Unexpected Surprise!

Disclaimer: I do not own the fever series! They belong to Karen Marie Moning.

Previous re-cap:

"I'm going to be an uncle and you never told me?" Rowan asked exasperated drawing out a laugh from Mac and the queen.

Mac looked at her brother, "You're going to be an uncle." She said in happiness. Then she turned and faced Barrons, a question in her eyes which was confirmed by Barrons as he took her hand and held her in a tight embrace. They made their way forward and stopped just before the king and queen. "WE want to find out." Mac said as she looked into Barrons' eyes full of love and understanding.

"Then so be it." The king declared.

Chapter Eleven:

Mac looked at Barrons, butterflies in her stomach. She was finally going to know for certain about her child, about the life inside of her. She had many concerns about the child. Would he/ she take after Mac and become a sidhe- seer? Or would the child be like Barrons? She still wasn't quite certain what Barrons was. She didn't know the secrets that he guarded regarding what he and his brothers were. What if the child- No. Mac took in a deep breath. She would not do this to herself. She had to be brave and she had to find out for certain what was going on. But one thing was certain in her mind and heart: She loved this child more than life itself. She would protect their child with all that she was. And there was no doubt in her mind that Barrons would do the exact same.

"Alright, everyone is to stand back." The king called out before closing his eyes and started murmuring secretive words that created a magic spell. Everyone stood as far as they could, yet still all wanted to witness what the King would do with his powerful magic. A light began to glow within the room. The words that spilled from the King's mouth began to seem like an old forgotten yet sweet melody.

Mac closed her eyes and experienced the old language that surrounded her in every way. The words seemed to heat her inner core. And what did you know—even junior seemed to be enjoying it through her.

Barrons looked sharply at the old King and exchanged a quick glance with Ryodan. Whatever the hell the king seemed to be dragging across to BB&B sure as hell didn't wish to be coming. He knew that if one threat or threatening move was made, whoever or whatever the damn thing was—it would be dead before it even managed to complete its move. His attention then shifted to Mac. She lay nestled in his embrace, clearly enjoying the spell that the King seemed to be creating. She looked almost turned on but then he saw her hand cover her stomach and remembered that this was not the time nor place to be thinking such thoughts.

"Ah, there she is." The queen whispered ever so slightly. Yet, her one sentence seemed to capture everyone's attention.

Mac felt Barrons tighten his embrace. Curious, Mac opened her eyes and adjusted to the brightness that seemed to fill the room. Mac looked to find a pure white woman standing in the middle of the room, emitting some sort of white glow about her. Her hair was pure as snow and her eyes sparkled like diamonds. Those eyes freaked out Mac. She felt as though she was bare and vulnerable in front of those eyes. It was a feeling that Mac 4.0 did not want to feel.

"Why have you brought me here, Unseelie King?" The woman's voice chimed in several pitches making it hard to decipher what she was actually saying.

"A young star it is a pleasure to see you once more." The king greeted the woman. The woman snorted at the king but willingly hugged the queen when she same close.

"It has been too long, Seelie Queen. Forgive me for not telling you the truth." The star chimed once more.

Mac stood gaping at the woman. It was a star! A freaking star! Not like the Hollywood ones (though she could give them a run for their money), it was a real life out-of-this-world star! She called out, drawing immediate attention upon herself, "Why do you keep calling her star?"

The queen walked to Mackayla and clasped her hands, "Because dear, the star has a name that could never be pronounced by anyone other than the stars themselves. Now onto more important things." The queen walked back to the king and watched.

Barrons watched the star through narrow eyes. He didn't care whether or not she was of earth or a different galaxy, he was concerned with Mac and the baby being okay. He didn't particularly find it comforting to see the star circle Mac and occasionally reach out to touch her. He felt on edge around her and in the corner he could Ryodan and Kasteo tense every time she walked past them.

"Hmmm, so a child is the reason is I've been called this time?" The star sharpened her gaze on the king and queen.

"They need answers regarding the child. As I'm sure you already know, Barrons and Mac are two different beings and the child might be completely different. They want answers." The king stepped up to explain but felt as though the star already knew with her all-knowing eyes flashing between the young couple and the life that was nestled deep inside Mac.

The star waved a dismissive hand, "Yes, Yes, that's all old news. But it certainly is interesting to see a powerful sidhe-seer together with a beast of your kind." The star took a step back when Barrons began to growl and his grip tightened on Mac, pulling Mac away from the star as an automatic response.

The star simply raised an eyebrow. She turned to the elder fae couple, "What makes you so concerned about them?" She gestured to Barrons and Mac.

The queen shrugged out of her lover's protective embrace and approached the star, "We think of Mac as though she were our own. We know that when she loves someone with all her heart, she protects them with all her strength. She pours her heart into everything that she does. This child is already more precious to her than words could describe and we refuse to see her hurt."

The star nodded in understanding and turned back to Barrons and Mac. "This child is growing quite well. The child will take after the father, so beware young Mackayla when the child begins to grow older. The child will, no doubt, display the same..uh..talents that the father does." The star pointed out to Barrons, "You! Barrons they call you, yes? Take well care of her as this child makes her more vulnerable than normal pregnancies because of the child's abilities, do I make myself clear?" When Barrons nodded, she resumed her attention back to Mac, "Don't worry, young Mackayla. You child will be unharmed, though this pregnancy will be more severe in its symptoms and you must remember to take care of yourself and not to get into any bad fights. Also, you can go to a regular doctor's office as the child is seemingly human in form…right now." With that the star drew closer and drew Mac out of Barrons embrace. The star murmured a spell and a blanket of light settled around Mac. The star hugged Mac and whispered ever so slightly, "This protection spell will keep you and the child unharmed in the trial you are going to face. Good luck, little warrior." With that the star drew back to her original position.

