This story is just an idea I've had for sometime now, and I barely decided to give it life. I think I needed to do this mainly to get over my writers block. I have another story in the works called Month of Freedom, which I've been neglecting, but I think it has been because this story kept floating around in my head distracting my other thoughts. Maybe getting this out will help my other story. This isn't your typical Eclare story; it's very different than anything I've read. I hope you guys give it a chance. This might be a one-shot, let me know if it's worth continuing please! ENJOY!

Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi or any of It's characters, I just own my ideas.

"I love you Clare" Eli spoke as he kissed her shoulder up to her neck. He traveled all the way up to her lips and placed a soft kiss before her pulled away enough to look deep into her blue eyes.

"Are you sure?" Eli spoke his eyes never leaving hers

"I love you Eli, I've wanted this for so long. I'm finally ready." Clare spoke as she crushed her lips onto his. Eli smiled into the kiss and gently laid Clare down on his bed. He looked deep into her eyes just to make sure she wanted this just as much as him. He knew her answer; he could feel it, She was finally ready.

Eli crushed his lips onto hers gently with a slow and loving kiss, which quickly heated up. Eli lifted his arms up and removed his shirt. Clare took in the sight before her and softly but quickly ran her hand down his chest. Eli simply smiled as he leaned down to her again to kiss her, each kiss with more passion.

"SCENE!"yelled the director.

Munro and Aislinn quickly got up blushing. This was the most intimate scene either of them had ever done, and to say they we're nervous was an understatement. Both were terrified! Munro worried he would make Aislinn uncomfortable, he felt it was his job as a male to lead her. Aislinn on the other hand worried she would be too inexperienced for such a scene.

"Great job guys! I think we got it!" Yelled Stephen from across the set.

Aislinn and Munro simply smiled and made their way to collect their things. Their scene was the last one for the day so everyone else had gone home. Everyone was pretty surprised with how fast they shot it. Munro and Aislinn's chemistry was perfect!

"Great job tonight" Munro said to Aislinn as she blushed. He noticed so decided to bring it up.

"I can't help but feel the awkwardness growing" he smirked, just like his character. His smirk was probably the only thing he had in common with Eli. They we're complete opposites.

Aislinn continued to blush"I can't help it! We're friends, I mean we kiss on the show all the time but, this was our first intimate scene, and also my first" she laughed.

Munro laughed too "you're right, were are my manners. I didn't even buy you dinner first" he smirked. Then continued. "So how about it Ace, you want to go grab some dinner with me?"

Aislinn just laughed, she loved Munro. They had known each other for years, he was always such a goof ball and she loved every minute of it. Sometimes she thought she liked him more than she was suppose to, but would quickly brush it off and blame it on the chemistry their characters had on the show.

"I would love to" she replied as she picked up her stuff.

Munro and Aislinn made their way over to Munro's car. He opened the door for her, which made her laugh.

"What?" he asked. Amusement all over his voice.

"Who knew you were such a gentlemen?" she spoke as she entered the car.

Munro quickly made his way over to the driver's side and climbed in. He turned to her and gave her a warm smile before turning on the car and pulling out of the Degrassi set.

"So, where are we going?" Aislinn asked as she played with the radio

"Nota Bene" Munro simply stated.

Aislinn cocked her eyebrow and turned to him "Don't you have to get reservations for Nota Bene?"

Munro laughed "Yes you do. I got us reservations earlier today. I knew we were working late and I have been wanting to come here for sometime now"

Aislinn just laughed and continued to play with the radio.

They finally arrived at their destinations and exited the vehicle. They made their way to the receptionists.

"Welcome to Nota Bene, Can I have your name please"

"Chambers, Munro" Munro spoke

"Ah yes, table for two. Right this way Mr. Chambers"

Munro and Aislinn where led to a nice booth in a secluded section of the restaurant.

"Here are the Menus, your server will be right with you. Enjoy your date!" With that the receptionist walked off leaving both Aislinn and Munro blushing. Date? Did she really just say the word date? They both wondered as they tried not to look stupid in front of each other.

A waiter quickly came back, Hello welcome to Nota Bene. I am Randy and I'll be your server for today. Can I start you too off with something to drink?"

Munro turned to Aislinn and lifted his eyebrows.

"Sweet tea please" she spoke

Munro looked at the waiter and ordered.

"The young lady will be having a sweet tea, and I'll be having a coke" he ended his statement with a smile. The waiter nodded and walked off. He soon came back with their drinks and took their order. Dinner went well, they talked about the set and where their characters where heading. They talked about rehearsals and scripts. They even ran a few lines, which were quickly turned, into a parody. They where all smiles. Soon enough it was time for dessert.

"So, Dessert?" Munro asked as he lifted his eyebrows.

Aislinn laughed and held her stomach "I would love some but I'm stuffed!"

Munro laughed "Me too, but I am not leaving here until I try their Molten Chocolate Cake!"

Aislinn just rolled her eyes and laughed. Dessert soon arrived and Aislinn watched in amusement as Munro practically melted on his first bite.

"Ace, come on you HAVE to try this!" Munro said as he held up his fork to her mouth. Aislinn opened her mouth and took in the piece in front of her.

"Yum!" she said as she wiped her mouth.

"I told you!" Munro said as he took another forkful in his mouth, And gave her another. Followed by a laugh.

"What?" Aislinn spoke as she finished wiping her mouth.

"You missed a spot" Munro spoke and stretched his hand out across the table and wiped his thumb across the corner of her lip. Aislinn simply smiled and looked down.

"You ready?" Munro spoke as he grabbed a hold of the bill.

Aislinn nodded as she stretched her hand out to grab the bill, but Munro quickly moved it back.

"Hey, I said I was taking YOU out. Don't worry, I got it." He smiled and pulled some bills out. Aislinn simply blushed and tried not to look into his eyes.

They made their way out of the restaurant and to his car. Munro opened her door once again and she climbed in. He made his way inside his car and pulled out of the restaurants parking lot. The ride was a comfortable silence with a few mentions of the restaurant and the food they had. At one point they both made their way to the radios dial, brushing hands making them both blush. Munro finally arrived to Aislinns house and walked her to her door.

"Walking me to my door too? Hmm, are you sure your Munro?" Aislinn said as she laughed.

Munro laughed too "Just being a gentlemen"

Aislinn stopped laughing and looked straight at him "I had a really great time tonight"

Munro smiled "Me too, we should do this again soon"

Aislinn smiled "that would be great"

They both leaned in for a goodbye hug. As they parted the mood completely changed. Munro stopped for a moment his hands still around her since they hadn't completely parted. He looked right into her eyes and leaned in to kiss her. Aislinn was shocked but responded by kissing him back. This kiss was different than any other kiss they had ever shared. This wasn't part of a scene or for the show. This was them, this was real.

I know this is very different and not an Eclare story. I know this probably will never happen, but neither will most of all the other fan-ficts written! So why not give it a chance?... Please? I really have faith in this story and have lot's of ideas! Let me know if it's worth continuing! Review please! Also as of now the rating is T, but if you guys want to change that let me know! I'll happily make this M!
