A.N just a old fan-fic thats been laying around sometime so I figured I just put it up.

In a pitch black room sat the Shikon priestess better know as Kagome. Her hair black as night, pale skin and ice blue eyes. At first glance you would assume it was Kikyo if it was not fro the green sailor suit and blue eyes. She sat in the darkness as if it was nothing. Never quaking in fear or wincing at slight noises. She was at perfect peace, and that made her capture annoyed and slightly puzzled.

Stepping into the view was her sworn enemy Naraku. Black hair, blood red eyes that glowed malicious and a stance that screamed arrogance. He quirked an eyebrow as she merely glanced at him.

" Do you not fear me little one?" His deep baritone voice taunted, his eyes narrowed when all she did was smile. "Do you not fear the darkness that I am or the darkness that I placed you in?"

Kagome's eyes darkened with thought as she opened her mouth and soft words full of wisdom was spoken. " You ask if I fear darkness, the answer is no."

"Why?" Naraku growled out, giving a sigh Kagome once again began to speak.

"Hmm do I fear the dark? No. I only fear the creatures in the dark. The ones feasting on the fears of other. Without these creatures darkness is nothing. For we come upon darkness every day when we close our eyes we are greeted by it, on a moonless night we are surrounded by it. So no I don't fear darkness only the ghouls that linger there." Leaning back onto the wall Kagome gave a thoughtful look before speaking again.

" Now if you had asked me if I fear the light, my answer would be yes. For in the light there is no where to hide, there is no one to be. The light strips you of the mask you put on. There is no lies in the light only truth. Who want truth? For me I'd rather have the dark. Yes the darkness has monsters but at least they don't lie to your face."

Naraku was mildly amused by Kagome's speech and slightly awed at how much wisdom she displayed. Taking a seat in front of her, he couldn't help but taunt.

"So you do fear me. For I am one of the ghouls in the dark, feasting on your fears." Turning her head towards him Kagome let a beautiful smile over take her.

"No I don't fear you. For you are one with the light. Even in the dark your actions do not change. You are the only thing I know that dose not change." A look of anger crossed Naraku's eyes as she continued to speak. "You're brave enough to speak your mind and go forth with your dreams. Wither its in the light or the dark." Naraku now understood where this young priestess meant but he still spoke.

" You almost sound jealous as id you have no free will." For the first time Kagome showed fear. Scared if the new information Naraku has, yet happy that someone understands. The fear had vanished and a soft chuckle escaped.

"Yes I am jealous. I can never act the way I want for I must be pure and loving in order to support the others and keep the Shikon free of taint. I am not allowed to hate or want." A spark of pity went threw Naraku's eyes as held a clawed hand out towards her.

"Well than how about I invite you into my darkness."