Hey Everyone! Sorry for taking so long to update this story. I seriously don't have much time with school and all that stuff during the year. Usually I make up for it during the holidays however I've been travelling around a bit so I couldn't update as much. I hope you enjoy this chapter I've whipped together fairly quickly. Sorry for any mistakes and that. Please review!

o0o0o0o0= Change POV

Devvie's POV

The inside of the semis cab seemed blurry to my eyes as I climbed into the drivers seat which was devoid of an occupant. My head was pounding painfully as I settled into the seat. Feeling had started to return to my legs and I could faintly feel the shards of wood in them.

The truck we were in picked up speed, flying down the crowded road. Despite the heavy traffic the group of vehicles weaves expertly between the cars, pulling out in front of the main traffic. It was then that we picked up even more speed, going dangerously fast down the open road.

A couple of police cars were following us closely, not losing track of us at any point. Admittedly it would be easy to track a bunch of really expensive cars speeding down a highway. One of the police cars started up it's lights and sirens before speeding up to gain on the convoy of vehicles.

The blue and red vehicle we were in cut across four lanes and took the exit there, taking the ramp at impossible speeds. Luckily no one was on the exit, luckily, or else they would most likely have been pushed out of the way by this semi.

The rest of the cars continued on down the highway, the other police car following them. I didn't pay much attention to them, instead focusing on what was happening with the vehicle I was in.

Cam just sat in the passenger seat, leaning out the now open window to try to see where the police car was. It didn't actually work considering how the cab went on for a little ways behind us.

"Devvie, this isn't going well!" Cam exclaimed, eyes worriedly fixed on the passing scenery.

Everything lining the road turned into a blur as we sped past. Cam sat next to me, pretty chill in his seat. The vehicle moved on it's own, navigating it's way with ease. Admittedly, this metallic being could certainly drive well.

I tried to pull my legs up so that I was sitting cross legged but it hurt way too much. Muttering under my breath I left them as they were and looked out the front window, leaning my head against the seat. I was uncomfortable sitting there in the seat, knowing that the vehicle was actually alive. Every time the steering wheel move I was reminded of the fact that this was indeed a living being, kind of.

The winding back roads of the town were navigated quickly and soon we were back on another highway although not the same one as before. With no police cars on our tail the semi seemed to relax slightly. I hadn't consciously known that the vehicle was tense but with the absence of the eerie pressure in the cab I found it easier to relax.

"I wonder where we are going and where Sam and Mikaela are. What do you think Devvie?" Cam asked.

I heard him somewhere in the back of my head but the pain from my injuries had risen up again and I wasn't really paying attention to anything in the cab. My head was throbbing, the noise present in my ears making it hard to hear anything going on.

Something flashed in the cab, it could have been the radio although I couldn't be sure. At some point I must have drifted off as the next time I awoke the vehicle had come to a standstill and Cam was no longer seated beside me.

Pulling myself into a fully seated position was painful, the adrenalin must have been completely gone from my system. Outside was dimly lit, or maybe it was brightly lit and the windows were just darkly tinted. It was at that moment that I realised I was in a living vehicle.

I must have jumped slightly or something, I was that shocked. It didn't take me long to have the door open and be scrambling down from the cab, despite the pain. The large hangar was brightly lit, that was for sure. Big floodlights illuminated everything there which mainly consisted of other vehicles and metal beings.

It stunned me at how tall they were. A bright yellow being came straight towards me, hand outstretched. My first thought was to turn and run, or attempt to run. I didn't have much time to though because the hand enclosed over me gently, almost cradling me. Somehow I was shifted into a sitting position on the hand as the fingers uncurled.

I had been moved away from the floor, closer to the being's chest. Something tingled through my body, starting at my head and ending at my toes. There was no big light from the movies or laser pointy thing although I am sure this bright yellow being had scanned me.

A hissing noise could be heard, coming from the thing holding me. He didn't appear happy, not by a long shot. It was times like these when I felt a bit hesitant around others. Having someone pissed off at you, or what you think is pissed off, when they are a human is bad enough. When they are a giant metallic being? That's when it goes from bad to worse.

"Youngling, you will need to come to my medical bay as your wounds need to get treated immediatly. As it is they have been left much too long. We should have treated you back at the school but it just wasn't possible," The being said, it's voice deep enough for me to think that it was male.

Going to a med bay sounded okay so long as it was to get better. Getting disected by something this size wouldn't be fun but for some reason I trusted this strange being enough to go along to his 'medical bay' even though I probably couldn't have done anything to stop him taking me, even if I hadn't wanted to go.

