
Amidst countless ruins of worlds conquered and civilizations destroyed, he sat and pondered, his eyes, massive vortexes of flame and malice were closed as his fingers, twisted, malformed talons of death caressed his chin, legions of malignant beings stood before him, ready to serve, ready to destroy in his name.

And destroy he would. Oh he would destroy so…beautifully.

He would destroy it all. For the countless things he'd witnessed gave him cause, provided him the evidence he'd need to judge the beings of the universe, undeserving of existence.

The precious creations of his brother and his former comrades would be removed from the universe…would be cleansed.

He could see a very vast amount. His vision carried across countless fathoms and his senses were flooded with so many potential first targets.

His army…this new legion would need practice. They would need to learn how to work together before they became a workable force of nature.

But he couldn't simply just choose any world. Some of the Titan's creations would prove too much for his army, as disorganized as they were.

No, he'd have to choose a world with denizens of moderate strength for his army to gain experience on. A world that they could fight against that would provide, if only for a while a moderate defense.

He searched, his consciousness skimming over the minds of the beings of numerous worlds, for a week until he found one.

The denizens of this plane were barbarians of numerous cultures with a warrior's strength about them and were zealous and steadfast in their beliefs.

Numerous species resided on this world, but only two really stood apart from the rest. They were identical in all but practice. One was more industrialized. Hard working and used to labor, these people were capable of great feats of engineering and mechanics. Seeming to love to outdo everything they accomplished with something even more outlandish and inspiring.

The second species was magical.

Inventive and cunning. These people relied on their abilities to accomplish great feats. Mastering transformations, levitation, elemental manipulation…the list goes on. With their power they subjugated any other species that challenged them. Trolls, vampires, dragons, werewolves…they all fell to the magical beings. But even with their power they feared their non magical sister race, whose mechanical strength matched their magical.

The two existed in a relative harmony, neither daring to offend the other.

They would pave the road for this new army…They would be the hammer that shaped the sword of the burning legion.

This world…Terra…would become a tool for the legion.

The burning legion invaded this world suddenly, enslaving and recruiting countless new members, mostly from the subjugated races.

But even that didn't prepare the demons for what came next.

Both species surged to the front lines, eager to defend their world, thirsting for war…

The burning legion had no Idea the hornets net they had stirred up…Sargeras had no idea…

The very first time the burning legion invaded this world was the very first time they were…humiliated on a massive scale.

Machine and magic assaulted and destroyed the demons and soon after that. Machine and magic combined, and gave birth to a species even more powerful than the first two.

It was a disaster. It was a disaster that the dark titan had not anticipated, but happily allowed to pass. For the results of this experiment were even greater than he had thought they would be.

Yes, this is exactly what the legion needed.

Terra did not fall. The burning legion had gained its method of training.

This war went on for generations. The denizens of Terra only grew in power, evolving both physically and technologically to face their ever growing foe.

But the Dark titan saw this not as a defeat…but as an opportunity.

The people of Terra grew immeasurably strong. Those of the burning legion who had survived the devastating attacks wrought upon them by the terrans returned, hardened warriors of renowned strength and power, capable of handling all thrown their way.


Terra fell right into Sargeras' plans so perfectly.

Many didn't make it past their first week. Arrogance had no place on this world…many learned that quickly or died horrible shameful deaths.

He lost count of how many years this went on and he had long since stopped caring. Terra continued to serve its purpose however unintentionally, fueling power into the burning legion and allowing for his vast army to begin their sweep across the cosmos.

Success was an understatement. None of the worlds the burning legion had come across had stood a chance; many of the demons who had survived the ravages of Terra went to these worlds expecting the same kind of harsh resistance to spring up.

They never did.

World after world fell, species after species either became servants or were destroyed.

Their campaign…flawless.

Until they met the Eredar…

Three leaders ruled this race.

Two were seduced by the intoxicating promises of power the burning legion could offer.

One was not. He rallied those he could and led an army to combat the burning legion.

It was the strongest resistance the legion had ever come across since Terra and although the third leader was defeated, he was not killed, he escaped on his starship with thousands of his untainted race and shot off into the cosmos.

The burning legion would not let them go so easily.

They refused to suffer this humiliation.

They pursued these people for thousands of years.

It was sometime during this that the dark titan's attention was drawn to yet another world, one filled with vast magics that smelled of the Titan's doing and so much like Terra had been... He could sense the great magic swirling on this world and sought to have it for himself.

But he first had to deal with the Draenei. He traced them to a world inhabited by green skinned beings called orcs, whose bond with their planet both disgusted yet intrigued him.

He saw the growing bond between the Orcs and the Draenei and sought to end that before it grew too strong.

The chaos he wrought upon the Orcs and the Draenei would be the stuff of demonic legends. It was so…perfect, so beautiful. The destruction he brought to the world of Drenor, forcing the shattered remains of those once Eredar to flee once again while at the same time enacting his plan to gain this other world as his own. The people…the high elves were so easily corrupted, so easily swayed.

But even on the precipice of destruction, the elves proved more formidable…proved to be the most formidable foe they had to face for a long, long while, even greater than the Draenei. They destroyed the portal that would have brought the dark titan to that world and ousted the ones responsible for this calamity that split apart the very land…

Ten thousand years of evolution followed.

This world…Azeroth gave birth to numerous other species, each one more unique than the last. The dark titan's desire for this world grew even more, soon developing numerous extravagant plans to shatter the world and gain its energies, and he began to grow desperate as well. Azeroth was reacting the same way Terra did when it was invaded. The people, the very planet itself was gaining strength at an unbelievable pace in order to combat them. He did NOT want that. Not for this world.

