Introduction: a little taste.

by girldoctor

This is just an idea I had while reading my favorite book and attending collage. Its a what if. What if Hannibal and Clarice were about the same age and attended the same collage. Disclaimer: All characters belong to Thomas Harris.

o yea this is my first fanfiction so please review. Please. Their will also be more chapters in the future.

Hannibal Lecter sat in his room thinking . That woman that beautiful woman Clarice , or so her friend called her . He could not stop thinking of her . She was in his dreams . She was also in his heart it seemed.

He still did not know how she got there . He was just walking the hall , a very normal thing when he came upon her . My o my was she a goddess . She couldn't even make a move without catching the attention of every male that happen to be around her.

The most brilliant thing was , she seemed completely unaware of her enchanting good looks . This pleased him . He knew about the women at this school , how they annoyed him greatly . Hopping about trying to get him to noticed them , and than this woman shows up and does not even give him a second look . She did not really look at anyone , like she was in her own little world . Hannibal would pay greatly to get into that little world.

After following his angel and her friend he concluded that they were both FBI students . He did not know what to think about that . He did chuckle when he first found out , true .

He knew this woman was his soul mate . He knew that the moment they passed in the hall and their eyes met for the first time . O how his heart missed a beat . That has never happen to him .

He never really understood this need for love . He knew he never felt this way before not even with Lady Murasaki . When she abandon him , he concluded that it would never have worked anyway . Not with her morals . And now his soul mate seemed to be a FBI student . How God loves his games .

Hannibal noted that this Clarice , if that was her name , seemed to have a boyfriend one that seemed popular and greatly liked . Hannibal recalled how gleeful he felt while watching Clarice roll her eyes at that boy . She was getting bored with her boyfriend . My o my how his girl seemed to be unlike anything he knew before .

What would he do ? First , how would he get her ?Obviously he would have to get her to notice him . He decided not to count the look they shared in the hall just moments before , when he felt her wonderful blue sapphire eyes on him . The moment she passed he closed his eyes tightly savoring the moment .

Collage in America seemed to be going way better than he thought it would so far . Now for tomorrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . obviously he would have to please her not just with his looks but his knowledge . If only his FBI girl shared a class with him . Well that could be arranged . First thing in the morning he would make sure he affected her world as much as she affected his . First thing in the morning .