Food Poisoning

"It's okay." I soothed in my boyfriend's ear. He was leaning over the toilet bowl, spewing his guts out. Poor Trent. He had been like this for about three days now. He couldn't eat anything and keep it down for longer than a minute. I vowed to myself that I would stay by his side the whole time. I mean, he was by my whole side through the pregnancy, when I was the one leaning over the toilet. So, why should I leave him now?

It all started on Valentines day. Trent had taken me out for a special treat to a new restaurant in the city center.


"Trent." I gasped, taking a good look around the place. It absolutely massive! The building itself had three floors, the bottom and top were used as seating areas, the middle as the kitchen. It was the most posh, and most expensive, place Trent had ever taken me.

The carpet was a deep crimson, and the walls weren't much lighter. There were electric candles in little glass containers on the walls, giving the room a dim light. Each table had a red chair, which was gold plated, and a table with a deep red cloth covering it. Most of the tables had just two seats, some had four and there were a few booths against the wall.

The whole place gave off a sense romance. I slid my hand into Trent's and tried to take it all in, but I couldn't. I was feeling so out of place in my black dress and silver jewelry.

"How can you afford this?" I whispered in his ear as we waited in the line. The que was to get to the man who told you where your table was. In side the place was packed to the brim with happy couples, talking and laughing with each other.

"I have my ways." He whispered back, giving my ear lobe a slight kiss. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach clenching around my insides. They were just as nervous as I was about going into a fancy restaurant like that.

"Name?" The man asked as we cam to the front of the line.

"Coleman." Trent replied. He's booked the reservations under his name, my soon to be name. We'd been engaged for six months and were planning on getting married in April, one year after we'd met. It was going to be amazing. Trent was the person I wanted to spend my whole life with. And I was going to. Just the three of us, Trent, me and our baby girl, Leah.

"Table 54, it's upstairs." He pointed to the staircase to his right and Trent nodded his head to the man. We stepped forward and towards the staircase. It had a dark wooden flooring, with a single crimson carpet going up the middle. It was almost like the red carpet leading upwards.

As the two of us reached the second floor, the most beautiful smell hit my nostrils. It was a mix of every food I could ever imagine and it was pure bliss to stand and sniff the air for a moment. But, it was short lived. The further up we went, the stronger the smell of roses became. The top floor looked exactly like the bottom.

"Table 54." Trent told the lady who was waiting at the top for us. She smiled kindly and grabbed two menus from under her podium. She led us over to a table near the back and handed us each a menu.

"Thank you." I said, smiling at her. She gave a nod of her head and walked back to the front. Trent, being the gentleman he is, pulled my chair out for me and I sat down. He pushed me in and then took his own seat.

The two of us smiled at each other for a while, before glancing down at the menus. Everything looked so good, I had a lot of trouble deciding. In the end I just went with a plain chicken salad. I didn't want to blow a lot of our money, we were saving up for a proper house, so we could move out of our cramped apartment.

Trent ordered a steak for himself. He loved steak, but it was quite expensive to buy, so he rarley had it. It was a nice treat for him to have one, and after what he had done for me, I wasn't going to bug him about the price.


Slowly, I helped Trent to his feet again. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped his mouth. He gave me a weak smile and I smiled back, giving him a peck on the cheek. Together, we walked back to bed.

I was feeling bad for Trent. He hadn't done anything to deserve to get such a terrible thing like food poisoning. That stupid, expensive steak hadn't been cooked properly and given him food poisoning.

I filed a lawsuit against the restaurant. Being a lawyer had it's advantages. Turns out the owners had spent do much doing it out, they couldn't afford the best staff. The cook had been a student, a trainee cook. He hadn't been able to cook the meat properly and so it gave my poor fiancee food poisoning. It was disgusting. Luckily the place got shut down for that.

"Thank you." Trent whisperd into my ear. I sighed and rubbed my head into his neck.

"I love you." I replied, and, even though I couldn't see it, I knew Trent smiled down at me. Giving the top of my head a quick peck.

"I love you, too."

A/N: Awwwww!

This is dedicated to Space between Seconds :) Sorry for the wait, but I was having trouble thinking of a plot :)

Trentney is SUPER cute! I love them :)

Yeah...I've never had food poisoning before...All I know is you throw up a lot...So, that's why not a lot of detail in there...

Thanks for reading, please review :)

Love, ChloeRhainnonX

P.S. I have had my laptop taken off me, but my mom's just gone to the store so I'm using my step-sisters to write this ;)