, Nathan stepped dangerously close to her and offered her a hand. "Nathan Scott."

She looked up at the stranger standing only about a foot away from her and raised an eyebrow. Not wishing to be rude, she accepted his hand and shook it but didn't offer her name. Was he hot? Yes. Did he have a damn fantastic body? Of course. But she knew who Nathan Scott was, and she had heard countless times about how he operated with women. She wasn't looking to be somebody's one night stand.

When she didn't say anything, Nathan furrowed his brow. He couldn't help but notice that she had dropped his hand pretty quickly. "And you are?" he tried again.

Grabbing her shower bag from inside the stall, she looked up at him with only the hint of a smile on her face. "Not your type," she finished for him before pushing her way past him and out of the bathroom.

Nathan stood wide-eyed for a good ten minutes after she left. What the hell had just happened? That did not happen to Nathan Scott. Not in high school and damn sure not in college. And why hadn't he seen her before? She definitely did not look like a freshman; besides, their dorms were located across campus. She had to be a senior in this dorm anyways. Was she a transfer? Shaking his head in disbelief, he finally made his way out of the bathroom and back to his dorm. When he returned he saw his brother, Lucas, sitting on the floor reading a book by some Steinback or Steinbock guy.

He quickly changed into a pair of khaki shorts and a red polo before addressing his brother who appeared to be in deep thought. "Dude, you will not believe what just happened." He took a seat on the edge of his bed.

Lucas looked up, finally closing his book as he stood to take a seat on his own bed. "What, you had sex in the coed bathroom…again?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I wish," Nathan mumbled. "No, it's…there was this girl. I totally introduced myself and checked her out, and she said she wasn't my type. She wouldn't even tell me her name. What the fuck is that about?"

His brother rolled his eyes. "Well, you do have a bit of a reputation, you know. And contrary to popular belief, not every girl on the planet has a life goal which includes sleeping with you, little brother."

"But that's never happened to me before," Nathan answered.

Lucas laughed and got up, smacking his brother on the arm with the Steinbeck book he had just been reading. "I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there's a first time for everything, bro."

He just couldn't wrap his head around it. He wasn't trying to be conceited or self-centered, but it had shocked him. She was probably the most breathtaking creature he had ever laid eyes on, and she had shot him down like it was nothing. Did she think she was too good for him? He had to find out who she was, if only to ask her what the hell she was thinking. Besides he'd be crazy to pass on that fine piece of ass.

For lunch, Nathan and Lucas went to the campus café they dined in every day. It was never very busy at the time they went; it wasn't exactly the hot spot on campus. They sat across from each other in a booth chowing down on their burgers like no tomorrow when Nathan almost choked on the bite in his mouth. He quickly swallowed and took a sip of his water.

"Dude, are you okay?" Lucas asked after swallowing a bite of his own food.

"Oh, my God, Luke. That's her," his brother said in a hushed whisper. "That's the girl from the shower this morning." He placed a hand over the side of his face so she couldn't see him.

"What are you doing?" his brother questioned.

Nathan sighed as if it were the most obvious think in the world. "Um, I've protecting my cover before I go in again."

"Wait, which girl are you talking about?"

"The one with the red sweater," Nathan clarified. She was with two other girls who were also good-looking, but for some reason he didn't seem to notice much. When he heard his brother begin to laugh loudly, he looked up confused. "What the hell are you laughing at?"

Lucas shook his head and swallowed a bite. "Your shower girl has been in my English classes for the past three years. I know her."

"Wait, she's been here for the past three years?" Nathan questioned in disbelief. "How did I not notice her?"

Lucas shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because you were too busy fucking everything that moves and focusing on basketball."

Nathan glared at his brother. "Okay, I'm going in. Don't follow me; I'll look like a tool."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Lucas muttered sarcastically.

The group of girls was sitting down now, but he saw the shower girl get up and move across the café towards another table. He stood up immediately and walked over to her. "Hey," he said once he was right beside her.

She jumped slightly, which made him smile. When she saw him, she furrowed her brow. "Didn't I tell you not to talk to me?"

Nathan pretended to think for a moment. "I don't recall those words, no. What's your name?"

