So, I thought I'd save the most popular ending till last... thank you to everyone who has commented and reviewed. I've had fun with this.

Sex & Eye Candy – Alternate Ending #3

"You can take me away now, although, I'd like to get dressed first, and I think you may wish to do the same."


"Do what you came here to do, Bella. Take me downtown."

I was speechless. I sat up and grimaced as his and my juices began to run down my leg. I knew I had a job to do, but I was pretty sure that job had been dead as soon as I stepped into the bathroom and removed my wire. I didn't want him to go to jail... and the likeness of that was very high.

"Edward... I..."

"Do it... I understand you have to."

I looked at him – his perfect body, his honest, green eyes. I looked at the office. So clean, so tidy... the rug and that couch.

I took a deep breath. "Edward..."

Why did everything have to be so conflicting. After just several days of spending time with this man, and learning about his life, and the way in which he ran his business... not to mention the awesome fuck-fest we'd indulged in just minutes before, I knew that this was more than just a case.

I knew that I could fall in love with Edward Masen.

Was he a criminal? Yes.

Did I care? I didn't know.

Could I get over it? Probably.

"Come on Bella, don't keep me waiting, just do it. I can't look at you for much longer." He whispered to me. I gazed up into his eyes once again.


"What?" He looked confused. I got to my feet and started to search for my clothes.

"I'm not going to turn you in. This place... it's got to close, Edward. It's against the law. But I can't arrest you. I don't want to."

"You are crazy, Detective."

"I might be. But here is your chance, Edward. Get away, whist you can. I won't look for you."

He grabbed my wrists after I finished pulling my skirt up. "You won't?"

"No." I stated again, simply as I felt tears start to brim in my eyes. He took me into his arms, wrapping me in his strong embrace.

"Bella... please, talk to me."

"Just go... Edward, please, just leave before they come looking for me. I don't want to see you go to jail. Something inside of me thinks you are too good for that. But you have to go now."

"Come with me." He whispered.

It was my turn to be confused. "What?"

"Come. With. Me" He repeated, slowly. "Leave all of this, run away with me. We can take care of each other. I know that you have no family here to worry about. You won't need to worry about work. We can start afresh... and you are free to do as you wish. If you choose to leave, I won't stop you."

I start to laugh, but the look in his eyes was telling me that he was being deadly serious.

Edward was right. I didn't have anyone. The man had done his research on me, that's for sure. Could I trust him enough. I was sure I could. He didn't seem like a bad person, and like I said, there was some huge attraction between the two of us, and the sex had been wonderful – like nothing I'd ever experienced in my entire life. He wanted more of me?

"You're serious?"

"Of course. This week, Bella... I have fallen for you. I tried not to, knowing who you are and what you came here to do, but I couldn't help it. There is a connection between us. I know you feel it. It's like electricity. It was too powerful for me to deny... and earlier tonight, when you didn't push me away. It confirmed for me that you felt the same way."

"I do." I admitted, resting my head against his bare chest.

"So, come with me." Edward implored.

"Okay." I said. "But we have to go now, they'll be here soon. We don't have much time."

Edward pushed me away gently, but still kept his arms around me. I was graced with the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. "Oh, thank god. Okay, well, get dressed." His lips met mine for the briefest of moments before he began to dress. He pulled a clean shirt out of a closet and pulled it over his torso. I tried to concentrate on dressing as I buttoned my almost ruined shirt and pulled on my jacket.

I grabbed my purse from my desk and opened it up, pulling out my badge, gun, cuffs and cellphone and left them on the desk, hoping that Jacob would get the message that I was okay. I knew that they would look for us and thoughts flooded my mind.

Would they know I'd run away with Edward?

Would they think that he'd kidnapped me?

Yes, they would look for us, for sure. We would have to be careful.

"You ready to go?" His soft, velvet voice broke me out of my reverie. He took my hand and intwined his fingers with mine as I nodded my head and grabbed my almost empty purse.

He led me back into his office and through the door at the other side of it. It lead along a short corridor and out to the back of the building. I hadn't known of that exit, and I doubted Jacob or the rest of the team had either. Our escape had just become easier.

Edward and I stepped out into the pitch black of night. "You sure this is what you want?" he asked as we reached his car, a sleek, silver Volvo.

"I've never been more sure of anything." I told him as I quietly slipped into the passenger side and buckled up. Edward smirked and shut the door behind me and got in at the drivers side. He started the engine and it purred gently. His hand found mine once again and he pressed a soft kiss to my knuckles.

And we ran. Together. It was a risk I was willing to take. I didn't know if it was going to work out. But I was happy to try. I would run forever, if I had to.


And it really is the end. I hope you enjoyed the oneshot, and the series of alternate endings. I had a blast writing it. Thanks so much to Sandy at the Southern FanFiction Review for having me, and of course to the team of beauties behind me. LisaDawn75 and my pre-readers... who didn't even get a look in on these endings as I wanted them to be a total surprise.

Thank you, and good night.