The title, 'A Maid's Afternoon' was a book that Siesta read and fantasised about throughout the 'Familiar of Zero' Anime series. So I am going to attempt to write it the best I could as a love story. It would be easier if I just used characters that everyone is familiar with and so I'll make the main maid character Siesta, and the main male character Saito. And I'll use all other characters depending on their usefulness to the storyline. Oh and I will definitely include Louise or Henrietta in the story at some point. But it is going to be a fanfic mainly about Siesta and Saito... Unless if somebody writes in their review that the story should really take a different turn! So please review!

Warning: There is probably going to be adult content in this story. So don't read it if you are going to be uncomfortable with that fact. Expect some graphic scenes.

I do not own the title of Zero no Tsukaima nor its characters. I write this purely as a fan and do not expect to profit from this fictional story.


Chapter 01 – A journey of a thousand miles begins but with a single step

It was a cloudy autumn's day in the Tristain country side. A smell of fermenting decay filled the air as the browned leaves on the passing trees fell from their branches. It had been raining for a week now which delayed Siesta's transfer to her new master's manor, closer to the capital. But she saw this delay as a blessing for she knew all too well that she had already been sold to a new noble family. Such a turn of events was to be expected as her old employer had gone bankrupt due to his numerous debts and could no longer keep many maids within his residence.

But now she was in a carriage sent by Count Mott De Gramont (that noble which in the anime tried to get Siesta in the first episodes of Season 1) to take her to her new prison. It was going to be a prison of unspeakable horrors as she knew exactly why such a man had purchased her so suddenly since her previous master's misfortune. He had eyed her countless times during his visits to her old master's estate. It would not surprise anyone if the Count was responsible for her old master's accumulated debts just so that he may have Siesta to himself.

The count held high office in the court of Tristain. However, such cannot be said in his private life or his past. Rumour has it that he was a cunning womaniser who had used his venomous charms to seduce the only daughter of one of the wealthiest counts in the country. His wealth had come in the instant he married into the family. The young countess had bore him a son, and mysteriously passed away soon after. Many say that it was the count's intention to let his wife die early so he may have his mistresses in his bed instead. Whatever the truth, he is now renowned for having numerous affairs ranging from the highest nobility to the cheapest prostitute. The only thing keeping him in court are his numerous expensive banquets held at his manor to remain connected with other politicians and nobles.

A stray teardrop found its way down the cheek of Siesta's face as she looked out the windows of the carriage. It seemed that she would not even have found her first true love before this man would defile all that is pure within her. But alas she had no choice in the matter, for a commoner's purpose was to serve a noble no matter the condition nor the circumstance. But little does she know that her fate was not to be as grim as she may have expected. There was to be light at the end of her hardship.

Her carriage soon came to the extravagant manor of Count Mott. Its grounds were massive where hedge mazes and rows of tall grand trees surrounding a complex of mansions which rivalled the very palace of the royal family. There was a shade of green in the gardens of the manor where there was the brown of decay everywhere else in Tristain. The White stone on the buildings themselves seemed to shine in the dim autumn light covered by ornate marble statues of gilded angels. But amidst such beauty on the exterior, Siesta knew what hid under the ornate surface. Such a place did not give her joy but the deepest sorrow.

Her reception with the head mistress Kirch was brief. She explained the rules of the manor to Siesta. But above all else, the rule to serve the masters of the house was absolute. He was to have all access to any servant at any given time especially now that he had appointed Siesta as his personal maid.


Siesta sat in the warm water of the grand bath. It was to be her special privilege to bathe there until further notice under the counts specific orders. She was to attend to Count Mott's bedroom that evening for personal duties for him. She had held back her tears until the vapours from the water consumed her eyes where it fell like rain. Her chest burned from sorrow as she felt more isolated than ever. Her soft whimpers echoed around the grand bath as tears dropped readily into the falsely calm water. Her assigned clothes were what the other maids had called 'half attire'. It was simply a more extravagant maid apron which barely covered her front. Siesta was to wear nothing else but the apron and her standard issue maids veil along with dark knee height stockings.