"Does it matter?" she mumbled as she grabbed a bottle of catsup off of a table without customers. "You wouldn't remember it if anything happened between us."

So she had heard about him. That could potentially be a good thing, but he was thinking with the way she kept pushing him away maybe she was different. Maybe the thought of a wild night underneath Nathan Scott didn't enthrall her like it did every other chick on campus. The thought puzzled him. "Are you saying something is going to happen between us?" he asked with a hopeful smile.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Look, I came here with friends so if you don't mind I'd like to get back to them." She tried to maneuver around him, but he kept moving in front of her. "What are we, in seventh grade now?" she asked, frustrated.

He smirked. "Well, if that's what it takes. What'd you come over here for anyways?"

She dangled the catsup bottle in front of his face. "I like catsup on my fries, and the bottle at our table is empty. I know you're an ass, but I don't believe you're really that dense so drop the act."

"There is no act, baby. Tell me your name."

"You did not just call me baby," she muttered agitatedly.

He smirked. "Why, does it turn you on?"

She let out a long sigh and put her free hand on her hip.

"Make you hot?" he teased a second time, his smirk only growing as he saw a blush cover her cheeks. He had never seen anything so sexy in his entire life.

She was getting nervous now. She hated being put on the spot like that. "Once again, I do have a life to get back to, so if you would just move that would be great."

"Not until you tell me your name," he said stubbornly.

"And why do you need to know my name so badly, huh?" she pushed.

Nathan shrugged innocently. "I'd like to know the name of the new subject of my sexual fantasies." He saw her blush again.

Recovering quickly from her slip-up, she looked up at him again. "Damn, you really know how to make a girl feel special," she said sarcastically. "How many girls have you used that one on?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he answered, "I've never had to ask a sexy girl her name more than once, baby. This is a first for me."

"You want another first?" she suggested with a raised eyebrow.

He smirked again and stepped closer to her. "Are you trying to talk dirty to me, shower girl?"

Without hesitation, her hand flew up to smack him across the cheek. She was shocked at herself for even doing it, but it also made her feel kind of good. "There's your first."

Rubbing his cheek, he looked at her beautiful face once again. "So you like it rough, huh?" he asked with a chuckle.

She rolled her eyes and used the lack of distance between them to push past him. "Perv," she called, turning around only to stick her tongue out at him. As she made her way back to her friends she couldn't help but think how much fun that had been. Yeah, he was a jackass, but their banter was fun. And although she'd never admit it to him, she had been a little turned on.

Nathan made his way back to the booth to find Lucas laughing hysterically. "Shut up," he muttered as he fell back into his seat.

"Nice going, Nate," Lucas commented, attempting to stifle his laughter. "I mean, I think she's really into you."

"Shut up," Nathan repeated.

Lucas stole a glance at the girl's table and couldn't help but let his eyes linger on a certain brunette he'd never seen before. He was snapped out of his trance when he felt his brother's fist sock him in the arm. "What the hell?" He rubbed his arm with his other hand, glaring at his brother.

"You have to help me," Nathan said. "You know her. What's she like?"

Lucas sighed and rolled his eyes. "She's not like your other girls, Nate. She has standards and morals that, and correct me if I'm wrong here, you don't quite meet. She's into long-term, and we both know that is not your style."

Nathan raised an eyebrow and stuck his hand out towards his brother. "I guarantee you I will have tapped that by this time next week."

Reluctantly, Lucas shook his hand. "It's your bet to lose, man."

"Oh, I'll be winning the bet," Nathan replied. He smiled as he looked back at her table and saw her give him the finger. He winked at her and then turned around to face Lucas again. "I get her fired up, and obviously she thinks I'm hot."


"Come on, Luke. I'm me."

Lucas stood up and placed some money on the table. "All I'm saying is she's not going to fall for your bullshit, so you better come up with a new game plan. And for it to work on that girl, it had better be damn good."

Nathan stood and grabbed his brother's arm as he turned to leave. "What's her name?" he asked.

Not being able to help himself, Lucas busted out laughing again. "She didn't even tell you her name?"

"Just tell me," Nathan gritted out.

Yanking his arm away, Lucas took a few steps back. "Hey, that's her business. If she wants you to know her name, she can tell you. I've got to run." Before his brother had a chance to say anything more, he made his way out of the café.

