Did you guys hear about the rumored ive Action Bleach Movie? I've gathered as much knowledge as I can about Tite Kubo-san's work, and on the way I fell in love with the story again. This is a story I'm proud of, and please keep reading it. It's a ByakuyaxOC, with an intense and good plot, if I do say so myself. Please Comment!

I was a girl with no home to go to anymore. I didn't belong there, and I don't think I belong anywhere on this planet anymore.

I sometimes visited my family though, because I loved them. It seems that the only thing that my grandfather did now was kneel in front of the wooden lacquered shelf, just looking at a portrait of a girl.

Considering that this building I used to call home housed three children, two teenagers, four adults , and one senior, the setting was never quite. But now, as I visit this three story residency again, it seemed to me that I can't hear anything anymore, though it still housed eleven less one member. The liveliness that was once present was gone in the wind. I don't think they ever smile anymore. They never looked happy any longer.

It enveloped me in sadness.




Which made me hate them.

Hate myself too.

Just get on with life! I screamed at them but with no success. I screamed as loud as I can to all of them, but of course they couldn't hear me.

I was so fend up with this. It was only me that died. I'm the dead person, not them. So just forget about me and start walking again.

Maybe they are still haunted by the feeling that I was still here. They can't forget about me if I'm still around. Maybe I should just leave.

So I did. For the sake of my family. I will never look back at this house again. I don't belong here.

Hi, my name is...well...I don't have a name anymore. So I can't really tell you. I was the normal model student of Karakura High School, Japan, until the incident happened. There was around five months left until my fifteenth birthday arrived. But I lost my life in an accident before I could see that day.

Actually, it was a little bit after my boyfriend's birthday, and he would have died with me too, but thankfully his annual luck was still there and I wouldn't let him die.

I will bring you back one year ago, on that not so normal cold winter day.

My class came back from a field trip from the mountains and we were driving down along a steep ledge. Thinking back now, my sweetheart was right. Whoever designed this highway track was awfully stupid to squish four lanes onto this bridge.

"Could you get anymore dumb?" he mumbled. I smiled. There was always something he frowned upon and complained about, but that was what I liked about him. He was a carefree spirit.

"Something can happen if people are reckless."

"You think too much. Just fall asleep would you?" I cooed. And he smiled back at me. Oh, his smile, I loved that smile so much. "They know how to design roads, okay? Nothing-"

And then it happened. I didn't know how, but something massive and fast slammed into the side of the school bus. I guess it was a truck. None of us didn't know what to do but screamed and shouted as the vehicle flipped our little car over and over again. The windows shattered, cut us and made us panic even more.

When everything stopped, the bus driver told us to immediately evacuate his damaged bus. I heard that the oil was leaking out, and there was a lot of smoke coming out. My classmates scampered out of any opening they could find, whether it was a busted window or door or emergency exit and sprinted.

"Let's go!" I shouted at my boyfriend. I tried desperately to pull him away from the bus.

"My arm! Ah! I think I broke it! And my leg won't budge!"

"You have to try! Please!"

"No! No! Leave! Get out of here!"

"Come on!"


"If you don't go then I won't either!"

"Kids!" the bus driver screamed and helped my pull my boyfriend out of the door. "Run!"

"Don't look back! Just move!"

"You have to come with me!"

"How many times have I told you to just-"


I heard an eruption coming from behind us, and then I was blown off the ground. Both men held on to me securely, as we literally shot off down the mountain. I closed my eyes and prepared for what was to come.

And then I opened my eyes again, to see that he was holding onto to my sweaty hand. The old bus driver had managed to grab onto the mental railing and catch my boyfriend's still useful hand.


"I got you kids! I'm so sorry, I didn't know what happened!"

"When is the darn rescue team coming?" he shouted back at the man.

"My hand is slipping! Hold on!" the bus driver shouted back.

I felt a few drops of blood hit my cheek and directed my eyes to my love's broken right hand, which held onto me. He looked agitated and was shaking with all his might. He couldn't take it any longer.

