"What are you doing?" Quinn screamed from the edge of the train bridge

"You're a smart girl Quinn." she yelled back matter-of-factly, no sarcasm present in her voice, "What does it look like I'm doing?" She said back just as Quinn had reached her. Leaning forward but still holding on the the bar that she stood on the outside of. The shallow ledge was about four inches, just enough for her heels to find purchase. Her silence made Rachel uneasy, "I'm contemplating the jump."

"Rachel, think about this," the blonde's voice was firm but immediately broke as she continued, "Please. Don't."

"Why now?" Rachel's voice so cold as tears brimmed her eyes, "Why do you care now?"

Quinn stepped behind the girl and placed her hands on the outside of the brunettes hands on the bar, just barely touching her thumbs to the other girls. "I have always cared. If you come back over here, I'll tell you everything. Just Please, Rae."

"Don't call me that!" the distress in the brown eyed teen's voice gave away that she had actually begun to cry now.

Quinn's hands moved to caress the smaller girls hands, but Rachel quickly readjusted so that she wasn't touching her at all, but Quinn moved back to the previous position slowly as the wind rustled by lightly.

"Can I please explain? Please? Just give me a chanc-"

"No!" Rachel quickly cut her off "You've had the passed eighteen years. Tell me what makes me so worthy of your attention now, so I know if it's worth sticking around for. I can't take being called Manhands for the next three month-"

"I Love You!" The air was sucked out of both teens as the statement sunk in to both of them. "I'm IN love with you." Quinn slowly covered the smaller girl's hands again, but this time the brunette didn't pull away.

The blonde's thumbs were lightly rubbing against Rachel's fingers as she interlaced her fingers into hers. The silence was deafening to Quinn as her head swam with doubt. Worried about what Rachel was thinking, she almost started to regret saying anything at all. That was until Rachel moved her hand out from under the shaking blonde's and then grabbed it and slowly moved it around her waist. Quinn stepped forward and did the same with the other arm with out Rachel's help. An exasperated sigh left her as she began to tear up again and she leaned her head in to the Rachel's neck and hair. Breathing deeply, she felt one step closer to saving her.

"Say it again." Quinn wasn't sure if she had only imagined the whisper from the girl in her arms but she didn't hesitate either way.

"I love you." Quinn blinked a few tears a way and subconsciously squeezed Rachel tighter, "I want you." She moved her head up, lips brushing over her ear as she whispered lightly "I need you." She felt the brunette suddenly turn in her arms and throw her arms around her neck. Quinn quickly but gently bent down over the rail and lifted the smaller girl up and over so that they were now on the same side enveloped in a tight embrace. She had been thankful for all the cheerleading muscles she had gained over the years. Rachel immediately broke down in her arms, her body slumping but Quinn walked her back a little so that both the rail and the blonde supported her.

"I've always loved you, Rachel." She pulled by a little and cupped the shorter girls face in her hands. "I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through." Quinn leaned up and pressed her lips to Rachel's forehead, leaving her lips there for a second as the brunette sniffled. "I was scared of my parents." She was back to looking into Rachel's eyes, which were red and puffy now. "I was scared of my religion. I was scared of everyone at school." Quinn choked back a sob but continued as she realized just how beautiful this girl was up close no matter how swollen her face was from being upset. "I was scared of losing everything." She stroked the Rachel's cheeks wiping away tears as she did. The brunette had shut her eyes and scrunched up her face as more tears escaped and Quinn leaned down and kissed the ones on her left cheek away and she continued to wipe the others with her hand on the right. "I was scared of losing you." Rachel tilted her head up just a little so that her lips were barely touching Quinn's, staring into each others eyes.

The two eighteen-year-olds suddenly broke apart as a horn pierced the air, heads snapping in the opposite direction that Quinn had come onto the bridge. A train was barreling towards them and Quinn snapped out of her daze, grabbed Rachel's hand and took off running to the end of the bridge.

Hahah. Sorry about the abrupt stop. :]

I have no idea what this will turn into. Let me know what you think.