Carly gasped at the sight of that familiar masked teen strangling Ace with hi-tech handcuffs, thick rope, and for some random reason, duct tape.


"Heh, he didn't do all of the handiwork, I did it myself." A strange mature-yet-robotic voice startled her. Carly turned to find another guy with them…. Nevel. And he's freakin' evil (and that kinda rhymed..).

"Nevel?" She gasped out in disbelief. She then turned to Spectra. "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO HIM, YOU IDIOT?"

"Oh, I did nothing." The masked guy said in an so-called innocent voice. "He just wanted to destroy that so-called iCarly and get rid of you and your so-called friends and your older brother… oh yeah, and the rest of the Resistance, too."

Carly went blank at first but then started to scream. "…wha…. WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING? YOU'RE SO MEAN, AND CRUEL, AND-"

"Oh, enough talk, Carly Shay. If you're going to talk to him like that, save it for the brawl." Nevel interrupted.

"Wait, brawl?" Her expression went from angry to confused as she heard the words.

"Yeah, you must have that bakugan with you-" Nevel cocked his head to Fluereon before continuing it with, "-therefore, if you're gonna get minty back, you won't battle Spectra, you're going to have to battle me. If you win, you and the pathetic losers will have Ace back but if you lose, iCarly will finally fall down and you'll be my girlfriend forever."

Carly's forehead started to sweat as she thought of what Nevel just said. I mean, c'mon, no one wants iCarly to be over! Also, Nevel's too young for her.. and he's jank. But if Ace is gonna be free, she'll have to at least try..

"Fine. C'mon, bring it!" Carly's voice managed to summon out, her hands making those 'come over here' gestures, like you would see in a real fight.

"Carly, are you sure about this?" Fluereon asked in concern. "You didn't do so good last time.."

"Well, I got no choice!" She tried to reason. "I got to-"

"WAIT!" Came Ace's voice. It turned out that he used his tongue to push the duct tape (which sealed his mouth) away. Now using his handcuffed hands, he dug for something in his pocket and with a surprisingly good throw, he tossed that similar wrist-thingy (but it was light blue and white) to Carly's direction. She managed to catch it.

"Ace, what the heck is this?" Carly asked the minty-haired guy.

"That's a gauntlet; if you're gonna battle, at least use that. It's for the ability cards and everything!" Ace managed to shout out before Spectra sealed the guy's mouth with duct tape again, followed by a couple swear words and a "SHUT UP, YOU IDIOT!".

"O-k..?" She just said, uncertain. "How does this-?"

"GAUNTLET, POWER STRIKE!" A loud shout alarmed Carly; Nevel had just pressed the button on his own gauntlet and a neon crimson glow came out. Carly tried to follow, meekly saying "Gauntlet, Power Strike" as a neon blue glow also came out. At that very moment, the battle began…

Many battles later, it turned out that Nevel's surprisingly hard to beat. Carly found herself losing a few brawls more than she lost her PearPhone (which, by the way, she didn't lose) at school or something. Nevel's guardian bakugan was Pyrus and his (yes, this one has a gender!) name was Firtilus. But here's the thing, however, Firtilus was not a real bakugan, it actually a mechanical bakugan! It looked like a fox but more violent… and artificial. Also, Carly's Fluereon looked different than Carly thought; it did look like a fish, but it's actually A SERPENT.

"Aw man! I think I'm gonna lose! Ace is wrong, I'm not cut out on this brawling thing-" She thought frantically before a robotic growl and a shrill cry came from Fluereon.

"ABILITY ACTIVATE! TORRENTING FIRE TAILS!" Nevel cried out, activating an ability. Firtilus's tails began to light up on flames, spinning around like blades of a fan before the flames itself began to let go and hit Fluereon!

"STOP IT!" Carly screamed as her guardian bakugan was attacked once more with that ability. "STOP IT! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT HE'S HURT?" As she kept hearing screams, she covered her ears just so she wouldn't hear them.

"Well, well, so you're being a coward even if you're an internet sensation. That is so pathetic." She then heard Spectra sneering… and he's right in front of her! He then got hold of Carly's arm tightly and pulled her closer. She tried to push away but she couldn't.

"Wh- what are you doing?" She trembled nervously.

She heard him chuckle in amusement as he said, "So dense, you are. But while your pathetic bakugan is busy with Nevel…" Then as he said that, he leaned over to kiss Carly. Straight on the lips! Carly struggled to push away as she felt hot breath on her mouth. I mean, she'd probably kissed a few guys and those kisses were sweet, but Spectra's somehow, isn't.

"That's it, Firtilus! Now let's- what the hell?" And then it happened; Nevel saw Spectra kissing Carly. His eyes of destruction were then replaced with betrayal and rage.

"SPECTRA, HOW DARE YOU!" He screamed violently. Spectra heard him and quickly parted away in shock, not realizing that Nevel saw them doing this.

"YOU BETRAYED ME! YOU REALLY BETRAYED ME!" Nevel cried out, tears forming and his eyes went all red and puffy. "AND NOW YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!"

There came a flash and a huge explosion. There was fire, chunks of metal, and a loud scream….

Carly opened one eye and saw that the room was in ruins. Spectra was nowhere in sight, Firtilus went back into his ball form, and Nevel…. he passed out. His outfit in shreds and his face streaked with dirt, grease, and sweat.

Sam, Freddie, Spencer, Baron, and Mira soon arrived, along with Spectorion, Incariem, Cayonstarr, Nemus (Baron's guardian bakugan), and Wilda (Mira's guardian bakugan). They managed to get rid of the handcuffs and they untied that ropes that Ace was trapped in. They also unpeeled off the duct tape so fast that at the moment, Ace screamed (manly, not girly). His guardian bakugan, Percival, sat on Ace's shoulder.

"Dude, what just happened?" Sam questioned to Carly.

"No idea, but all I know is that Nevel just went un-evil and tried to attack that Spectra guy." Carly explained.

"T-The other V-Vexos f-f-fled, too." Incariem pointed out, shivering at mentioning the Vexos.

"I know, but at least they won't interfere with us again." Freddie stated.

"Yeah," Carly managed to relax a little. Then she turned to Ace. "I'm just glad that you didn't really rape those people earlier."

"I agree, besides, Cecili would kill me if I- wait, rape? I DIDN'T RAPE THEM!" Ace then started to yell in total shock.

"If you.. didn't rape them.." Spencer slowly arranged the pieces together, word by word. "Then who did?"

As they were guessing out who the rapist was, they suddenly heard loud, maniacal laughing and screaming as police sirens began to wail.

"Um… remember what Demeter said about the hobo who once found this place?" Baron remembered nervously.

"..yeah?" Everyone else just said, uncertain. An awkward silence filled the room until they realized..


"Then let's stop him." Ace decided, putting on his own gauntlet.

As they managed to get out of the secret lair and out of the Space Needle, they set off to fight off the hobo… with the bakugan.

Eugene: Ok, sorry that it wasn't much but I'm pretty sure it's ok. Anyway, I'm totally glad that it's over! *exhales breath* Oh yeah, since I'm done this… I'm just gonna put up this final note:

**~This is for Shunskitten as well as the Wellington family (including my ex-bf Shaun, Josh Brookton [Shauna's girlfriend], and Maria Mitchel [Shaun's current girlfriend]). These finished chappies are a totally early Christmas present for you all so please enjoy from the other side of America! XD~**

And this is from the brawlers, the iCarly gang, and me (I'm alone though.. -.-)! LATERS! XD