Nathan sighed and turned around looking at her table again. He didn't know what it was about this chick, but he just could not keep his eyes off of her. She was sexy as hell, and he loved that she was making him chase her. But if there was one thing Nathan Scott was good at, besides basketball, it was getting girls into his bed. Usually it was easy; he didn't even have to snap his fingers, and girls lined up to sleep with him. They clearly didn't care about only being a one night stand because they all knew Nathan wasn't into anything more.

Looking up, she caught his eye again, wondering why he wouldn't just stop staring at her. She blushed, not being able to help herself, and then mentally reprimanded herself for doing so. He was Nathan Scott, and even though he was hot he had a reputation. She could not get involved with someone like that; she was busy enough. He held her gaze for a good ten seconds, but she was sure he'd taken notice of the reddish hue on her cheeks so she looked away. Popping a fry into her mouth, she tried to get back into the conversation her friends were having but found it hard to do so.

With a smile, Nathan left the café and walked slowly back to his dorm room. This was going to get interesting.

Ten hours later Nathan and Lucas walked into a large house just off campus, realizing that the party had indeed started without them. Girls were immediately by their sides, clinging onto their arms mercilessly. It was annoying sometimes, but Nathan didn't mind it half as much as his brother did. Lucas was the more serious sibling and wouldn't mind having a steady girlfriend. He simply hadn't been able to locate the right girl yet.

"I need a drink," Nathan proclaimed, brushing the girls off his arms. He pushed his way through the crowd and to the kitchen, where he found a magnanimous stash of beer. He grabbed one, popped the top off, and took a large swig. Parties were his thing, but it usually took a few beers before he was ready to bring a girl back to his dorm.

Nathan finished the drink rather quickly, and after dropping it into the trash he grabbed another one. As he started nursing it, he waltzed back into the living room looking for Lucas. When he spotted him, he almost choked on his beer. There was his brother, standing next to his shower girl and her friends from the café. They were all laughing and seemed to be having a jolly good time. For some unknown reason the sight made his stomach lurch, but he also couldn't help but notice how hot his girl looked. She wore tight-fitting skinny jeans, a sparkly black halter top, and red high heels. His eyes ran up and down her body, just as they had done in the coed bathroom that morning, but they rested on her ass. Her back was turned to him, and he had the perfect view. God, she had an amazing ass.

He spent another couple minutes ogling her before finally deciding it was time to find out her name. He chugged the rest of his beer and set the empty bottle on a nearby table before making his way over to the small circle. "Hey, big brother," he greeted, placing a hand on Lucas's shoulder. "How's it going, ladies?" He noticed his shower girl roll her eyes, and for a moment he let his eyes linger on her small amount of exposed cleavage. He offered his hand to the other two girls who shook them politely. "Nathan Scott."

The brunette Lucas had been eyeing at the café shook his hand first and offered her own name. "Brooke Davis."

The blonde on the other side of Nathan's shower girl shook his hand next, gripping it much harder than Brooke had. She gave him a slight glare before stating her name. "Peyton Sawyer."

Nathan smiled. "It's very nice to meet you two. And who is your lovely friend?" he asked with a smirk, holding his hand out to his girl in the middle.

Rolling her eyes at him again, she refused to take his hand. "Fair enough," he muttered, retracting the limb.

"You know what?" Brooke spoke up. "I would love a drink. Lucas, how about you come with me?" She had definitely noticed the way he'd been looking at her, but he seemed a little reserved. She was totally prepared to help him out of his shell.

Lucas smiled genuinely and linked arms with her. "Why, I would love nothing more." The two walked away towards the kitchen, leaving a very awkward group of three standing in the living room.

"Oh, gee, look at the time," Peyton said, looking at an imaginary watch on her left wrist. Truthfully she didn't want to leave her friend alone with him, but the awkward sexual tension was just too much for her to bear. She had come to this party to have fun before classes started, and that's what she intended to do. Before her friend had time to protest, she quickly walked away.

Nathan smiled and took a step closer to his shower girl so that she could hear him over the music. "Fancy meeting you here," he observed. She ignored him, so he tried again. "Can I get you a drink?"