"Let go of me..." I said.

"No! I won't!"

"If you don't we're all going to die!"

"Don't give up, Miss! We will all make it."

"Sir, you can't hold onto the both of us any longer. You won't make it. And you," I looked at my boyfriend, "your arm is going to rip off if you don't let go."

"I don't care! You're going to hold on and I won't let go of you!"

"...I'm so sorry..." I cried, slowly and painfully allowing my grasp on his arm to loosen.

"Hold on! Hold on!" he shouted, but I was sliding downward to the floor 200 meters below.

"I love you. I really do."

"Don't do this!"


"Hold my hand again!" he cried with all his might.


And finally I made no more contact with him anymore.

That was half a year ago, and I didn't bother to see how he was doing. I knew that his special powers could he could see me in spirit, even in this invisible body. All I could hope for was that he was doing great, and everyone else survived and moved on.

My boots crunched against the one foot thick snow. What now? I don't have any place to stay or belong to anymore. All I could just do was walk.

Little did I know that a looming mass of structure looked upon me from behind.


With each new step I took, I panicked even more. And if I had a real organic heart in this body, my heart was beating at 120 per minute. I know that not someone, because I was invisible, but something, because I heard the breathing of something very evil, was stalking my every movement.

What was it? Was it some kind of grim reaper, that was here to bring me to the under world because my time here was up? Was it going to slice up my head? Stab me? Eat me?

I know that I promised myself I would never come back to my house ever again, and I won't. I knew that I had nowhere to go, I knew that. And I should probably follow it and let it bring me down. But I didn't want to listen to what I should do. All I wanted was to keep walking, and dash off to a sprint.

So that was what I did.

My movements were very abrupt, and fast too, thank you track and field. And then I heard this really loud screech, that definitely came from what eyed me.

'Oh yeah, no way was I going to let that thing catch me.' , I thought. I took a chance to look back, taking a curious and risky chance, and-

"Oh f-"

Are you serious? What IS that? Wait, let me finish my thought for you. The thing that was following me was at least fifteen feet, cloaked totally in black, all except for the face that masked a white skull like face. Oh my gosh, oh my goodness. Holy!

At this moment in time, I was surprised I didn't burst out into tears while running as fast as my legs could take me. But I wanted to express my fear in some way, and screamed as loud as I could to alert anything that could help me. Of course, that could have led to a bunch of more of these grim reapers to find me, but whatever.

Then, I did something really stupid that only happened in movies and only weak damsels in distress would do. I tripped. What the heck? I tripped on pretty much the air, and crash landed onto the thin blanket of snow onto top cold concrete.

A massive shadow lurked above me in a menacing style, and I looked up to see the grim reaper sneered at me, "You bring me too much trouble,", and then went on to smirk, or lift up the edges of its revealed teeth, in a sort of semi-smile, "but I suppose its worth it. Your reiatsu is exceptionally strong mortal."

"W-what are you going to do to me?" I squeaked out.

"What am going to do to you? Why, what do you think?" he raised his hand above his shoulders, and was swooping down on top of my head, "I'll devour you alive!"

Oh gosh, the end is here for me. Thank you mom, for taking care of me when I was sick. Thank you little bro for when you protected me, thank you everyone! I'm sorry I can't see you anymore. And to my loving boyfriend, I love you!

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed with all my. And at that same moment, the big fat reaper hooted out,


And I couldn't hear anything else, and couldn't feel the pain that was supposed to wash over me. I sneaked a look under my eyelashes, to see that...a...man..., a man had rescued me!

He was clothed in traditional Japanese hakama robes coloured in black, with a long white sash tied around his waist. He was holding what was apparently a katana, a very long and shiny katana. And what was the most noticeable feature on this person, was that he had the strangest red long hair colour, kept high in a ponytail. But I couldn't see his face.

Who WAS he?

