Disclaimer: Don't own Degrassi. 'Nuff said.

Author's Note: Thank you so much for the lovely reviews, you guys! Here's the final chapter! It's rather short, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless.


Blank Slate
Part V


The drive to… wherever the hell they were going… was a tense and quiet one. Neither K.C nor his mother spoke much (except when she'd ask how he was feeling or if he needed to lie down for a while, to which he'd respond with short, curt answers in an obvious attempt to keep their conversations to a bare minimum.) Truthfully, the only reason K.C had even decided to leave with her was because Clare had agreed to come with them.

He'd still been reluctant, of course — not wanting to be anywhere near the woman who had once locked him in a closet while she got high. But both his mother and Mr. Simpson had assured him that she was sober and had been for a very long time. K.C was even more surprised to find out that she'd regained custody of him earlier that year, and that he was actually living with her again.

She did look healthier than he remembered. A bit tired, but not all skin-and-bones and bloodshot eyes like the last time he'd seen her before he was taken away.

"We're here!"

K.C glanced out the window. They'd parked in front of a five-story apartment complex that he scarcely recalled passing by to and from school.

He stayed by Clare's side as the three walked into the building, where they joined a young guy in his early-to-mid twenties who'd been waiting in the lobby for them, who had opened the door to let them in. 'Kyle' or something, if he'd heard correctly.

'Kyle' led them up to the second floor and down a long hallway before coming to an abrupt halt in front of a door.

"Jenna?" He called as he opened it slowly.

"… yeah?" Another voice answered after a few seconds.

"K.C's here. So is his mom, and Clare. Can they come in? Are you decent?"

K.C heard a forced laugh.

"As decent as I'll be for a while, with all this baby fat."

'Kyle' grinned lopsidedly and pushed the door open all the way, allowing everyone to enter the tiny apartment.

The girl K.C had seen in the picture Clare had shown him emerged from another room. Her hair was tied back into a messy ponytail, and she was wearing a baggy t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. There were dark circles under her eyes — clear evidence that she hadn't slept well in a while — but once she saw them, she seemed to brighten up significantly.

He watched silently as she greeted his mother and Clare by hugging them tightly, before stepping in front of him and giving him a weak smile.

"I heard what happened today," she said. "You don't remember who I am?"

K.C shook his head. "No… sorry."

The girl — Jenna — sighed sadly.

"It's fine… not your fault, I guess." She mumbled, biting her lip uncertainly. "So… do you want to meet her?"

"Who?" He asked dumbly, even though he already knew the answer.

"Your daughter." Jenna replied, and then tore her gaze away. "I mean… our daughter."

K.C swallowed the lump in his throat. He could feel his heart beginning to quicken with each beat, his nerves getting the best of him, and opened his mouth to say "no" — but no words came. His palms grew sweaty as his body disobeyed his thoughts and feelings, and followed Jenna into a bedroom. It was a typical girl's room, with a bed and a desk, and posters of celebrities lining the walls — but at the same time, it wasn't a typical girl's room at all. There was a crib in the corner, and stuffed toys and other baby-related items littering the floor.

Jenna walked over to the crib and leaned down. She made various cooing sounds before lifting a bundle of pink into her arms.

K.C expected screaming and crying, but the baby remained surprisingly quiet as Jenna cradled her.

"Guess who's here to see you, munchkin?" She said happily, grinning down at the infant as she made her way back to K.C. "K.C, this is Hailey. Hailey... this is your daddy."

"Can I… can I hold her?" He asked without thinking.

Jenna's brows shot up. She clearly hadn't expected him to ask that, but she didn't object and carefully, she handed Hailey over to him.

"Hold her head!" His mother whispered, and he nodded, doing just that.

The rest of the world seemed to disappear as he stared in awe at the baby in his arms. She was so small and light. He worried he would break her if he held on too tight — or drop her if he didn't hold on tight enough. He could make out tuffs of blonde hair, and wondered if it would always stay that way or if it would eventually changed. A smile tugged at his lips as he stroked her soft cheek with his thumb, only to have her curl her tiny hand around it.

Then her lashes fluttered, and K.C suddenly found himself gazing into large blue eyes that seemed to be looking right into his soul.

After a moment or two, she grinned toothlessly at him.

She knew who he was, and he her.

And like that, a year's worth of memories came flooding back to him.

He remembered.

He remembered everything.




… and that's all she wrote.

Actually, I'm debating whether or not to add an epilogue. What do you guys think? It'd be short, but… if you want one, I will write it.

So… yeah. I feel kind of "meh" about this, but hopefully you guys enjoyed.

necklace - I hope this turned out the way you wanted it to.

Anyway… I think that's all I had to say.

Please REVIEW and tell me what you think!