Head mistress Kirch's voice echoed in the large hall to call Siesta to ready herself to be presented. With hesitancy, Siesta slowly ascended from the warm depths of the water. There was a chill as she felt a breeze on her skin. She dried herself quickly, put on the ridiculous attire and followed the mistress through the dark and empty long halls to the Count's room.

The doors to the grand bedroom opened to reveal its dimly lit interior. Long eerie shadows covered the expensively gilded room where they seemed to shift and dance under the flickering candle lights. In the centre was a lone figure, lying down on the red sheets of the grand bed, naked with his legs splayed in a suggestive fashion. Siesta hesitated as she saw the moderately obese body of count Mott signalling her with his hand to come closer. A push from Kirch shoved the unwilling maid into the room where the doors abruptly closed with a loud thud.

"Come over here so I can have a good look at you!"

Siesta slowly approached the bed with her gaze fixated on the ground, her knees shaking and her soul screaming for her to leave this place. She stopped as she had neared the bed, unable to go any further as the cramps in her calves begged her to turn away and run. Her body tensed as she saw the shadows shifting when the Count had got off the bed to approached her. She quickly shut her eyes as the count paced leisurely around her, his eyes invaded her body with sinister lust. His constant giggles pushing Siesta close to tears.

His thick, fat fingers grasped hungrily at her exposed buttocks sliding and gripping the underside of her gluteal folds. Tears streamed down Siesta's face as her hands madly clenched onto each other for comfort. A feeling of nausea choked her from within as the count hands slid upward towards the bow which held her apron in place. Unable to undo it quickly enough the count tore away it. The fabric choking and burning Siesta's skin as she could no longer keep silent and let out a whimper from her burning chest. The sound of disapproval was interpreted differently to the count as he found new vigour and increased his efforts until the ties of the apron tore off, leaving red marks on Sieta's skin.

Siesta cried as she desperately held onto the shredded apron from exposing her breast and anterior skin. Her knees buckled as she slid down to a kneel while her thighs tightened in a desperate attempt to closing her womanhood from exposure. Her whimpering increasing in volume as her tears flowed from being pushed and humiliated in such a fashion. But there was nothing she could do as her life was not hers any longer but his.

"It seems I was not wrong to purchase you. It seems like you are still untouched by any man. Must be my lucky day."

Laughing loudly with unjustified delight Mott grabbed at the remainder of the apron. Siesta resisted until the back of the counts hand landed squarely on her face. The impact caused Siesta to fall sideways as she felt as though her entire face was about to explode and her eye was to dislocate from its socket. Her ears rung with tinnitus as her cranium came into contact with the cold polished marble floor. Her body paralysed from shock as she had finally loosened her grip of her apron as it was torn from her.

Hastily her flaccid body was dragged to the bed by the arm in such a way that had almost dislocated her shoulder. Her screams of pain and disapproval echoed around the room as her naked form was thrown onto the bed followed quickly by the heavy, fat rounded body of Count Mott. His horny tongue tasted her neck, his teeth ground at the already tender skin, scraping and bruising as it tried to get its satisfaction. He had not held any part of him back as he placed his weight upon Siestas fragile body. His hands grabbed hungrily at her breasts and he hastily positioned himself to finally force himself into her body.

"No! Please! NO!"

Siesta's eyes finally shot wide open to finally gaze at the count for the first time. His eyes glowed with a blood red glaze. A sinister grin tore across his face as though he was a man possessed. The flaps of his belly bounced like jeleton as he struggled to pin Siesta back down. Her scream came onto deaf ears as she desperately tried to keep her thighs closed. But the strength of the count gradually over powered her and pressed her down with his body weight, panting with hellish satisfaction. Siesta's struggles seemed more and more futile as bit by bit, her energy drained from her body. She felt fainter by the second, her stomach felt bloated as the sick nauseous feeling elevated to the point of making her lose consciousness. Her struggles finally ceased as she black out.


