Star Gate SG-1/Familiar of Zero:"The Road Home"

Cheyenne Mountain,

aka S.G.C.:

"You'd said it'd only be two day's Daniel, look at the place, it's up too my eye balls with junk", said a young man, about his mid twenty's,"Yes, yes i know Derick, but right now i have no other place too put them", said the former ascended being, Dr. Daniel Jackson, both of them were in, what used too be the usual meeting room, where Dr. Jackson and his former teammates, SG-1 used too gather and go on missions from, Derick picked up a book and flimflammed through it,"It'd be better with pictures, you know, big pictures", he said sarcastically, holding said book up by single page, Daniel see's this and rush's over,"Hey, careful, that's delicate", Derick just sighs and throws it too him,"Listen Dr. Jackson, when General O'Neil called me, i mean called ME, i was ecstatic".

"Really, funny, Jack said you sounded more like a giddy school girl", he said, still looking through the book,"Yeah, funny, anyway, when i get the call, and was offered a chance like this, who am i too turn it down", Derick sits down in one of the chairs,"How many Lt's, get an opportunity like this,huh?", Daniel closes the book and say's,"If i ask, will you leave my books alone","Funny, but, even though this is only a two week gig, until General Landry comes back, this is my chance too finally climb up the ladder, but, I'm afraid if this keeps up,(he holds up a book), I'm afraid they'll have too add murder too my file, which,(he grows a dark face), looks bad", Daniel see's the look, and puts his book down,"Right, I'll be finding another place too store them, okay".

"Would you", Derick gets up and walks over too the window,"You know something, i don't think I'll ever get tired of watching that", he say's, looking over as another SG team returns through the gate,"Yeah, you say that now,but, well, uh, I'd say something,but, I'm too tired", Daniel say's, yawning,"Up late again last night, you dog you", Derick jokes,"Huh?, oh, yeah, right, no, i was actually reading up on some of the files transmitted from when Atlantis was in the Pegasus Galaxy","Oh, right, i remember that, that was around the time the Ori were causing, trouble, i put that last part loosely", Daniel smiles,"Yep", Derick walks over too a table, carefully manoeuvring around some piles of books,"So, what's gotten your interest so peeked now, after all of it, i'd think you'd be over in Atlantis, you know, digging through old rooms, going through Ancients old cloths baskets, etc".

Daniel joins him, pouring himself a cup of coffee,"I was actually, but, i remembered when i was possessed by Merlin, i left some notes somewhere","Ah, hence the reason why the meeting room looks like a library, right", Daniel smiles and walks over too another stack,"Kind of, anyway Lieutenant, what's your story, we've met a couple of times,but, i never did catch why Jack offered you this position, temporary or not", Derick nodds,"Uh, yeah, the thing is, awhile back, i kind of saved him","Oh?", Derick rubbs the back of his head,"I mean his younger self, the clone", Daniel thinks, and starts reading another book,"Right, how'd that happen again","Well, when you go around, pretending too be a Generals Son, and than getting caught, it helps when you don't report them".

"Ah, good man", Derick looks at the Star Gate,"It still get's me", Daniel reply's,"Hmm, what does","The Gate, after all these years, seems like things are finally winding down, don't it", Daniel flips a page, and say's,"Time earned","I guess, still, it feels like, there's more too come, anyway, i hear they're nearly close too finishing the upgrades too the George Hammond", Derick say's, drinking the coffee,"Yeah, three ZPM's, McKay knows what he's doing, sometimes", Daniel said sarcastically, Derick just kept on drinking his coffee,"I guess, Destiny is a good distance away, so, more power the better","Hmm, huh?,oh, right, power, got it", Derick saw the look on his friend, and say's,"You know, Atlantis is one thing,but, I'd figure an egg head like yourself would be itching too get on board that project, what was it called, the Icarus, and now that they're actually trying a rescue attempt, your not going?".

"Well, the fact is i can go there whenever i want, with the stones at the Pentagon, besides, (he holds up a book), this is what i wanted too find","Oh, anything interesting?", he nods,"Maybe, this is definitely some of Merlin's handwriting, (he starts talking too himself), he mentions of Albion, which we've already know, but, it also mentions of another place", Derick leans back in his chair,"Really?, like what", but Daniel doesn't answer, he kept reading and reading, Derick takes another book and tosses it at his friend,who jumps up,"What...oh, sorry Lieutenantnt, uh, what was i saying again","You were talking abouMerlin'sn's note book, what'd the old fart have in it, porn,ha", he laughed,"Uh, nope, nothing like that, except, this", he gets up and holds the book tDerick'scks face,"Huh?, and this is, what?".

"This, is an address","As in, a Star Gate Address?","Yes, but, that's not what's gotten my interest, it's what else it say's, i may be jumping the gun here, but, it mentions the possibility of, another Icarus Gate", Derick's eye's widened,"Really?, that's great Daniel", but Daniel puts up his hand again,"And, there's this last part that's got me puzzled","And, that is","Well, the last part is written, in a certain Celtic language, it's say's, something about a Gandolf, not sure if that's right","Gandolf, sounds funny, what's it mean?", Danile set's the book down and thinks,"Well, that's usually a reference too something, when i read that text, it also mentions something else","Yeah, what?", Daniel looks at Derick,"Something too do with Void Energy".


Author's notes:

Hey everyone, i finally did it, i wanted too do this Story so badly, it was a little rushed, so i hope some of you out there have been peeked, i know i have I'm currently almost finished with one of my stories, and i said, hell with it, I'm a fan of both Star Gate and Familiar of Zero, and the thing that got me was, how similar the folks in that amine were too our world, French, and other stuff, anyway, hope you guy's like it, I'm planning on writing more chapters soon, some suggestions would be welcomed, EXCEPT FOR WRITTING, I KNOW I SUCK, PLEASE DON'T BOTHER WITH THAT, and also if some of you out there are asking about mistakes like these:

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry youuuuuuuuu shurrrrrre about thissssss..

IT'S THE PROGRAM I'M USING, NOT ME, GET IT, thank you, Pa-Lease review, i thank you,bye.