"You stupid piece of work, finding your next meal already are you?" my savior spoke. My goodness, his voice sure was deep...all I could do was stare at the back of this person and at the attacker, completely immobile, another I hated about how I was reacting to this situation. But what COULD I do?

"You damn reaper...!" the monster bellowed at his nearly decapitated hand.

The man in the hakama snickered, that's not the only thing you're going to lose, SAY !" and with one awesome shot, he sliced off the attacker's arm and cut through at the center of the mask, leaving the monster dead.

It was a bit silent for a while, as this red haired person wiped the blood of his victim clean from his weapon. I stood up, and opened my mouth to talk-

"RAWR!", I heard a sheer cry from behind me, there was more?

"Be gone." I heard the whisper of another man from behind me. This time, it was not the red haired man, for I could still see, from the corner of my eyes that he was still in the same location.

I turned to take a glance at another hero that I've found today, and wow was he a sight to see. Although I could not see his face, nor his front side, I could tell that he was a graceful and charming man. Upon his shoulder laid the finest illuminating silk. He was dressed in somewhat of the same attire like red hair, but wore a white haori, with a single word detail at the back: six.

I had no time to admire this man any longer, for I heard the shrill screams of not one, not three, but five larger beasts, all looking down at me with the intent to kill.

But fear not, because the raven haired man with the ten on his back and my first savior jumped into action.

"Leave this to me Taicho! Zabimaru-!""

"No. I will. Scatter, Senbonzakura."

Practically thousands of thin pink cherry blossoms flew at the approaching beasts, and cut them down as quickly as one two three. The two males stood motionless, with the exception that their clothing blew in the wind. It was absolutely terrifying... and amazing.

"Woah..." the rougher voice mumbled. The two of them sheathed their swords, and I still, was sitting on the flower looking absolutely helpless.


"Oh, yes, Taicho.", the red haired man obeyed the silent command of his 'Captain' and swiftly turned to look down at me.

His hair wasn't the only wild thing about him. His forehead adorned pretty expensive sunglasses that exposed some sort of tribal looking tattoos. I just knew that there was more funky imprints behind those shades. His eyebrows were the strangest shapes..., and his eyes looked like he spent most of his time frowning, or something, I don't know.

He just looked at me. And I looked back at him.

"Are...are you...a...grim reaper?" I asked.

He looked questionably at me before breaking into an amused grin, "Actually, I'm called a Soul Reaper."


"You're dead, right? It's our job to bring you back to the world we live in, that's where all of us spirits belong in." he said.

I blinked and looked around me to the dead bodies, very nervous, "Could you tell me, why those things were after me?"

"I guess, there's no harm to it." he shrugged, "We call those Hollows spirits that have gone bad. They like to eat the good spirits to relieve their hunger and to gain more power by taking in powerful cavities of reiatsu. And you have a lot of it for some reason."

"Our work is done here Renji. Take her back to the Soul Society with us.", the man whose profile was still hidden declared.

"Okay. Anyway, yeah, I'm going to have to bring you back with me." the red haired man said, and crouched to my eye level. And yes, I was pathetically still on the ground. He showed me the back of his hilt and was just about to slam it, but I was desperate to know some more about these people, and held onto his wrist.

"Will I ever see you again?" I shyly asked.

He smirked, "Maybe, probably, actually I'm not sure."

"How can I ensure that I will?"

"Well, I guess you can join the Academy to work with me, I'll look around for you, if I remember you at all."

"You have to be there, okay?" I pleaded. I was obviously out of my mind for practically FLIRTING with him.

He grinned again, "Sure.". I nodded.

"You're name is Renji?"

"Yep. Abarai Renji, at your service.", he winked, "Yours?"

"I'm dead, I don't have a name.", I took in a breath, "But when I was still alive, my...name...was..

...Sakamoto Hisana."

And Renji was about to hit my forehead...

but a clothed hand held it back.

It was the charming Taicho. And he really was handsome.

What do you think? Comment please!

-Tammy Sakamoto