A/N: Randomness at its finest. Originally written for the anon meme on LJ; prompt: "Elincia/Volke - she requires services that he never bothered to figure out a price for." It sounded like quite a bit of fun, despite how much I love Geoffrey/Elincia. It was just such an awesome idea!

Words: 486
Characters: Elincia, Volke
Time: Anytime
Genre: Drama

Disclaimer: Everything you recognize belongs to Nintendo, not me.

"I am in need of a fireman," she muttered to the barman, a cloak pulled low over her face. The smelly, unshaven old man grunted in response, not looking at her, but continuing to scrub glasses with a rag that was so filthy it could never have been washed.

Her heart pounded when he finally, subtly, left his position at the bar. The noise of the night's pleasures echoed in her ears, but she heard it as if from a distance, so fixated was she on her goal.

Elincia Ridell Crimea pulled the shabby cloak, her pitiful attempt at blending in with the common people, more tightly around herself. She trusted the general lack of sobriety in the room to more effectively hide her identity.

At last, the barman returned. He was alone, and he did not look at her.

"Good evening, Queen Crimea," whispered a voice in her ear.

She would have jumped out of her seat if he had not been holding her arm to prevent her doing exactly that.

Her heart throbbed even more painfully when she looked at him; her nerves were all on end. But her request to him was simple. As her eyes roved over the assassin's lithe body, as she felt the pouch of gold she had sown into her thin dress weigh cold and heavy over her heart, as she felt the pent-up desire boiling through all her restraints, she grabbed his belt in a breathless spell of boldness.

"I need you to have sex with me. Tonight. All night. You will not treat me as if I'm made of porcelain. You will ensure that I am fully satisfied tonight, in every way, above and beyond my expectations. How much will that cost?"

To her utter amazement, she saw his sharp, narrow eyes widen. His mouth fell open, and he made a unintelligible sound. She noticed, to her pleasure, that his eyes were beginning to flicker away from her face. Elincia raised a questioning eyebrow.

"What? Never been hired for anything other than killing before? How much will it be?"

In a flash, his face hardened again, completely impassive. Without warning he stood and proceeded to the stairway in the corner of the bar which led to the upstairs rooms; the building was partially an inn. Elincia followed at a stumbling run. He caught her in the shadows of the stairwell, hidden from prying eyes, and snaked a rough arm around her waist, while his other hand began to slide under her skirt.

"You will pay me in the morning," he said shortly. "And you will decide as to the amount."

He clutched her so hard that she could feel her skin bruising. A smile played at the corner of his mouth, and a thrill shot through Elincia's veins as she imagined what was to come. Volke always was too good at following orders.