A/N: I realize this probably doesn't qualify as a drabble, but it started like my usual drabbles and kind of evolved from that. Plus, I decided to put my One-Shots in here too from now on. Now, I hope you enjoy this little piece :)

When Blaine returned from the restroom, he saw Kurt leaning against the counter, a cup of coffee in each hand. Kurt shot him a hopeful smile, and Blaine lowered his head to look at his feet when he stood in front of his friend – he was still his friend, wasn't he? They hadn't talked in days...

He remembered the little sting in his heart when he had seen Kurt sit at their table with who he now knew had been Rachel instead of him, how Kurt had practically ran from rehearsal as soon as Wes had brought down his gavel to close the session, and how Kurt had not spoken a word to him since that fight...

"You wanna talk about it?" Kurt's voice was soft, and Blaine looked up surprised. He had expected Kurt to be vengeful, rubbing it into his face that he had been right all along. Looking into the smiling face encouraged him, and Blaine nodded.

"But not here...let's go outside." He turned to hold the door for Kurt, and when the cold air hit him he shivered, thankfully accepting the medium drip Kurt offered.

An awkward silence settled between them, something they had never experienced before, until finally Blaine spoke up."You saw that in there, didn't you?" Blaine already knew the answer, but he didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Yeah... Look, I know I wasn't exactly supportive of you before, and I'm really sorry for that. I'm your friend – if you'll still have me – and I shouldn't have put my feelings before yours. I was selfish, but I want to be there for you now. It's the least I can do for you."

Blaine couldn't fight the smile that sneaked across his lips. "You were selfish, you're right. But I guess I was kind of insensitive about the whole thing, especially after last week..." He looked back at the Lima Bean, hearing Kurt again 'I thought the person you wanted to ask out... was me'.

A silence settled between them again, and Blaine turned the cup in his hands awkwardly. Something was still unspoken between them, and he kind of wondered what it was.

"You know, you were my best friend..." Blaine heard Kurt inhale sharply, and he immediately corrected himself. "... are my best friend." A shy look into Kurt's direction showed Blaine that his friend has closed his eyes, letting out his breath shakily. "When I told you about... about me maybe being bi... I kind of hoped that you would understand, that you would support me while I figure it out."

Kurt nodded. "I know, and that's what I should have done. You were just being honest, but I guess I was freaked out because all of a sudden, so much I thought I knew about you was completely off. I realized that, even though we are so open with each other, we still don't know so much about who the other really is..." Kurt trailed off, and Blaine nodded solemly.

"So when did you figure you wanted to be there for me?"

"Hm, after you and Rachel were on that date. I talked to her and realized how selfish she was about all of it, and I knew I didn't want to be like that."

"So, why didn't you talk to me today? You've been avoiding me all day, you even left when I sat down next to Wes at your table at lunch!"

Kurt flinched, and Blaine immediately regretted that he had raised his voice. "Well, to be honest, I was still kind of hurt... still am, actually. But I want to be there for you now, so I guess I'll go back to acting hurt tomorrow"

For one moment, Blaine wondered if Kurt was just being sarcastic, but looking into his sad face he realized that Kurt was being completely honest. "Wait, what are you hurt about?"

Kurt huffed, rolling his eyes a little. "About you comparing me to Karofsky" he whispered. Blaine could already see the tears swelling up in Kurt's eyes.

"Kurt I would never do that!" he protested, stopping and grabbing Kurt's shoulder to turn him towards himself. "All I tried to say was that the reason for your actions were kind of like the reasons for what he did. But even though you kind of sucked at being my friend at that moment" Kurt flinched again, scrunching his face a little "You were still that: my friend. And what he did was a thousand times worse then you being unsupportive." He smiled at Kurt, hoping he understood what he tried to say. "I guess I should have made that more clear. Guess my hurt about being kind of left alone clouded my judgement there."

Kurt sighed, leaning carefully into Blaine's touch. "Well, I guess you kind of had a point... He didn't like who I was, and I didn't like what you told me about what you maybe were... and just because I didn't agree, I hurt you..."

Blaine smiled at Kurt, pulling him into a brief hug. "So, we're okay?"

Kurt nodded against Blaine's cheek, tensing a little in his touch, so Blaine pulled away quickly.

"You realize, that was our first fight?" Kurt smiled at Blaine, and Blaine nodded, chuckling into his coffee. "I'm so glad we talked it out, even though it took way too long..."

Blaine turned to his friend again. "I missed you so much those days."

He could see Kurt's face blush slightly, and bit his lips. Hopefully, he didn't send the wrong signals again!

"Yeah, I missed you too... It kind of sucked not to go for coffee with you, I was in withdrawal so badly" Kurt quipped.

"So, I guess we should take measures to avoid fighting because we misunderstand each other."

Kurt shot Blaine a confused look, so Blaine clarified. "We should have, like a rule... Whenever we think the other is overreacting, we should stop and say something like 'I think you misunderstood me, please explain what you think I tried to say'."

Kurt laughed, leaning against Blaine's car which they had reached long ago. "Sounds like something old married couples get taught in couple's therapy"

Blaine shruged, beaming at Kurt. "I kind of heard my parents use that in their fights after one of their sessions... but hey, it seems to work, so..."

He nudged Kurt's shoulder a little, smiling fondly at him. "What do you say, movies at my place? I kind of crave Anastasia right now."

"Sure, but only if we can sing along!"

"As if I would have it any other way..."