Mac could feel a warmness around her as though she were really enveloped in light like the star.

The star turned towards Kasteo, who looked puzzled at the attention he was receiving. "Beast, you have waited decades for the day she would return, have you not?" Kasteo remained confused, "Your Everilda awaites for you to this day. She was given the gift of immortality long ago. Go, she is in this city…you will surely see her again."

Kasteo looked to the star with wide eyes, and without waiting a second he ran out the front door.

Mac watched him flee and felt something tug deep inside her. She saw the love that remained in his eyes for the woman whom he had lost long ago. She didn't know his story but knew whatever had happened was something that he had not forgiven his brothers for. But he was a man, a beast, who could not speak out against the rest however at the moment she saw him as a dying warrior trying to find his last reason to live again. To survive. She hoped that he would find her soon. He was always quiet, never quite in the same room, as though his heart was somewhere else. At least maybe his inner war with his beast would settle down when he met whoever he was searching for. She looked up to Barrons. He seemed to be looking at the star through narrowed eyes. Leave it up to this man- beast to get annoyed with a celestial body.

The star turned to Rowan and watched him for a moment before returning her attention to the king and queen, "I wish for you to return me back."

The king nodded, however before he could even start his chant the front door opened. "Hey Mac!" Dani walked through the door with a heavy- looking backpack. "I just came—" The words on her lips died as soon as she saw everyone in the shop. She looked at the lady shimmering in white, then over to the king and queen. With raised eyebrows she looked over to Mac and in the corner of her eye, she even spotted Ryodan in the back looking back intently at her. "Well, clearly I'm missing something."

Mac looked at the young girl and mused on what was going between her and Ryodan, who couldn't keep his eyes off her. "I'll fill you in later." Mac saw the star leave her position and make a way towards Dani.

Dani tensed as the woman came over to her and began to circle about her. "Hey, what the hell do you want?" Dani asked, threatening to draw her weapon.

"No! Dani, she's a star." Mac yelled out, knowing Dani had a tendency to get violent pretty easily.

Dani left her weapon alone as she took in the star that now stood in front of her. She was sure her mouth was hanging open but she couldn't help it because it was a star! A star from up above!

"Ah, young warrior, so quick for battle. Such fire, beautiful spark." The star caressed Dani's cheek. "You are the most exquisite creature I have ever seen. Beautiful warrior, have you ever gone up to the skies?" Dani shook her head in a negative motion. The star brightened, "Ah, then you must come with me. I can show you wonders that you never thought were possible." Leaning closer the star whispered in Dani's eyes, "I can show your human eyes wonders and magic that you never would have believed existed. It will enchant you heart and sate that curiosity that burns deep in your eyes."

Dani felt uncomfortable at the star's proximity. Yet the voice was sounding very...soothing. Was this how all stars behaved? Was the star coming on to her? Dani was running thoughts in her head, something that could put the star down and away from her without any force necessary. Just then she felt a presence close behind her.

"She won't be going anywhere with you." Ryodan threatened in a quiet voice.

The star looked up and locked eyes with Ryodan. After a long minute she backed away slowly and returned to her position, "Very well, claim her fast, otherwise I will be back for her. I have patience for right now. Unseelie King, return me." The star turned her gaze to Dani and winked, "I will be back beautiful warrior."

Ryodan watched the star through narrowed eyes. He had heard every little whispered comment the star had made to Dani. He never thought he'd have to worry about Dani being stolen away by a celestial body but clearly wonders never cease to happen. What in hells name would've happened had he not been here? Pure impulse had driven him to Dani's side. In that moment, he wanted to claim her and declare to the world that she belonged solely to him. He wanted the star to back away and never set her conniving eyes on what was his. This incident couldn't be repeated ever again. He would claim her as his. Dani was his.

The king began to murmur words of the spell once more. In a flash of light, the star disappeared and empty space filled where she stood a few moments before. The king turned to the four people standing on the other side. Awkwardly he scratched his chin, "I probably should have told you beforehand that, that certain star is a bit of a feminist and has a dislike of the male species on earth."

Dani looked incredulously at the king, "She was coming onto me?"

The king nodded, "Stars aren't given a gender, and they only look a certain way. That star is assumed female because of the looks possessed by her. To the star, any gender is fair game. I heard stars possess a persuasion ability. She could have persuaded you to go with her and you probably would've gone. Lucky for you that young man stepped up!" The king bellowed out a laugh, leaving the others completely speechless.

Author's note: I'm so sorry! I wasn't able to put the chapter up when I promised. My health actually got really bad in between and then I had to concentrate on catching up on everything I missed and my fanfictions got pushed back over and over again. I want to thank everyone that wished me well. I'm going to try to update as soon as possible to finish this story because it has been too long! Thanks for hanging in there! All your reviews made it possible for me to come back to fanfiction! Thanks everyone!

-Midnight Tsuki