Siesta's eyes opened to find herself cold and naked in a small cell. It was nothing like the Mott's mansion with its gilded walls. This was cell in a dungeon surrounded by only large damp grey stones and a heavy wooden door. The smell of decay filled the air as the cold moist air chilled Siesta to the bone. Her body ached and her breath tasted both sour and bitter. It was dark in the small room and was lit only by the flickering light of burning torches outside the cell. The claustrophobic chamber pressed at Siestas chest as its walls seemed as though they would fall and crush her at a moments notice.

She realised that she had fainted and the horrors she had encountered quickly filled her consciousness splashing her with dread and sickness. She cried to herself softly in the dark and her whimpers echoed in the dark halls. She knew she had been violated and her innocence taken away from her, but she still reached down to her pelvis to examine the damage done to her. But she was still intact. No traces were found to have told her over wise. She had realised that she was still pure. A feeling of relief and joy filled her which made her cry harder as she cupped her hands on her teary face. She had found at least a little comfort in the lonely darkness until she was startled by a loud thump on the cell door.

"I am glad to see that you are awake." A jeering but playful female voice came from outside the cell door. "The count was extremely disgusted by your behaviour and thus you will be spending the next week in this cell as punishment."

"Mistress Kirch?" Her throat was dry and her lungs burned, but Siesta managed to force the words out of her mouth.

"Apparently you vomited all over the count when he was just about to take you. Ha! Classic!" Kirch said in a mocking tone. "Let me give you a piece of advice new girl. The count can take which ever girl he pleases in this manor. The more he favours you, the more benefits you are to receive. You are his property. If you bite the hand that feeds you then you will starve to death here."

"But I cannot accept that man. This is wrong!"

"Well it doesn't worry me if you are going to be like that. But status here is only counted on how much you are willing to give to that man. So stay here and rot for all I care. Here are some clothes so put them on if you don't want to freeze to death."

Rugged pieces of clothing were thrown in to the cell along with a small piece of bread through the barred window on the cell door. The footsteps grew fainter and fainter until silence had returned to the confining walls. Siesta dressed herself and chewed slowly on the stale bread. She finally cried herself to sleep that night on the damp haystack that was in the room.

Three days had passed quickly and she had not heard a sound in the dungeon. She felt faint from hunger as she had more and more trouble keeping herself warm. The only way she could quench her thirst, came from dripping water from the cell's ceiling. By the night of the third day she dreamed of being home once more where a whole roasted pig was served for dinner. The sweet apple sauce had been prepared by her mother and was served as accompaniment to the tender pork.

Alas it was only a dream and Siesta woke up still cold and alone. But there was a small candle burning in the room on top of a simple wooden tray. The flame flickered in the darkness but its warm light revealed a plate of sliced roasted pork topped with apple sauce. Portions of simple mashed potato seemed to have been hastily placed in a small bowl and an apple that had sat on its side.

Siesta could not believe her eyes and quickly attended to the meal. She was unable to hold herself back as she hastily chewed on the already cold roasted pork. It was as delicious as it had been in her dream, perhaps even more so. She could not hold back her tears as she ate. Her oesophagus seemed to hurt every time she had swallowed after such a long time without nourishment. She lifted the apple that she had saved for last and was surprised to find a note underneath.

'This is not much but it was all I can sneak out of the kitchen. I hope that it does not get cold when you find it.'

The note had been written in a rush but its letters had great clarity. There was no name to accompany it. Siesta had read the note many times before gently folding it up, cradling it in her palms. She pressed it against her chest. It was strange to her but she treasured it as though it was the most valuable thing in the world. Fatigue soon caught her as her eyes became heavy. This time she smiled as she drifted off to sleep. Something she had not done for so long, it had almost seemed as though it had been unnatural. She felt warm, and her loneliness had finally escaped her so she reasoned that her smile was justified.