Hi another mewsugarpudd and kisshufan4ever fic.

Hoteye calmly looked at the wall of his prison contemplating the words Jura had kindly spoken to him before he was taken away. Did he really mean it? Suddenly the heavy bolt on his reinforced steel door ground open. If this door didn't contain highly potent anti-magic he would have used heavens eye to acknowledge the visitor, but as it was he would have to sit and wait patiently pondering who this mystery visitor could be. Hoteye doesn't have any known family apart from Wally whose location is unknown, and being in oracion seis doesn't exactly encourage friends. He gasped as Jura his new friend walked into his cell with Erza Scarlet. Jura waved kindly, while Erza nodded coolly.

"Do you know why we are here Richard-dono?" Jura inquired curiously. Hoteye shook his head while switching from gazing at Jura to Erza.

"We have brought someone to see you," Erza informed the puzzled man on the floor " Wally." Hoteye gaped at the blocky man who walked into his cell.

"Wally" He whispered as his eyes filled up with tears. The man in question walked up to his long lost brother and wrapped him up in an embrace, his eyes also brimming with tears. Erza an Jura nodded briskly before muttering brief goodbyes and stepping outside the magic numbing walls so the two brothers could catch up. After a while Wally stepped out, wiping out his eyes furtively.

"So have you made arrangements to see him again" Erza questioned persistently. Wally nodded as they walked casually through the prison, gazing at the cells.

"I don't think all of oracion seis were truly evil" Jura mentions under his breath. Little did he know, not only his two companions heard his parting remark to the prison.

"Interesting" A dark haired boy remarked from inside his prison. "Interesting."

No one notices one black silhouette slink into the building. Freezing the bars of Brains cell and breaking him out sufficiently. Brain walked out the cell and slunk into the shadows after the man stopping briefly he looked in at the sleeping form of his adopted son before proceeding out the building. He only made it half way across the prison yard when a huge explosion took place. Followed shortly by a shadow slowly emerging into the cold night air acknowledging who it was Brain made his hasty getaway. Unbeknown to him the shadow was slowly following a few feet behind.

~1 week later~

News of the prison break spread round like wild fire though the council had not yet released the names of those who were dead or had escaped yet as it was still uncertain who had made it out alive. Of course the news had reached fairy tail first as the three guilds who had previously fought the oracion seis was needed once again to find the missing prisoners who's identity was only revealed to them. Four of the oracion seis had escaped and it was there job to find them. Unknown to them there job was about to become a lot easier. The twelve of them were all sitting at fairy tails bar when suddenly a bright light shone through the room illuminating everything in its path. When the light died down a voice spoke up.

"walikuwa ni i? (were am I)" a boy with white hair said. The strange thing was he looked just like midnight except were Midnights clothes are black his are white and vice verse the only other differences were his beads were blue and his choker red. Another odd thing about the boy was a penguin tattoo on his chest.

Suddenly the boy and Gray gaped at each other.

"Kowalski?" Gray stuttered. " Lakini I walidhani wamekufa" (but I thought you were dead).

" Sawa hapa" (same here) Kowalski replied.

The rest of the group assembled around the pair, staring in awe and confusion. The two felt a lot of eyes boring into their backs and Gray whipped round sheepishly.

"Err" Gray squirmed under the inquisitive glances the others were throwing. "This is Kowalski." The others looked from the awkward (now in his boxers) ice mage in front of them to the mysterious boy behind him. Though they were momentarily distracted by the guild doors being thrown open dramatically and a figure stepping into the room.

"Kowalski, Gray kuja kwako na mimi" (your coming with me) He commanded as he stepped into the light revealing himself to be non other than Brain. Everyone gasped as the two boys complied with his orders.

"Gray what are you doing?" Natsu yelled making the ice mage wince and recoil.

"I'm the eighth member of oracion seis" He declared "And Kowalski is the seventh." The look of pain and betrayal on everyone's face as an oracion seis mark replaced Gray's fairy tail symbol and one appears on Kowalski's forearm.

"He is also Midnight's twin" Brain informs them gaining even more looks of disdain.