The yellow being started to walk, it's footsteps reverberating within the hangar but not really affecting his hand. He did bring me closer to his chest though, probably making it harder for me to fall to the ground. I wasn't particularly game enough to look over the side of the hand, knowing that I was certainly as high as the school building roofs, if not higher.

The scenery didn't change much, the whole place must have just been a group of joined military or aircraft hangars. The lighting stayed the same, always harsh and flourescent. It hurt my eyes a little but bothered my head more. The throbbing hadn't really stopped, despite the bit of rest I had.

A door was reached, tall enough to accomodate even the tallest being's height. We passed through the doorway and headed straight for one of the massively sized beds within the room. The floor was still a long way down from the bed although closer than it had been when I was in the yellow hand.

"Now youngling, I'm going to run another couple of scans on you and then get these splinters out of your legs as they are certainly paining you at the moment. I may have to give you an anaesthetic for pulling the splinters out although that depends on how deep they are," the medical bot said.

Straight away I felt the scans sweeping over my body. Three scans were run before one of the being's fingers was pressed to my forehead, for what purpose I had no idea. I felt another scan run through my head, this one seemed to move more slowly and from the being's concentration it must have been kind of important. Really I didn't care, so long as it was going to help him get rid of the pain.

"You have a concussion although it's not that bad I will be keeping an eye on you. As for the splinters they are really deep, especially some of the larger ones on the back of your legs. A few of them are quite close to your bones and intersecting with some important veins. I am going to put you under while I get the splinters out. You won't be asleep for long though," the yellow being explained this even as he turned behind him, probably searching for a needle.

I just nodded numbly and laid down on the massive bed with no real pillow for my head. The bot turned back around and administered the needle into my arm, effectively knocking me out. It probably wasn't smart to be so trusting of a giant being I didn't really know all that much about but it was too late now.

o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o o0o

Cam's POV

The ride back in the semi was stressful. Devvie fell asleep at some point although it probably wasn't all that good for her. I was more worried about when she would get the medical attention that she certainly needed.

Everything flashed passed quickly, the vehicle probably anxious to get back to it's base or wherever it was we were going. The other vehicles, with Sam and Mikaela in them had gone off in a different direction and I hadn't seen them since.

I didn't particularly like not knowing what was going on, especially when around these much larger beings which could certainly harm me, and Devvie if they so wished it. It didn't make me comfortable not knowing where Sam and Mikaela were when they were probably the only ones, of us humans, that knew what was going on in this mayhem.

My own slight injuries were forgotten to me, even when we pulled up to an ominous looking fence. Guards stood at the gate in full military uniform, guns held ready in there arms. There were signs warning of the electricity charging the fence which would probably keep most people out. Right in front of us was a large runway and in the distance were a large group of hangers, extremely close together.

The guard at the gate let us through, without even looking inside to see Devvie and I. Obviously the vehicles were known at the base and had a fairly good ranking with the soldiers. They had to be trusted to be just waved straight though the gates like that.

The other cars pulled up behind us, the car with Sam and Mikaela in it right behind the semi I was in. Soon we were moving through the base, taking a roundabout way that was obviously going towards the hangars in the distance.

The buildings grew larger and larger as we wound our way towards them. They were certainly big and weirdly joined together. All around us was flat and paved, markings giving away that it was a runway.

Large doors slid open noiselessly to let us inside, none of the vehicles stopping before the buildings. Inside was brightly lit, floodlights illuminating everything around me. There were no windows or skylights, all the light within this room was from electric lights and the headlights of the vehicles.

A click and then the door next to me swung open, at exactly the same time the doors we had just driven through slid shut. These guys weren't taking any risks where Devvie and I were concerned, that was for sure.

I contemplated waking Devvie but a slight jolt from my seat urged me to get out of the vehicle. Clambering down fairly quickly I stood on the ground looking around the building. It was an aircraft hangar but it seemed to have been slightly modified to suit the needs of the occupants.

Sam and Mikaela hopped out of the car they were in and walked over to me. Almost the exact second they were clear of the yellow camaro it started to transform, right in front of my eyes.

The slip and slide of metal could be heard in the room, growing louder and louder as more of the vehicles started transforming. Sam just ignored the noises, quite obviously not bothered by what was going on around him.

My friend was obviously in on what was going on and he hadn't said a word to Devvie or I about this. Mikaela seemed to be in on it too. Was this what had brought their friendship about and made it so strong?