"I don't drink," she replied vaguely, looking around the room. There had to be someone else she knew nearby for her to hang out with.

"You don't drink?" he questioned incredulously. "What the hell do you do?"

"You know, as much fun as this is, I need to pee." She pushed him out of her way and walked quickly to the stairs.

With a smirk, he followed her up the stairs quietly. He saw her enter a bedroom and waited a moment before opening the door and slipping inside.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked loudly.

"Me? What the hell are you doing? I thought you had to pee."

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Or maybe I just didn't want to talk to you, since you seem to be following me everywhere I go like some kind of freaking stalker."

Nathan chuckled and shook his head, placing his hands in his jean pockets. "Slow down, girl. I am not a stalker, and I haven't been following you." He stepped closer to her so that their chests were almost touching. He reached up with one hand and tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. "We just happen to see each other everywhere we go. Some people call that fate."

"And I call it bad luck," she retorted, stepping away from him. She tried to stop the blush from coming to her cheeks and the tingling she felt at his touch but found it nearly impossible to do so.

"You're feisty," he observed with a smile. Instead of getting closer to her again he chose to keep his distance. "I like that." She ignored him yet again, and he sighed. "Just tell me your name, beautiful."

"Careful, that word has more than two syllables," she warned him. "I wouldn't want you to strain yourself."

His eyebrows knit together. "You think you know me, but you don't. Just because you've heard things doesn't mean that they're true."

She raised an eyebrow. "No?" she challenged. "So it isn't true that you get drunk, screw a different whore every night, and never call them again?" He didn't say anything. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Look, I don't mean to be a bitch, but you're wasting your time. I don't sleep around, and even if I did I'm not interested in picking up any STDs, okay? I have enough respect for myself not to knowingly enter into something that I know isn't going anywhere."

Nathan sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Who says I even want to sleep with you?"

She quirked an eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips. "You don't want to sleep with me?" she questioned.

"Okay, I'm not going to lie to you," he answered. "Yes, I want to sleep with you. I would love to have sex with you right here, right now. Your body is…fuck, it's amazing. But I'm not expecting anything. I saw you for the first time this morning, and something inside me just snapped. You should know that I have never before in my life called a girl beautiful until today."

"Is that supposed to make me feel good?"

He shrugged. "I don't know what it's supposed to do. All I know is that I haven't been able to stop thinking about you all damn day. Usually when a girl rejects me I just move on to the next one. But when I came into this party and girls were all over me I didn't even want to look at them. That's never happened to me before."

"You've only known me for a day, Nathan," she answered quietly. "In fact, you really don't even know me at all. So just let it go. You go back to your life, and I'll go back to mine. It's not like anything's happened between us."

Nathan stepped closer to her and was relieved when this time, she didn't move away. "But I want to know you," he whispered.

She closed her eyes briefly and bit her lip. "Why?" she asked as she reopened her eyes.

He let out a short sigh and brought a hand up to her face. As he spoke, he ran his thumb over her cheek softly. "Because you make me feel things I've never felt before. When I see you my heart starts beating faster, and I have no way to explain it. Your presence is staggering."

No way was Nathan Scott making her feel like a crushed out schoolgirl. He was Nathan Scott, for God's sake. He was a player, and the things he was saying were probably just lines to get her into bed, right? So why didn't she want him to stop? And why was her heart racing, too? "Haley," she breathed.

"What?" he inquired confusedly.

"My…my name…it's Haley," she stuttered. "Haley James."

Nathan smiled. "Haley James," he repeated, loving the way the syllables rolled off his tongue.

She had to regain some control. She took a step back from him. "This doesn't mean anything," she swore, more to herself than to Nathan.

"Of course not," he answered with a smile. "So, Haley James, will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?"

What's the worst that could happen? She could control herself around him, right? Maybe if she gave him a chance he'd turn out to be a better guy than she'd given him credit for. After all, seeing the good in people did have its perks. "Okay," she answered.

Nathan made his way to the bedroom door and opened it. Turning back to her with a smile, he said, "See you then, Haley James." He just couldn't get enough of saying her name. He swore he had never heard a more beautiful name in his life and never would again. It was perfect, just like she was.