Orcish invasions, undead plagues….he sent one thing after another at this world and they continued to persevere. They continued to defeat the burning legion again and again and again until finally he'd had enough and sent one of his generals, Archimonde to destroy this world…

And again they were defeated.

The dark titan's frustration only grew when the Draenei crash landed on Azeroth and gained the protection of the alliance.

Eventually, he focused his sole attention on Azeroth, plotting, manipulating and waiting for the chance to conquer these stubborn beings.

He forgot all about the first world to defeat the legion…forgot all about the beings whose ability to kill them had given said demons the fortitude to do what they could do.

Sergeas the Dark Titan commander of the Burning legion had forgotten all about Terra…


Bright green eyes narrowed down at the mangled form of the dread lord before him, Next to him stood three more people, One with fiery red hair, another with bushy brown hair and the last with pale yellow, almost silver hair. Their entire bodies radiated power and bloodlust and their weapons and armor gleamed with a metallic quality seen in new gear…yet these were veterans.

"So," began the blonde, a twisted smile forming upon his lips as he kneeled down. There was a screen over his eyes glowing blue and flooded with data and information. His left ear was replaced with a metallic headphone looking covering that connected to the screen.

"Your dark master has abandoned you here eh?" he brought forth his weapon. A foot long metal stick with intricate markings and runes upon it and rested the end on the dread lord's forehead.

"Deemed us no longer worthy to challenge did he?" the end of the stick began to glow, making the demon on the ground actually whimper.

The lone female of the group, the one with bushy hair crossed her arms over a busty, armored chest. Her left arm wasn't organic…it was mechanical.

"That's bloody bullshit," he snarled as he pulled the stick back slowly. The dread lord screamed in agony as a stream of silver was ripped from his brain. None of the group was affected in anyway.

"Our world didn't spend generations fighting you filth…JUST SO YOU CAN RUN AWAY!"

The green eyed one tapped a button on his right shin. A compartment opened up with a hiss and spat out a turquoise vial, letting the demon know that this man's legs…or at least the bottom half of his right leg was mechanical as well.

The red head spoke. His voice was an artificial, mechanical one that had an echo quality to it.

"There is no escape…not from us," he said.

The last of the silver disconnected from the demon's head and the result of this act was a sticky stream of silver dangling from the end of the blonde's weapon.

"I have it," he said to the green eyed one who gave a nod and opened the vial.

"Good work." He held out the vial and allowed the blonde to place the silver substance within. The dread lord had stopped screaming and was lying there, panting. The blonde rose back up and turned away.

"Our work here is done. Mudblood, you can have him," he said with a teasing smirk.

The woman snorted and uncrossed her arms. Her left eye flashed an eerie glowing red as she eyed the fallen demon.

"Lazy ass," she muttered even as her arm broke apart at the seams and transformed into a high tech and dangerous looking gun that pulsated with blue energy. The blonde snorted and gave a smirk, opting not to say anything, much to the amusement of the woman.

She looked back down to the demon and aimed her weapon at his chest. "Any last words?" she asked.

The dread lord managed one last glare. "If you go there, Technomancer…there will be no saving you from…him. You…tread dangerous waters. And he will steal your world in retaliation for your arrogance."

An armor plated foot stomped harshly into his chest making the demon gasp out in pain. The green eyed man stared down at him his eyes narrowed and angry.

"When we go there, demon, the cosmos itself will sing of the horror we will unleash upon you and your precious dark master."

An aura flared around him and illuminated his face, revealing a handsome visage with rectangular green glasses made of energy and glowing green lightning bolt shaped scar on the forehead.

"And afterwards, we will come to each and every one of your worlds and rip them from your broken, dying hands. Then we'll see whose world belongs to whom."

He removed his foot and walked away.

"Kill him slowly, Hermione."

The woman smirked. A ring of energy sprang into existence around the middle of her arm-gun and began to spin.

"With pleasure," she said.

The dread lord's screams rent the night air for three hours…


Sargeras had forgotten about this world, dismissed them altogether in favor of conquering Azeroth,

But Terra had far from forgotten him…

The green eyed man eyed the Vial in his hand and smirked.


The Technomancers would be meeting her soon enough.

Sargeras was living on borrowed time…


Bit of lore and a back story for ya. Hope ya liked it.

And for those of you who can't guess, the four killing and memory extracting the dread lord were Hermione, Ron, Harry and Draco.

Race History Technomancer: The Technomancers came into existence around 50 A.D. by then sixteen generations had already been born, grew old and died fighting the legion. The magical and non-magical people had long since banded together and mastered fighting alongside each other.

It was during a battle, when a magical one picked up a bow and used his magic to enhance the weapon the fire said weapon into the chest of a fel-guard, blowing a hole in his chest that a discovery was made. Many more began to do this and as the years went by, they started getting more and more creative with their creations. The non-magical people started getting bolder and bolder with the machines and weapons they could create in their eagerness to see how they would work with magic until, generations later, everyone had a magical aura that fueled one or more mechanical body part and weapon. Technomancers have a wide variety of spells and technologies, making them extremely dangerous and unpredictable in battle. They are the ultimate mixture of magic and machine with vast cities pulsating with arcane and harnessed energies.

They are ruthless and battle hungry. No demon is safe and they kill on sight, anyone or anything associated with demons. They are generally either sadistically happy or extremely cold in personality with a few emotions in between. They also have an ironic liking for creating androids in the shapes of demons. Usually imps and Nethrezim.

Hope yall like this. I put in a good bit of work for this one.

Oh and not to worry. The chapters for the rest of my stories are almost complete. Those of you who are reading all of my fics prepare for a mass update REALLY soon!

Till next time PEACE out!