The semi I had been in joined the other vehicles in transforming. Sam's Camaro was already standing tall, very similar to the other metallic beings which had attacked the base. The only real difference between these beings and the ones that had attacked were the blue eyes, if that is what they were called, and the colour of their paint.

Even as I was looking around at all of these transformed vehicles the one I had been in started talking.

"I said I would give you answers once we arrived at a secure location and here we are. I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. Today the Decepticons, our enemies, attacked your school in an effort to locate Sam and Mikaela," Optimus Prime said, his voice reverberating around the echoey room.

"But why were they looking for me Prime, it's not like I've got the glasses any more or the matrix of leadership," Sam said, speaking what seemed like complete gibberish to me.

"I do not know but they must be looking for something."

"They could be after the boy Prime, to capture him," one of the yellow beings said.

"That is true Ratchet. What is your designation?" Optimus Prime asked, the question directed at me.

"My name? I'm Cameron Jameson but most people call me Cam," I replied, making my voice as steady as possible.

"These are the autobots, my second in command, Jazz," Optimus said, gesturing to a smaller silver bot.

"What's crackin?" Jazz asked.

"Our Chief medic, Ratchet."

"The boy isn't seriously injured although his wounds will need to be tended to," the medic said, not instilling the greatest confidence in me. I did not really want the much too large being trying to fix any of my wounds.

"Our weapons specialist, Ironhide."

"You feeling lucky punk?" said a black one who was obviously Ironhide. His cannons whirred as he pointed them at me, the glow coming from them intimidating.

I gulped, had they seriously just rescued me to kill me? Sam just muttered something and the large black bot put his cannons away.

"Bumblebee, our scout and Sam's guardian."

The yellow car that Sam and Mikaela had come out of just made a small chirping sound and flashed his lights.

"The twin warriors, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe."

Neither of the two said anything although by guessing I figured that the gold coloured one was Susntreaker and the silver one was Sideswipe.

"The younger twins, Skids and Mudflap."

"We's got ta figure out a name for yo if yo be hangin' around like the chimpanzee," the green one said.

Somehow that small amount of speech triggered an argument between him and his twin as they started hitting eachother on the head and wrestling. It seemed to be a fairly common occurence as no one moved to stop them.

"Jolt and the Arcee triplets."

"I think you're scaring him," one of the triplets said and the other two murmured in agreement.

The blue bot, who must have been Jolt, didn't say anything.

"There are other Autobots but they are not here on this base. Some are still in space and others are working with the military on certain missions. You will need to stay on this base until we can clear your knowledge of us with the human authorities. Sam and Mikaela can show you around the base in the meantime, after Ratchet takes a look at your injuries," Optimus Prime said as he straightened from his crouching position, effectively ending the conversation.

Suddenly there was a yellow hand coming straight for me, scooping me off the ground. I looked over to Ratchet's other hand and there was Sam and Mikaela, looking kind of annoyed.

"I will take you to my medbay so that I can treat you," Ratchet said as he started walked down one of the hallways which branched off from the main meeting area.

A set of doors slid open and we walked into a fairly open room. Massive metallic beds were spaced out within the area. Sam, Mikaela and I were deposited on one of the beds before a tingling sensation ran through my body. Giving the medic a wary glance I raised an eyebrow at Sam.

"He's just scanning us, much less painful that a normal checkup and kind of less embarrassing," Sam said, to which Mikaela snickered.

"Sure it's less embarrassing," she said sarcastically.

A blush spread across Sam's face and he muttered something incoherent under his breath.

"You all seem relatively okay although I will have to put some disinfectant on your cuts," Ratchet said, talking to all of us.

The medic just handed Sam a bottle of antiseptic and went over to start cleaning up his benches.

Sam shot Ratchet a look before putting the antiseptic on his various cuts and handing the liquid over to Mikaela. It didn't take very long for all three of us to disinfect our cuts. Getting off the bed though, that was more tricky.

There was a ladder off to one side of the bed. We weren't all that high up, relatively. It looked safe enough to jump down, which could have possibly been bad judgement.

Sitting on the side of the bed I swung my legs over the side before pushing off and jumping to the ground. Sam started to say something just before I started to jump but he didn't bother finishing whatever he had said.

The impact jarred my legs, hard. Obviously the bed was slightly higher up than I had thought. Sam and Mikaela scrambled down the ladder, Sam with a great big grin on his face.

"You only do that once, I can tell you that. I think all the humans here have tried that, there should be a warning sign," Sam said.

"Sounds like a good idea to me."

With that the three of us left the med bay to look around the base. Actually, to state that more accurately Sam and Mikaela were taking me on a tour of the base.

Thanks for reading. Review please?